[iaoa-education] Agenda proposal for today's meeting (n.50 - Tue, Aug 17, 2021)

Frank Loebe frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Tue Aug 17 12:19:41 CEST 2021

Dear all,

for today's meeting (Tue, Aug 17, 10:00 EDT / 14:00 UTC / 16:00 CEST /
17:00 SAST), I'd like to propose the agenda below, subject to your
approval and further contributions.

Hear (some of) you soon,

= IAOA Education Technical Committee meeting n.50 on Aug 17, 2021 =

   IAOA EduTC Meeting
   Tuesday,  Aug 17, 2021  14:00 GMT / UTC
   regional times:         10:00 EDT / 16:00 CEST / 17:00 SAST [1]

   Skype: https://join.skype.com/eKAVpRwdkfFY
   Chat : http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_educ


[2] transcript of n.49, Jul 26, 2021

[3] ESAO organization document


== participants ==

     LJ  Ludger Jansen
     FL  Frank Loebe
     SL  Sandra Lovrencic
     RR  Robert Rovetto
     LV  Laure Vieu

     OK  Oliver Kutz
     DP  Daniele Porello

     ES  Emilio Sanfilippo
     TS  Todd Schneider
     CT  Cassia Trojahn

long-term regrets:
* TS until end of Sep 2021

== Agenda of EduTC meeting n.50, Aug 17, 2021 ==

=== ESAO / ESAO Launch Day ===

1. speakers & schedule
    a. program finalization: state / comments on schedule? [see sect. 9]
       1: title for A.Galton talk?
       2: overview of pre-recordings vs live talks: pre only A.Galton
    b. speaker participation status

2. 2nd call for participation
    a. preparation: who and when
    b. distribution: who and when

3. ESAO(-LD) web presence
    a. review of ESAO website and wikipage
    b. task distribution
    c. add links to wikipage to BOSK & ISAO websites

4. registrations & participation
    a. nr of ESAO registrations so far    [if OK present]
    b. who among us will attend in which way?

5. intraday organization
    a. technical setup
       1: Zoom & hybrid: anything special to know?
       2: instructions for speakers
       3: test session(s): needed? when?
    b. session chairs
    c. preparation of introductory slides and remarks
    d. bar camp organization
       1: thoughts in [sect. 9.2]
       2: hybrid groups possible (physical + online)?
       3: experience with break-out rooms? moderators?

6. ESAO future
    a. any news by anyone?
       1: any unit productions in progress?
       2: next webinar sessions?
    b. procedure before Sep 07
    c. need for process clarification -> with community?
       (PC, decisions, quality assurance)
    d. gathering feedback from potential audience during ESAO-LD?
       (1 bar camp topic? questionnaire?)

=== Other EduTC matters ===

7. EduTC wiki access

8. SWAO SIG: "What is an ontology?" -> report possible?

9. Next meeting(s) & AoB
    * ? any time between Aug 23 and Sep 06 ?
    * ? Tue, Sep 07, 09:00 EDT / 13:00 UTC / 15:00 CEST / 16:00 SAST ?

= pre-meeting material =

[1] ESAO-LD 2021 website

[2] ESAO wiki area

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