[iaoa-education] Transcript of the IAOA Education Committee Meeting n.50 - Aug 17, 2021

Frank Loebe frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Tue Aug 17 19:24:57 CEST 2021

Dear all,

please find below the chat transcript of the Education
Committee meeting n.50, held until ca. 30 min ago.

If you have any comments or change requests, please let me know.

We have agreed on this date and time for the next meeting:

   IAOA EduTC Meeting n.51
   Tuesday,  Sep 07, 2021  13:00 GMT / UTC
   regional times:         09:00 EDT / 15:00 CEST / 16:00 SAST [1]
!! last meeting before the ESAO Launch Day; 1h earlier than recently !!

     --> Please mark your calendars or let us know if it
         won't work for you, but you'd like to join.

Best regards,

-- unedited chat transcript --

[16:00] FrankLoebe: .
= IAOA Education Technical Committee meeting n.50 on Aug 17, 2021 =

   IAOA EduTC Meeting
   Tuesday,  Aug 17, 2021  14:00 GMT / UTC
   regional times:         10:00 EDT / 16:00 CEST / 17:00 SAST [1]

   Skype: https://join.skype.com/eKAVpRwdkfFY
   Chat : http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_educ


[2] transcript of n.49, Jul 26, 2021

[3] ESAO organization document


== participants ==

     LJ  Ludger Jansen
     FL  Frank Loebe
     SL  Sandra Lovrencic
     RR  Robert Rovetto
     CT  Cassia Trojahn
     LV  Laure Vieu

     OK  Oliver Kutz
     DP  Daniele Porello

     ES  Emilio Sanfilippo
     TS  Todd Schneider
     CT  Cassia Trojahn

long-term regrets:
* TS until end of Sep 2021

== Agenda of EduTC meeting n.50, Aug 17, 2021 ==

=== ESAO / ESAO Launch Day ===

1. speakers & schedule
    a. program finalization: state / comments on schedule? [see sect. 9]
       1: title for A.Galton talk?
       2: overview of pre-recordings vs live talks: pre only A.Galton
    b. speaker participation status

2. 2nd call for participation
    a. preparation: who and when
    b. distribution: who and when

3. ESAO(-LD) web presence
    a. review of ESAO website and wikipage
    b. task distribution
    c. add links to wikipage to BOSK & ISAO websites

4. registrations & participation
    a. nr of ESAO registrations so far    [if OK present]
    b. who among us will attend in which way?

5. intraday organization
    a. technical setup
       1: Zoom & hybrid: anything special to know?
       2: instructions for speakers
       3: test session(s): needed? when?
    b. session chairs
    c. preparation of introductory slides and remarks
    d. bar camp organization
       1: thoughts in [sect. 9.2]
       2: hybrid groups possible (physical + online)?
       3: experience with break-out rooms? moderators?

6. ESAO future
    a. any news by anyone?
       1: any unit productions in progress?
       2: next webinar sessions?
    b. procedure before Sep 07
    c. need for process clarification -> with community?
       (PC, decisions, quality assurance)
    d. gathering feedback from potential audience during ESAO-LD?
       (1 bar camp topic? questionnaire?)

=== Other EduTC matters ===

7. EduTC wiki access

8. SWAO SIG: "What is an ontology?" -> report possible?

9. Next meeting(s) & AoB
    * ? any time between Aug 23 and Sep 06 ?
    * ? Tue, Sep 07, 09:00 EDT / 13:00 UTC / 15:00 CEST / 16:00 SAST ?

= pre-meeting material =

[1] ESAO-LD 2021 website

[2] ESAO wiki area

[16:07] FrankLoebe: < session starts >

[16:13] FrankLoebe: .
== 1. speakers & schedule ==
    a. program finalization: state / comments on schedule? [see sect. 9]
       1: title for A.Galton talk?
       2: overview of pre-recordings vs live talks: pre only A.Galton
    b. speaker participation status

[16:14] FrankLoebe: < deviating to item 4b. >

[16:14] FrankLoebe: FL, SL cannot attend physically

[16:14] FrankLoebe: LV attends in person

[16:17] FrankLoebe: [action] [LV] ask A.Galton for his title

[16:22] FrankLoebe: < discussion on 2nd call >
[action] [LV]

[16:23] FrankLoebe: [action] [LV] 2nd Call on Aug 24, 3rd Call on Sep 07

[16:32] FrankLoebe: ^ LV will double-check the CfPartic, Guendalina 
Rhigetti will be asked for distribution

[16:32] FrankLoebe: ^ + Emilio Sanfilippo for a website announcement

[16:35] FrankLoebe: < item 2. already covered before >

[16:35] FrankLoebe: .
== 3. ESAO(-LD) web presence ==
    a. review of ESAO website and wikipage
    b. task distribution
    c. add links to wikipage to BOSK & ISAO websites

[16:35] FrankLoebe: [agreement] website is sufficient as is

[16:37] FrankLoebe: [action] [LV] once A.Galton's title is available, 
update that on the website

[16:37] FrankLoebe: [action] [LV] add link to the ESAO wiki page to the 
ESAO-LD website (missing so far)

[16:38] FrankLoebe: [agreement] wiki page also fine for this time

[16:41] FrankLoebe: [agreement] ISAO page and BoSK website are fine 
regarding links to ESAO-LD

[16:44] FrankLoebe: < OK joins >

[16:45] FrankLoebe: OK: booked room may be in doubt now, i.e., location 
might have to be changed; but not yet certain

[16:50] FrankLoebe: OK: booked the roof of the Kolpinghaus, also for 
ESAO-LD; the design building terrace is still booked, but may be less 
attractive given Covid regulations

[16:51] FrankLoebe: OK: registrations from a few days ago: ca. 5 yet; 
but I expect several late registrations

[16:56] FrankLoebe: LV: side remark concerning registration: it's not 
clear in all cases when workshops and tutorials will be held; so one may 
book sub events that are in parallel

[17:03] FrankLoebe: < discussion on technical aspects >

[17:05] FrankLoebe: OK: technical setup will be tested in the week 
before FOIS

[17:14] FrankLoebe: OK: registration updates, just checked: 25 online 
registrations + 6 or 7 on-site

[17:18] FrankLoebe: [action] [OK] send the location information for the 
ESAO-LD as soon as it is confirmed

[17:34] FrankLoebe: < discussion about procedures, incl. a bit of 
session chairing >

[18:00] FrankLoebe: [action] [OK] share a list of on-site registrations 
by Aug 30/31

[18:03] FrankLoebe: .
== 6. ESAO future ==
    a. any news by anyone?
       1: any unit productions in progress?
       2: next webinar sessions?
    b. procedure before Sep 07
    c. need for process clarification -> with community?
       (PC, decisions, quality assurance)
    d. gathering feedback from potential audience during ESAO-LD?
       (1 bar camp topic? questionnaire?)

[18:04] FrankLoebe: < discussion about how to generate a follow-up 
session in October >

[18:16] FrankLoebe: [action] [LV] send an invitation to the EduTC and EC 
(considering also people "nearby") within this week to ask for 
delivering an ESAO webinar in Oct or Nov

[18:20] FrankLoebe: < discussion about quality aspects and potential 
criteria for talks/speaker >

[18:24] FrankLoebe: < discussion about temporal aspects: days and times >

[18:24] LaureVieu: deadline to reply with suggestions : sept 1rst

[18:25] LaureVieu: so that I can then consult them regarding the 
possible time slot

[18:25] FrankLoebe: LV: I'll handle temporal matters, will try to find 
out based on interested candidates

[18:25] LaureVieu: to be discussed and set on Sept 7 meeting

[18:27] FrankLoebe: .
== 9. Next meeting(s) & AoB ==
    * ? any time between Aug 23 and Sep 06 ?
    * ? Tue, Sep 07, 09:00 EDT / 13:00 UTC / 15:00 CEST / 16:00 SAST ?

[18:28] FrankLoebe: [agreement] Sep 07 at the proposed times

[18:46] FrankLoebe: [action] [LV] arrange a meeting in between with 
C.Trojahn to receive updates and discuss technical matters (e.g. Zoom 
break-out rooms for the BarCamp)

[18:47] LaureVieu: [action] [LV] fix a meeting with Cassia in the next 
two weeks to sort out technical issues. find out whether Cassia has a 
slot for testing the barcamp on Sept 8 or 9 (with breakout rooms on 
zoom, with pad and doodle etc)

[18:50] LaureVieu: best Sept 8, morning or late afternoon

[18:50] LaureVieu: Oliver can bring students to the test

[19:13] FrankLoebe: < session ended ca. 20 min ago >

[19:15] FrankLoebe: .
== participants ==

     OK  Oliver Kutz
     FL  Frank Loebe
     SL  Sandra Lovrencic
     LV  Laure Vieu

< transcript ends >

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