[iaoa-education] Transcript of the IAOA Education Committee Meeting n.45 - Mar 25, 2021
Cassia.Trojahn at irit.fr
Thu Mar 25 12:10:31 CET 2021
Dear all,
I'm extremely sorry ! I had an unexpected urgency this morning.
I will read the minutes and provide a feedback.
Sorry again
Le Jeudi, Mars 25, 2021 12:01 CET, Frank Loebe <frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de> a écrit:
> Dear all,
> please find below the unedited chat transcript of the Education
> Committee meeting n.45, just held.
> If you have any comments or change requests, please let me know.
> Comments on the next meeting come in a separate message.
> Best regards,
> Frank
> -- unedited chat transcript --
> [10:01] FrankLoebe: .
> = IAOA Education Technical Committee meeting n.45 on Mar 25, 2021 =
> --> Meeting n.45 Thu, Mar 25, 2021
> 05:00 EDT / 09:00 UCT / 10:00 CET / 11:00 SAST [1]
> !! unusual DST differences !!
> Skype: https://join.skype.com/eKAVpRwdkfFY
> Chat : http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_educ
> [1]
> https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20210325T0900&ah=1&am=30
> selected based on [2]
> [2] https://doodle.com/poll/umwnc6ufh2nhdveb
> [3] transcript of n.44, Mar 03, 2021
> https://listserv.ovgu.de//pipermail/iaoa-education/2021-March/000293.html
> == participants ==
> expecting:
> LJ Ludger Jansen
> FL Frank Loebe
> SL Sandra Lovrencic
> RR Robert Rovetto
> ES Emilio Sanfilippo
> CT Cassia Trojahn
> LV Laure Vieu
> regrets:
> TH Torsten Hahmann
> DP Daniele Porello
> TS Todd Schneider
> open:
> MK Maria Keet
> == agenda ==
> 0. adoption of agenda
> 1. webinar series: summary of recent discussions (n.44 and Mar 24)
> a. distributed responsibility of handling the whole process
> b. scope & format(s): with much liberty
> c. quality assurance
> d. two-stage approach to gathering videos
> e. thoughts on initial webinars
> 2. webinar series: continue brainstorming
> a. expectations & decision-making [FL]
> b. integration of existing teaching units?
> c. first program (what who when)
> d. teaching units (TUs) and webinars
> 1: distinction as such
> 2: technical aspects for TUs
> 3: technical aspects for webinars (which host, how to record)
> f. series terminology and acronym
> 3. updates on EduTC technical resources
> a. public wiki & registration issue
> b. issue tracker with internal wiki & self-registration
> 4. next meeting(s) and AOB
> a. default meeting time?
> b. next meeting
> c. checking open action items
> = pre-meeting material =
> == 1. webinar series: summary of recent discussions (n.44; Mar 24) ==
> source mainly [1] (n.44), except for 1c. (Mar 24)
> [1]
> https://listserv.ovgu.de//pipermail/iaoa-education/2021-March/000293.html
> === 1a. distributed responsibility of handling the whole process ===
> * no single lead, but pursue as group activity
> * declarations of interest for specific aspects:
> ** Maria Keet for structuring and planning of the series
> ** Maria Keet for input on restructuring talks
> === 1b. format(s): with much liberty ===
> * agreement on self-standing, cherry-pickable units
> (rather than a course of interdependent "modules")
> * default duration: 10-20 minutes, deviations possible
> * apart from that much freedom
> (e.g., frequency, live vs. pre-recording, technical setup)
> * scope: 2 major lines considered
> ** research-oriented education in Applied Ontology (Post-Grads, PhDs)
> ** training for industry/business ontologists
> === 1c. quality assurance ===
> initial discussion on Mar 24 on how to guide presenters and ensure quality
> * some, yet limited control via abstract/short descriptions of the topics
> * who shall decide what goes online in the series?
> * handling of positions possibly in conflict with other communities?
> * handling of controversial views?
> === 1d. two-stage approach to gathering videos ===
> * initiating phase with invited presenters, leading to first units
> * open call/request for volunteering presenters
> === 1e. thoughts on initial webinars ===
> * presenter candidates named in n.44:
> ** Kit Fine
> ** Nicola Guarino
> ** Achille Varzi
> * mixed approach of presenters desired
> (between community grandees and newcomers)
> == 2. webinar series: continue brainstorming ==
> === 2f. terminology and acronym ===
> * "webinar" correct for all planned events?
> * "webcast" fitting, too?
> acronym proposals:
> * ESAO - Educational Series on Applied Ontology
> ** does not fix a format
> ** acronym close to ISAO - Interdisciplinary School on AO
> == 3. updates on EduTC technical resources ==
> [1] Trac issue tracking and wiki
> https://trac.iaoa.org:777/edutc
> [2] Public wiki area within IAOA Semantic MediaWiki
> https://wiki.iaoa.org/index.php/Edu:Home
> == 4. next meeting(s) and AOB ==
> * 4a: proposals for a default meeting time and rhythm?
> ** FL consideration: target a 4-week-rhythm, 2 weeks before Doodle poll
> * 4b: next meeting -> week starting on Apr 19?
> === 4c. checking open action items ===
> tasks from n.44:
> [12:25] [action] [LV] establish a branch in IAOA's internal wiki for
> joint work during the meetings
> [12:25] [action] [FL] setup the Doodle for the next meeting
> [12:27] [action] [LV,FL+??] start a wikipage on first candidate lectures
> with presenter, scope and target audience
> [12:28] [action] [LV] consider moving forward the clarification of which
> technical basis to use
> [10:09] anonymous morphed into Sandra
> [10:10] anonymous morphed into Robert rovetto
> [10:13] FrankLoebe: .
> == 0. adoption of agenda ==
> agenda adopted
> [10:13] FrankLoebe: .
> == 1. webinar series: summary of recent discussions (n.44 and Mar 24) ==
> a. distributed responsibility of handling the whole process
> b. scope & format(s): with much liberty
> c. quality assurance
> d. two-stage approach to gathering videos
> e. thoughts on initial webinars
> [10:14] FrankLoebe: < LV summarizing results from previous meeting, cf.
> also pre-meeting material >
> [10:23] FrankLoebe: LV: on < 1e. > : it may be missing that Maria Keet
> could also be willing to contribute something
> [10:23] FrankLoebe: ES, LJ: possibly in combination with existing material
> [10:24] FrankLoebe: LV: further we had mentioned the lecturers planned
> for ISAO 2020, i.e.
> * Antony Galton
> * Nicola Guarino
> * someone with a linguistic background
> [10:25] LaureVieu: Elisabetta Jezek
> [10:26] LaureVieu: Others were shared with the conceptual modelling
> summer school: Giancarlo Guizzardi, Enrico Franconi
> [10:30] FrankLoebe: FL: I suggest to distinguish between (1) the
> material that is produced ("Teaching units" = likely videos, in most
> cases) and available in an archived form for self-education and (2)
> webinars/sessions accompanying the presentation of new material (incl.
> creation via live sessions)
> [10:31] anonymous1 morphed into Robert Rovetto
> [10:32] FrankLoebe: SL: a description of the plans in some form of
> document would be useful
> [10:32] FrankLoebe: LV: +1
> [10:32] FrankLoebe: FL: yes, not only in the form of minutes
> [10:33] FrankLoebe: LV: the wikis may be used for that
> [10:36] FrankLoebe: < discussion on test cases of creating accounts, as
> registration doesn't seem to get completed >
> [10:37] FrankLoebe: issue: accounts are created, but registrants don't
> get any messages, but error screens (or nothing happens)
> [10:37] FrankLoebe: [action] [LV] get in touch with sysadmins to resolve
> the issue
> [10:38] FrankLoebe: issue: logging in is not possible, the login request
> appears anew
> [10:39] FrankLoebe: < this is item 3. by now >
> [10:40] FrankLoebe: LV: registration issue with the public wiki is not
> yet resolved, but there's work in progress
> [10:40] FrankLoebe: LV: should be solved in 1-2 weeks (as a test
> mediawiki will be required to try things out)
> [10:41] FrankLoebe: .
> == 2. webinar series: continue brainstorming ==
> a. expectations & decision-making [FL]
> b. integration of existing teaching units?
> c. first program (what who when)
> d. teaching units (TUs) and webinars
> 1: distinction as such
> 2: technical aspects for TUs
> 3: technical aspects for webinars (which host, how to record)
> f. series terminology and acronym
> [10:45] FrankLoebe: FL: < explained what he meant by the heading of 2a. >
> [10:47] FrankLoebe: LV: two questions on that:
> (1) How does it relate to chairing the EduTC as such?
> (2) Is this decision-making as problematic as e.g. for writing a
> textbook jointly?
> [10:55] FrankLoebe: FL: on (1), I'd continue with the meetings, trying
> to have the series matters first, then additional issues of the EduTC
> [11:01] FrankLoebe: < discussion on decision-making in the light of
> having a fuzzy group >
> [11:02] FrankLoebe: [action] [LV,FL] setup wiki page with a democratic
> decision procedure that pays attention to sensitively handling contributors
> [11:03] FrankLoebe: LJ: we should use a more formal setting for
> decisions on what to include, e.g. setting up a kind of program
> committee for the series
> [11:07] FrankLoebe: LV, FL: +1
> [11:09] FrankLoebe: LJ: EasyChair could be used for the rieview
> [11:12] FrankLoebe: .
> === 2b. integration of existing teaching units? ===
> [11:13] anonymous1 morphed into Robert Rovetto
> [11:14] FrankLoebe: FL: what do we want between (1) ignoring eveything
> out there, (2) collecting pointers to material and (3) trying to tightly
> integrate it in the series?
> [11:18] FrankLoebe: ES: we may ask in the open call whether people have
> material that they would want to submit and see published in the series
> [11:20] FrankLoebe: SL: what about "knowledge pills", short videos of
> 2-3 min, e.g. on a specific term
> [11:22] FrankLoebe: FL: would also be of interest, I think, e.g. for
> audience from industry
> [11:22] FrankLoebe: RR: we need to pay attention that not everything can
> be covered in very short videos and other fields may have much more
> detailed views and distinctions (e.g. "Perdurantism" in philosophy)
> [11:25] FrankLoebe: LV: +1 & [...]
> [11:26] LaureVieu: Here are thoughts regarding infrastructure for
> webinars that might be of interest for us:
> https://blog.eyeson.com/every-bit-counts-ebus-webinars-and-virutal-conferences
> https://ebuswebinars.wixsite.com/ebuswebinars (edited)
> [11:26] FrankLoebe: LV: I think we need to settle infrastructure issues
> before we can move on with the program
> [11:27] FrankLoebe: LV: that may be interesting because of its not
> greedy in bandwidth
> [11:28] FrankLoebe: LV: I have no experience, if somebody else has that
> would be of interest
> [11:29] FrankLoebe: ES: can we use a document to gather thoughts on
> systems and (dis)advantages
> [11:33] anonymous morphed into Robert Rovetto
> [11:36] FrankLoebe: [action] [FL] setup that document with a temporary
> solution for collaborative editing
> [11:38] FrankLoebe: .
> == 4. next meeting(s) and AOB ==
> next meeting in the week of Apr 19, 2021 (in 4 weeks from now)
> [action] [FL] Doodle for that week by Mar 29, 2021, decision and
> announcement to be made on Tue, Apr 06
> [11:38] FrankLoebe: < session ended 2 min ago >
> [11:39] FrankLoebe: .
> == participants ==
> present:
> LJ Ludger Jansen
> FL Frank Loebe
> SL Sandra Lovrencic
> RR Robert Rovetto
> ES Emilio Sanfilippo
> LV Laure Vieu
> < chat transcript ends >
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