[iaoa-infrastructure] updates

Laure Vieu vieu at irit.fr
Wed Jun 13 18:10:29 CEST 2018

Dear all,

I have done a series of updates to the new website to fix some of the
issues listed in Sections 5 and 6 of our shared doc

Main issues fixed are the calendars and the appearance of the landing
page and the blog page.

1) Please have a look at and the notes in the doc
and comment back.

To start, here is one such comment from myself:

With the new landing page appearance (especially featured posts in
slider), the dark background color of the menu bar is reused in several
places, and the result is too dark to my personal taste.
If we wanted to fix this, I see only two options:
- turning back to a simpler page (and so all the fixes I have made would
be gone and we need to find another solution)
- changing the theme, with too many implications I'm afraid.

Of course, if some WordPress/Dynamic News Lite geek knows how to change
the background color of the featured post or the calendar titles, please
speak up!
(only parameter I've seen is the overall background color, which is set
here to light gray)

2) We need to keep on doing some progress. please have a look at the
to-do list and do not hesitate to volunteer for some tasks!
And if you think a meeting will help, please say so!


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