[iaoa-infrastructure] minutes of today's meeting

Laure Vieu vieu at irit.fr
Thu Jul 19 21:10:52 CEST 2018

Just raw minutes.


LaureVieu: 1. technical issues
1.1 progress with WP plugin for login/passwd/expiry date extraction from
DB, cf 5.30 in notes [Ken]

FrankLoebe: KB: I'm working on that, haven't found a final approach yet

FrankLoebe: KB: I may write my own plugin or modify one

FrankLoebe: KB: hard to say how long this would take; maybe within 1
week of time

FrankLoebe: KB: all plugins are written in PHP

LaureVieu: Ken will call us when testing is required

FrankLoebe: LV: ok, timewise it should be ready by the time that Valter
is back

FrankLoebe: KB: I found another technical issue: if the membership
password is changed, an email get's send - but that doesn't work in all
cases where it should happen

LaureVieu: 1.2 progress with script modification and DB [Ken]
cf the rest of 5.29, 5.33
(but not the addition of a new registration category, we wait for Valter
for this, see 5.3

FrankLoebe: KB: it seems to be the case that mails do not get send, in
general, but only occasionally

LaureVieu: ^eg when members change their passport

FrankLoebe: KB: it seems to be specific to WordPress ... on the other
hand, some emails seem to get marked as spam

FrankLoebe: KB: a solution to the latter problem could be to send emails
as "authenticated mail"

FrankLoebe: KB: that basically means we send encrypted messages with a
pair of public and private keys

FrankLoebe: KB: but all of that runs behind the scenes, it just needs
the public key on the domain name server

FrankLoebe: KB; I've done that successfully for sites

FrankLoebe: KB: the solution works with an SPF record, which is part of
the process of digitally identifying mail; further including an DKIM record

FrankLoebe: KB: I definitely will need someone to test it

FrankLoebe: LV: please send a message to [iaoa-infrastructure]

FrankLoebe: ^ for requesting testers/testing

FrankLoebe: KB: now on modifying the scripts and the database

FrankLoebe: LV: the required and optional data items are listed in the
Google doc in item 5.33

FrankLoebe: KB: the data now left out will just not be added into the
DB, while we keep the columns (with the old data)

FrankLoebe: LV: yes, let's keep also those columns that 5.33 says would
be dropped from the Italian DB

FrankLoebe: KB: the survey data should actually be gathered differently

FrankLoebe: Registration form in the web:

LaureVieu: For any further information regarding your registration you
would like to communicate to us:

FrankLoebe: LV: ^ suggested change for the registration form, as
explanatory text of the "Note" field

FrankLoebe: KB: I'll edit it right now

FrankLoebe: [all] we'll need a terms and conditions page which respects

LaureVieu: TODO: write a draft for terms and conditions to be linked on
the registration page

FrankLoebe: LV: I suggest to start from some document that Valter should
have available

LaureVieu: VAT for institutions?

LaureVieu: more generally, what do we need under Swiss law to issue

LaureVieu: data

LaureVieu: ^data

LaureVieu: Frank is investigating that

FrankLoebe: [action] ^ that = Does a Swiss invoice and/or receipt of
IAOA require a VAT# or EID or sth the like of the recipient/invoicee?

FrankLoebe: LV: switching to updating the countries.txt file, there are
a number of naming issues

FrankLoebe: [agreement] as a policy, we use the names as specified in
the latest UN list (e.g., changing "Palestine Territory, Occupied" ->
"Palestine, State of"; etc.)

FrankLoebe: [agreement] with additional entities (e.g., Marshall
Islands), let's wait for first complaints in such cases

LaureVieu: 2. page contents  [all]
2.1  types and fees page
- comments on new version with modification of Institition /
Intitutional Representative
[Laure: I have chosen the option of a separate category for the
representative, as it seemed easier to explain and present]
- we leave for later the possibility to automatically extract the
country classification from the files countries.txt
[Laure: I will update this file when I get it]

FrankLoebe: LV: talking about ...

FrankLoebe: LV: I introduced a separate line for "Institutional

FrankLoebe: [all] observation: currently  we have 4 options in the
registration form, but 8 categories in the fees table

LaureVieu: Match the number of categories to be selected from in the
registration page with those in the types and fees -> from 4 to 8

FrankLoebe: [action] [KB] ^

LaureVieu: this would avoid many "ifs"

LaureVieu: Ken starts but then Vlater needs to check it

LaureVieu: ^Valter

LaureVieu: 2.2 groups: see issues 5.21 and 5.22

FrankLoebe: ^ concerning pages:


LaureVieu: merge technical and standing committees?

LaureVieu: check with statutes

LaureVieu: (issue witn Education Committee)

LaureVieu: ^and bylaws

LaureVieu: proposal to keep under about>organization only the EC and the
Advisory Board, and move the rest under groups

LaureVieu: perhaps mentioning under about>organization the existence of
groups with link, and the same under groups for the EC

LaureVieu: missing: Board of Auditors -> add to About>Organization

LaureVieu: propose to the next EC meeting the restructuration of all
such groups in the website

FrankLoebe: [action] [FL] prepare a decision for the EC meeting on the
structure of groups in IAOA and how to arrange that on the website

FrankLoebe: LV: < comments on the use of pictures, e.g. in the blog and
in connection with featured items >

FrankLoebe: LV: there, pictures are quite central

LaureVieu: next meeting: send me constraints to fix the day (wednesday,
thursday, friday)

LaureVieu: friday late afternoon or even following monday

LaureVieu: monday july 30th, Valter should be there

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