[iaoa-infrastructure] minutes of reduced infrastructure meeting + agenda for today's meeting

Laure Vieu vieu at irit.fr
Thu Jul 19 15:25:53 CEST 2018

Dear all,

we are going on with our weekly meeting of the reduced infrastructure group.

below are the minutes of last meeting, after the details for today's

talk to you later!

Thursday July 19th, 17:30 CEST
expecting: Ken, Frank, Laure
on skype (I will call)
chat room: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/infrastructure-2018-07-19
new website:
google doc with notes:

Proposed Agenda:
1. technical issues
1.1 progress with WP plugin for login/passwd/expiry date extraction from
DB, cf 5.30 in notes [Ken]

1.2 progress with script modification and DB [Ken]
cf the rest of 5.29, 5.33
(but not the addition of a new registration category, we wait for Valter
for this, see 5.38)

2. page contents  [all]
2.1  types and fees page
- comments on new version with modification of Institition /
Intitutional Representative
[Laure: I have chosen the option of a separate category for the
representative, as it seemed easier to explain and present]
- we leave for later the possibility to automatically extract the
country classification from the files countries.txt
[Laure: I will update this file when I get it]

2.2 groups: see issues 5.21 and 5.22

2.3 organization and statutes: see issue 5.18

2.4 comments on overall aspect of landing page?

2.5 rest of the pages + other issues in purple  (time permitting)


Minutes of meeting 2018-07-11  [edited only for typos]

laurevieu: Hi!

laurevieu: proposed agenda:

laurevieu: 1- status of technical issues:

laurevieu: 1.1 passwd issues in the script (for access of the member's area)

FrankLoebe: < discussion of the issue (5.30 in Google doc) >

laurevieu: related issue: login / primary key / email address

laurevieu: login= iaoa<ID#>  the ID# being the primary key in the DB

laurevieu: in WP, only one account for an email account

laurevieu: add a separate column in the DB for the login, first
generated as "iaoa"+ID#

laurevieu: this enables future changes of the login if we might need it

laurevieu: when a member changes email address (or multiple email
addresses -- we need a column for that) need to check that it is not
anywhere else in the DB, otherwise issues with wordpress

laurevieu: make sure the script checks this

laurevieu: see 5.33 : add column for alternate email addresses (for
recovery purposes)

laurevieu: WP plugin for expiry date

laurevieu: plugin table : expiry date

laurevieu: Ken is experimenting with the plugin to extract the expiry
date from the DB

laurevieu: plugin for page-specific access

laurevieu: "user" type of access

FrankLoebe: to be remembered as a side issue for later: we actually
don't want users to changes their WP settings within WP (because there
is no back-synchronization with the member DB)

FrankLoebe: FL, KB: there may be ways in WP to control that

FrankLoebe: KB: there is a plugin for that, which e.g. disables password
changes for users

FrankLoebe: called "ProtectUser" (or similar)

FrankLoebe: ^correction: "Plain View Protect-Passwords"

laurevieu: 1.2 any remaining technical issues?


laurevieu: 2.Types and Fees

laurevieu: Separate record for the institution and the representative

laurevieu: No power to institution (no vote, no benefit, no WP login)

laurevieu: this is in line with Swiss statutes and allows changes for
individuals (n-being representative or not)

FrankLoebe: from the Statute Art.5:
"Institutional members are juridical persons that are not natural
persons and that support the Association morally and financially.
Individuals affiliated with an institutional member may be subject to
special conditions in establishing a personal membership in the
Association. Institutional members themselves have no voting rights and
cannot hold offices in IAOA organs."

FrankLoebe: ^ Statute-CH

laurevieu: two alternative: use a separate Institutional-Representative
category, or have a box to tick for "representtive" in Institutional-Regular

FrankLoebe: KB: I'd keep the current approach in the DB until I can
discuss this with Valter

FrankLoebe: That means, an institution and its representative are
represented by one row in the DB

laurevieu: ^regarding how to link the institution with its representative

FrankLoebe: https://secure.iaoa.org/users/edit-user-a.php

laurevieu: use the country.txt file for recording the country classification

Ken Baclawski: The file is named countries.txt

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