[iaoa-infrastructure] administrative rights for the new IAOA website
Ken Baclawski
kenbaclawski at gmail.com
Thu Feb 1 18:43:59 CET 2018
There is a conversion tool that would be better than just a wrapper,
especially if the newer features (such as better protection from SQL
injection attacks) would be used.
-- Ken
On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 12:20 PM, Valter Cavecchia <valter.cavecchia at unitn.it
> wrote:
> AFAIK the PHP mysql interface should be only 'deprecated' and still usable
> if PHP version < 7. If using PHP 7 it is possible (even if not 'elegant')
> to use a wrapper like https://sourceforge.net/projects/mysqlwithmysqli/
> valter
> On 2/1/2018 6:12 PM, Ken Baclawski wrote:
> Yes, I will be migrating the database. I have downloaded it. I am
> looking over the scripts. There are some technical issues such as
> migrating from mysql to mysqli.
> -- Ken
> On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 6:35 AM, Joao Paulo Almeida <jpalmeida at ieee.org>
> wrote:
>> Are you going to migrate the database?
>> On Thu, 1 Feb 2018 at 02:46 Ken Baclawski <kenbaclawski at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I arranged for Digital Ocean to host the site. I am in the process of
>>> setting up the website.
>>> Best regards,
>>> -- Ken
>>> On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 3:52 AM, Laure Vieu <vieu at irit.fr> wrote:
>>>> Many thanks Frank,
>>>> We'll look at the issue of the account names.
>>>> @Ken: please write to me when it suits you.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Laure
>>>> Le 30/01/2018 à 02:51, Frank Loebe a écrit :
>>>> > Dear Laure and Ken,
>>>> >
>>>> > I've just added a user account for Ken, with "Administrator" role
>>>> > associated.
>>>> >
>>>> > I hope this does the job and, despite adding users in a particular
>>>> role
>>>> > being (or seeming) straightforward, I would be very grateful if Ken
>>>> > takes over and creates the remaining accounts.
>>>> >
>>>> > NB: I followed the username policy that I could guess from the
>>>> accounts
>>>> > given so far, without feeling sure that this is the desired way to go
>>>> > (e.g., shorter names without whitespaces might be more desirable?).
>>>> > Notably, user names cannot be changed after account creation (only new
>>>> > accounts with analogous rights may be created). Insofar, if another
>>>> > username policy were to be adopted, it would seem reasonable to decide
>>>> > about that first, i.e., before setting up multiple accounts.
>>>> >
>>>> > Thanks and best regards,
>>>> > Frank
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > ------ Original Message ------
>>>> > From: Laure Vieu <vieu at irit.fr>
>>>> > Sent: 2018.01.29 17:33 +0100
>>>> > To: Frank Loebe, João Paulo Almeida,
>>>> > Cc: iaoa-infrastructure
>>>> > Subject: administrative rights for the new IAOA website
>>>> >
>>>> >> Dear Frank, dear Jao Paulo,
>>>> >>
>>>> >> As you might have seen in the minutes of the last infrastructure
>>>> >> meeting, we decided that it was necessary that one of us besides you
>>>> two
>>>> >> would share administrative rights for the new IAOA website.
>>>> >> Ken was chosen for this.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Additionally, we decided that all of us should have editor's rights.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Could one of you kindly give Ken administrative rights?
>>>> >>
>>>> >> I do not know what it takes to create editor's rights, but in case
>>>> it is
>>>> >> not straightforward, it might be simpler to let Ken do it with his
>>>> new
>>>> >> administrative rights.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Thanks in advance,
>>>> >> Laure
>>>> >>
>>>> >
>>> --
>> Um abraço,
>> João Paulo
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