[iaoa-infrastructure] IAOA mailing list: request change email

Laure Vieu vieu at irit.fr
Mon Dec 3 19:04:00 CET 2018

Hi all,

the message below rises an issue that we should address.

when someone changes the email on the WP account, we need to implement
something so that

- the email in the DB be changed as well
- the email in the mailing list be changed as well

I do not know what are the possibilities of complex scripts to make it
fully automatic, but here are two minimal approaches which I hope are

1- automatically send a message (at least to
membership-officer at iaoa.org) when the email change is made on WP.

2- install a plugin to use a "front-end" profile page, where to write in
a conspicuous way that after changing the email it is necessary for the
user to send a message to the membership officer.

perhaps the front-end profile page in 2 is a nice thing to have anyway
in addition to 1 but for the moment we could stay with 1 if implementable.

does someone know if 1 is feasible?

I have found this plugin
that could be used, but it is not clear.
perhaps a non-free add-on (cost £59) is needed, see:
however, looking at the documentation, it doesn't seem to really address
our need. I will now post a question.


-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet : 	IAOA mailing list: request change email
Date : 	Mon, 3 Dec 2018 17:48:01 +0100
De : 	IAOA Membership_officer <iaoa.mofficer at gmail.com>
Répondre à : 	membership-officer at iaoa.org
Organisation : 	iaoa
Pour : 	Todd Schneider <tsch at engsem.net>
Copie à : 	info at iaoa.org

Dear Todd,

unfortunately the email in the IAOA member area is not automatically
copied in the mailing list.

Frank is in charge of the management of the IAOA mailing lists, I put
him in cc: (you can contact him by using
info at iaoa.org)

sorry for that
best regards

On 12/3/18 4:22 PM, Todd Schneider wrote:
> Claudio,
> I've changed my email address on the IAOA website at the end of
> November 2018, put I am
> still receiving emails at my old email address.
> Who should I contact to make a change in the IAOA email lists?
> Old Email: tjschneider at covad.net
> *New Email: tsch at engsem.net*
> Thank you.
> Todd Schneider
> P.S. Ken changed the email address used by WordPress.

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