[iaoa-infrastructure] 1st message to a list in Magdeburg == FW: migration status & archiving options

Frank Loebe frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Fri Jul 18 23:05:44 CEST 2014

Dear all,

this is the first message that I send to a list that has been migrated to Magdeburg's mailing list server. We owe a lot of thanks to Peter (as usual) and to Stephan (Jacob) in Magdeburg, for putting a lot of effort into this in the course of this week. Please see Stephan's full summary below.

> [SJ]
> I turned archiving on in every list, so new messages
> should be archived within mailman. If the archive is
> private or public depends on a list Frank send me.

To clarify: by default, lists have public archives (which, a.o., limits the need for passwords in accessing them), the five lists with private archives are [iaoa-admin], [iaoa-council], [iaoa-election], [iaoa-member], and [iaoa-membership].

Next I'm going to look through the settings of the new lists and send first messages to some of them, also for testing the distribution of messages and their archiving.

In the course of this I'll update the administrator entries of the lists, keeping mainly (usually three of) those who I'd expect to be active in these roles, plus Oliver on each list, since one admin must be from Magdeburg. I'll inform those who have been removed as list admin.

For testing purposes, I'd be grateful if anyone could reply briefly to this message.

Depending on successful tests and maybe first communication via this list, I'll see whether we can announce the migration as completed in its first phase, such that the downtime can end, possibly tomorrow already (otherwise on Monday).

Other threads in this context should be pursued further (e.g., searchable archives, aliases / iaoa.org-addresses for the lists), but likely a little less intense than this week (at least from my side, I'm afraid). Any comments are welcome, of course.

Thanks and best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephan Jacob [mailto:stephan.jacob at ovgu.de] 
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2014 10:09 PM
To: 'Peter Yim'
Cc: 'Till Mossakowski'; '[cwe-imp]'; 'Oliver Kutz'; 'Frank Loebe'; 'IAOA Infrastructure'
Subject: AW: migration status & archiving options


I've just finished coping all IAOA lists to our listserver. As mentioned the old archives are not available on our server in Magdeburg yet. I turned archiving on in every list, so new messages should be archived within mailman. If the archive is private or public depends on a list Frank send me.

I could send a help request to every of the 18 lists and got a correct result. So I think we could try sending messages to the list. Please also have a look, if messages are realy archived within mailman after sender one over a list.

I removed the admin and mharc address from the list of members. Unfortunately I forgot to have a look to the list of admins / moderators if the addresses is also set there. Maybe you could check this or I'll do it on Monday.

Here are the addresses of the lists at Uni Magdeburg and the links to the web UI's. Admin-passwords  should be the same as before migration (Please keep in mind, that if you use the mailman-wide password to access a list this password is outdated. It is very probable that we have set a different one ;-) )

iaoa-admin at ovgu.de
iaoa-advisor at ovgu.de
iaoa-bylaws at ovgu.de
iaoa-conceptual-modeling at ovgu.de
iaoa-council at ovgu.de
iaoa-design-semantics at ovgu.de
iaoa-education at ovgu.de
iaoa-election at ovgu.de
iaoa-general at ovgu.de
iaoa-geosemantics at ovgu.de
iaoa-infrastructure at ovgu.de
iaoa-international at ovgu.de
iaoa-member at ovgu.de
iaoa-membership at ovgu.de
iaoa-publicity at ovgu.de
iaoa-repository at ovgu.de
iaoa-standards at ovgu.de
iaoa-swao at ovgu.de


Tomorrow and Sunday I'm not online. So happy weekend and read you on Monday!


Stephan Jacob

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