[iaoa-education] Transcript of the IAOA Education Committee Meeting n.62 - Feb 28, 2023

Frank Loebe frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Mon Mar 27 19:01:31 CEST 2023

Dear all,

much to my regret, I haven't yet distributed the last EduTC minutes 
after we (that time just Laure and myself) had met on Feb 28. 
Nevertheless, please find below the chat transcript of the Education 
Committee meeting n.62.

If anyone has any comments or change requests, please let me know.

Our next meeting is already tomorrow, for which I'll propose separately

          --> Tuesday, Mar 28, 2023   14:00 UTC [1]  via Skype
              regional times:         10:00 EDT / 16:00 CEST / 16:00 SAST
           !! 1h later than so far in the Americas and Europe !!

In case that date and time does not work for you, please let us/me know.

Thanks and best regards,


-- unedited chat transcript --

[15:09] FrankLoebe: .
= IAOA Education Technical Committee meeting n.62 on Feb 28, 2023 =

          IAOA EduTC Meeting
          Tuesday,  Feb 28, 2023  14:00 UTC
          regional times:         09:00 EST / 15:00 CET / 16:00 SAST [1]

          Skype: https://join.skype.com/eKAVpRwdkfFY
          Chat : http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_educ


[2] transcript of n.61, Jan 31, 2022 [also copied below]


[3] ESAO organization document


== participants ==

            LG  Lucia Gomez Alvarez
            FL  Frank Loebe
            SL  Sandra Lovrencic
            CT  Cassia Trojahn
            LV  Laure Vieu

            RR  Robert Rovetto

regrets: < none >

== agenda proposal ==

   1. ESAO series
      a. preparing session on Apr 11 (DP, ?EF?)
      b. scheduling future sessions
   2. ISAO 2023 updates
      a. funding application & plans
      b. publicity started, w/ problems
   3. copyright agreement - state
   4. checking former todos
   5. any other business

[15:09] anonymous morphed into LaureVieu

[15:22] FrankLoebe: < session started with 2 several minutes ago >

[15:22] FrankLoebe: < discussion on mailing issues, incl. w.r.t. 
googlegroups & rejecting messages >

[15:23] FrankLoebe: .
==   1. ESAO series ==
      a. preparing session on Apr 11 (DP, ?EF?)
      b. scheduling future sessions

[15:57] FrankLoebe: LV: Daniele agreed informally for Apr 11; I'd aim at 
writing jointly to him and Enrico next

[15:58] FrankLoebe: < discussion on topics and structure of that 
session, directly editing in the ESAO organization doc >

[15:59] FrankLoebe: [ ] LV: email Daniele and Enrico along these lines

[16:40] FrankLoebe: .
< post-meeting additions >

== 2. ISAO 2023 updates ==
      a. funding application & plans
      b. publicity started, w/ problems

< FL reporting briefly on recent AIJ funding application, more being 
planned; call distribution has started, technical problems will be taken 
to LGA (qua FOIS publicity chair) for support >

[16:46] FrankLoebe: .
== 3. copyright agreement - state ==
< discussion about status of this and how to make progress >
< inspection of corresponding (access-restricted) folder 
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1N5qyC3ei8YMVThwTf1sNsYJ-5tac-q-n >

[agreement] CT, LV, FL may try to meet on Mar 21 for a joint working 
session, then again during the next EduTC meeting on Mar 28, 2023

[16:47] FrankLoebe: < items 4. and 5. skipped >

[16:50] FrankLoebe: next regular meeting: Mar 28, 2023; time of the day 
to be determined, as 15:00 collides generally with the IAOA bureau or 
IAOA EC meetings.

[16:51] FrankLoebe: .
== participants ==

            FL  Frank Loebe
            LV  Laure Vieu

< transcript ends >

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