[iaoa-education] Transcript of the IAOA Education Committee Meeting n.61 - Jan 31, 2023
Frank Loebe
frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Tue Jan 31 17:41:33 CET 2023
Dear all,
please find below the chat transcript of the Education Committee meeting
n.61, held a bit earlier today.
If anyone has any comments or change requests, please let me know.
Our next meeting is scheduled for
--> Tuesday, Feb 28, 2023 14:00 UTC [1] via Skype
regional times: 09:00 EST / 15:00 CET / 16:00 SAST
In case that date and time does not work for you, please let us/me know.
Beforehand, there'll be the next ESAO session on Tue, Feb 14, 2023 ...
please stay tuned!
Thanks and best regards
-- unedited chat transcript --
[15:05] FrankLoebe: .
= IAOA Education Technical Committee meeting n.61 on Jan 31, 2023 =
IAOA EduTC Meeting
Tuesday, Jan 31, 2023 14:00 UTC
regional times: 09:00 EST / 15:00 CET / 16:00 SAST [1]
Skype: https://join.skype.com/eKAVpRwdkfFY
Chat : http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_educ
[2] transcript of n.60, Dec 13, 2022
[3] ESAO organization document
== participants ==
LG Lucia Gomez Alvarez
FL Frank Loebe
SL Sandra Lovrencic
CT Cassia Trojahn
LV Laure Vieu
RR Robert Rovetto
regrets: < none >
== agenda proposal ==
1. ESAO series
a. preparing session on Feb 14 (Patrick Koopmann)
b. scheduling future sessions
2. ISAO 2023 updates
a. funding ideas
b. website implementation?
3. copyright agreement - state
4. any other business
[15:06] FrankLoebe: < session starts >
[15:06] FrankLoebe: LV: additional agenda item:
5. review roles within the EduTC
[15:08] FrankLoebe: .
== 1. ESAO series ==
a. preparing session on Feb 14 (Patrick Koopmann)
b. scheduling future sessions
[15:09] FrankLoebe: LG: Patrick Koopmann should be prepared, [ ] LG: I
can double-check
[15:10] FrankLoebe: CT: we'd need title and abstract
[15:11] FrankLoebe: [ ] LG: request title and abstract from P.Koopmann
[15:13] FrankLoebe: CT: advertizing asap would be good, so getting title
(+ abstract) by Fri, Feb 03 would be best
[15:19] FrankLoebe: [ ] CT: draft email announcement in
[15:22] FrankLoebe: [ ] FL: investigate persistence of DESY hedgedocs
[15:30] FrankLoebe: [ ] LG: copy FOIS-table into new Google Spreadsheet
and continue from there
[15:41] FrankLoebe: LG established that table already, link added to the
ESAO doc [3]
[15:42] FrankLoebe: further, the link to the ESAO agenda file is also in
the ESAO doc [3] now
[15:54] FrankLoebe: for Apr 11: [ ] LV: ask DP first, then possibly
contact DP+EF jointly
[15:56] FrankLoebe: [ ] CT: ask SBorgo & MAbel for future dates in 2023
(incl. the panel session)
[16:01] FrankLoebe: .
== 5. review roles within the EduTC ==
[16:14] FrankLoebe: CT: I'm fine to continue in the ESAO chairing role
[16:14] FrankLoebe: < discussion on earlier planning and preparation >
[16:15] FrankLoebe: .
== next meeting ==
Tue, Feb 28, 2023
< session ends >
== participants ==
LG Lucia Gomez Alvarez
FL Frank Loebe
SL Sandra Lovrencic
CT Cassia Trojahn
LV Laure Vieu
< chat-transcipt ends >
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