[iaoa-education] Transcript of the IAOA Education Committee Meeting n.56 - Jun 17, 2022

Frank Loebe frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Fri Jun 17 17:12:43 CEST 2022

Dear all,

please find below the chat transcript of the Education Committee meeting 
n.56, just held.

Some specific pointers are due:

   --> @ those not present:
       Please review the proposals for continuing with ESAO
       and raise any objections that you may have:
       please see at [15:41], [15:59] and [16:15]

   --> @ Cassia:
       Please see the overall section around those times.
       If you agree with the goals, parts ask you for actions.

   --> @ Cassia:
       We may need to discuss about the Youtube channel again,
       the notes below at [16:10] are very abridged. In any case,
       Laure and myself are very grateful for the progress made!

   --> @ Lucia:
       There's an action item at [16:23] that you may adopt,
       if you'd see time for that.

If anyone has any comments or change requests, please let me know.

With the reminder of

       --> meeting by default
           every 1st Friday of each month except for August,
           at 09:00 EDT / 13:00 UTC / 15:00 CEST / 15:00 SAST

for the time being (but aware of regrets from Sandra and Ludger 
already), the default rule catapults our next meeting to in 2 weeks:

     IAOA EduTC Meeting n.57
     Friday, Jul 01, 2022    13:00 UTC
     regional times:         09:00 EDT / 15:00 CEST / 15:00 SAST [1]

       --> Please mark your calendars or let us know if it
           won't work for you, but you'd like to join.

Omitting August, the next but one meeting is foreseen Sep 02.

Thanks and best regards,


-- unedited chat transcript --

[15:00] FrankLoebe: .
= IAOA Education Technical Committee meeting n.56 on Jun 17, 2022 =

        IAOA EduTC Meeting
        Friday,  Jun 17, 2022  13:00 UTC
        regional times:        09:00 EDT / 15:00 CEST / 15:00 SAST [1]

        Skype: https://join.skype.com/eKAVpRwdkfFY
        Chat : http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_educ


[2] transcript of n.55, Jun 03, 2022


[3] ESAO organization document


== participants ==

          FL  Frank Loebe
          LV  Laure Vieu

          SL  Sandra Lovrencic
          RR  Robert Rovetto

          LG  Lucia Gomez Alvarez
          CT  Cassia Trojahn

== agenda proposal ==

     1. ESAO series
        a. discuss speaker selection for July
        b. publishing launch day videos: update
   ?    c. planning future sessions
     2. ISAO 2023: 1st PC chair candidate inquired
   ? 3. term list projects in EduTC & SWAO
        a. update on state
        b. next steps
     4. any other business

== pre-meeting material ==

=== input from CT, Jun 17 ===

- sent a third reminder for gathering the ESAO Launch Day forms (missing 
two more);
- 4 confirmations by potential speakers in July, abstracts requested
- videos can be shared via IRIT's youtube channel, copyright form to be 
translated into English

[15:02] FrankLoebe: @ Sandra: you'll join via chat only, I suppose?
(Then I'd start discussing with Laure)

[15:03] SandraLovrencic: yes

[15:03] FrankLoebe: Ok, thanks ... will try to note things down - 
potentially also in the ESAO document.

[15:06] FrankLoebe: Potential speakers for Jul 19: Pawel, Janna, 
Roberta, Torsten

[15:11] FrankLoebe: title proposals are in the ESAO doc, before sect. 9 
in "candidate list" section

[15:16] SandraLovrencic: Very interesting topics.

[15:16] FrankLoebe: Roberta's and Torsten's titles sound more like 
theoretical content, Janna's more practical, Pawel methodical

[15:18] SandraLovrencic: I think it is a good mix.

[15:18] FrankLoebe: @ Sandra: Yes!

[15:19] FrankLoebe: We're considering pairing one more theoretical with 
a more practical topic

[15:19] FrankLoebe: (for one session)

[15:22] FrankLoebe: Combining this with mixing genders among the 
speakers would lead us to:
- Janna + Torsten
- Roberta + Pawel

[15:23] FrankLoebe: FL: proposal:
- write to all four at once with a proposal on combinations and orders/dates
- then let's see whether everybody can accept

[15:24] FrankLoebe: LV: +1

[15:34] FrankLoebe: < discussion on what to propose and how detailed >

[15:38] FrankLoebe: proposal by LV, FL, subject to be shared with the 
meetng minutes (in case of objections) and then (possibly revised) to be 
  sent to all speakers to agree to it (or request modifications):

[15:41] FrankLoebe: .
- ask Roberta and Pawel for Jul 19
- ask Janna and Torsten for Sep 20

(Sep 20 is proposed as default "3rd Tue each month" - feedback welcome)

[15:43] SandraLovrencic: I agree with proposal

[15:44] FrankLoebe: Thanks, Sandra

[15:48] FrankLoebe: [action] [FL] share proposal with CT for agreement 
or other feedback
if agreed by CT: [action] [CT] send proposal to potential presenters, 
asking for confirmation or issues; plus asking anew for abstracts (if 
not yet received)

[15:49] FrankLoebe: suggested starting time: 10:00 EDT / 14:00 UTC / 

[15:50] FrankLoebe: (to be more inclusive towards the western parts of 
the Americas)

[15:51] LaureVieu: length: 1 hour all together, with 25min slots for 
each (talk + questions)

[15:51] LaureVieu: talk: 15 to max 20 mins

[15:59] FrankLoebe: questions to be asked and remarks to the speakers:
1.) scheduling proposal fine or other times needed?
2.) reminder that the series is intended to comprise "established basics 
and foundations in self-contained talks", well comprehensible, 
potentially also for undergrads or people from industry without much 
ontology background
3.) request abstract for your talk (esp. urgent for Jul 19, for 
advertizing it)
4.) recording preference (pre-recording vs live recording; organizers 
with (really slight) preference for pre-recordings.

[16:01] FrankLoebe: @ Sandra: If you have additional ideas or we 
overlooked anything to ask the speakers for, please let us know.

[16:02] SandraLovrencic: Not for now.

[16:04] FrankLoebe: < moving on to copyright forms >

[16:07] FrankLoebe: FL: from CT's input: videos could be posted on 
IRIT's youtube channel

[16:10] FrankLoebe: LV, FL: that might seem a bit strange/potentially 
confusing; while an own IAOA youtube channel seems desirable, too (for 
IAOA visibility), with the ESAO series being its most/only prominent 
element for the time being

[16:10] FrankLoebe: FL: cf. this as a case with sub channels: 

[16:13] FrankLoebe: however, the copyright form is excellent material to 
start from for an ESAO copyright form

[16:15] FrankLoebe: .
addition for the message to the speakers:
5.) indicate that we'll send a copyright form a bit later

[16:18] FrankLoebe: FL: proposal for a target date for an agreed-upon 
copyright form for ESAO: Fri, Jul 07 -> a draft by Fri, Jul 01 = next 
ESAO meeting is desirable

[16:20] LaureVieu: next EduTC meeting planned at 15:00 CEST July 1rst: 
is that OK to all?

[16:21] FrankLoebe: [action] [CT] please get a copy of the IRIT 
copyright form (and possibly translate it online, e.g. via
https://www.deepl.com/translator )

[16:23] FrankLoebe: [action] [?LGA?] review translated form in view of 
the remarks sent by LGA

[16:35] FrankLoebe: .
== 2. ISAO 2023: 1st PC chair candidate inquired ==
FL: inquired Daniele Porello as one PC chair, waiting for response

[16:36] FrankLoebe: < brief discussion on who to continue with possibly, 
but waiting for Daniele's reply first >

[16:41] FrankLoebe: < no other business >
next meeting: Jul 01, same time as today
< session ends >

[16:42] FrankLoebe: .
== participants ==

         FL  Frank Loebe
         SL  Sandra Lovrencic   [chat only]
         LV  Laure Vieu

< transcript ends >

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