[iaoa-education] Details for meeting n.45 on Thu, Mar 25 (and prior meetup on Wed, Mar 24) == RE: Next meeting of the IAOA Education TC -- extended to all interested in the new IAOA webinars series
Frank Loebe
frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Tue Mar 23 19:49:55 CET 2021
Dear all,
in coordination with Laure I'd like to add some details to the
announcement, not at least since North-America and Europe differ in
having daylight-saving time (DST) (last and) this week.
The main meeting this week is now scheduled for
--> Meeting n.45 Thu, Mar 25, 2021
05:00 EDT / 09:00 UCT / 10:00 CET / 11:00 SAST [1]
!! unusual DST differences !!
Skype: https://join.skype.com/eKAVpRwdkfFY
Chat : http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_educ
Another short meeting (30 min; kind of preparatory) is offered in order
to get those informed and their input _who cannot attend on Thu, Mar 25_
(and could not join last time). The time for that meeting is on the day
before, thus tomorrow:
--> Wed, Mar 24, 2021
10:00 EDT / 14:00 UCT / 15:00 CET / 16:00 SAST [3]
For Skype and chat, please see above.
--> If you plan to join this short meeting, please let Laure
and/or me know.
If any questions remain, please send them to the list or to Laure or me
looking forward to meeting you
[1] main meeting on Thu, Mar 25; selected based on [2]
[2] https://doodle.com/poll/umwnc6ufh2nhdveb
[3] preparatory meeting on Wed, Mar 24
------ Original Message ------
From: Laure Vieu <vieu at irit.fr>
Sent: 2021.03.23 15:55 +0100
To: IAOA Education Committee <iaoa-education at ovgu.de>, Cassia
TROJAHN <Cassia.Trojahn at irit.fr>, Daniele Porello
<daniele.porello at loa.istc.cnr.it>, IAOA Executive Council
<iaoa-council at ovgu.de>
Subject: [Extern] [iaoa-education] Next meeting of the IAOA Education TC
-- extended to all interested in the new IAOA webinars series
> Dear all,
> (A very short message for the moment)
> Unfortunately, the Doodle has no perfect answer. Our bad, late polls
> yield bad results
> We propose to meet on Thursday*March 25 10:00-11:30.*
> *Since some of us cannot attend, we also propose a preparatory, shorter,
> call tomorrow Wednesday March 24 **15:00-15:30 (or at most 45 min), in
> order to give most people the chance to be updated and give comments by
> talking, not writing. It'd be your choice to join that session too or not.*
> *Full call details and a tentative agenda will be sent asap. (Sorry for
> the hectic handling of these matters!!)*
> *Best regards*
> *Laure
> *
> **Le 22/03/2021 à 10:26, Laure Vieu a écrit :
>> Dear all,
>> a gentle reminder for those of you who are interested but haven't yet
>> filled the Doodle https://doodle.com/poll/umwnc6ufh2nhdveb
>> Please fill the Doodle today, the date will be fixed by tomorrow.
>> Best regards,
>> Laure
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