[iaoa-education] Transcript of the IAOA Education Committee Meeting n.46 - Apr 21, 2021

Frank Loebe frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Wed Apr 21 17:56:29 CEST 2021

Dear all,

please find below the unedited chat transcript of the Education
Committee meeting n.46, held until ca. 30 min ago.

If you have any comments or change requests, please let me know.

For the next meeting, we have basically agreed on meeting at the same 
time in two weeks:

    --> Meeting n.47                      Wed, May 05, 2021
        09:30 EDT / 13:30 UCT / 15:30 CEST / 15:30 SAST [1]

          Skype: https://join.skype.com/eKAVpRwdkfFY
          Chat : http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_educ

If there is any issue with that, but you'd like to join, please indicate 

Best regards,


-- unedited chat transcript --

[15:30] FrankLoebe: .
= IAOA Education Technical Committee meeting n.46 on Apr 21, 2021 =

    --> Meeting n.46                     Wed, Apr 21, 2021
        09:30 EDT / 13:30 UCT / 15:30 CEST / 15:30 SAST [1]

          Skype: https://join.skype.com/eKAVpRwdkfFY
          Chat : http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_educ

      selected based on [2]

[2] https://doodle.com/poll/2fswsqqqhk9xuwhi

[3] transcript of n.45, Mar 25, 2021

[4] [iaoa-eduseries-2021-04-tmp] - new working document (temporary)

== participants ==

    FL  Frank Loebe
    SL  Sandra Lovrencic     [maybe]
    RR  Robert Rovetto       [30 min later]
    ES  Emilio Sanfilippo
    TS  Todd Schneider       [maybe]
    CT  Cassia Trojahn
    LV  Laure Vieu

open (indicated):
    LJ  Ludger Jansen        [might join]

open (no reaction):
    TH  Torsten Hahmann
    MK  Maria Keet
    DP  Daniele Porello

    < none >

== agenda proposal ==

   0. adoption of agenda

   1. educational series: news since n.45 (Mar 24)
      a. temporary Google-Doc [iaoa-eduseries-2021-04-tmp] ([4] above)
      b. proposal for teaching units/sessions with presence at BOSK
      c. website update needed: ISAO -> educational series

   2. educational series: continue brainstorming
      a. first program (what who when)
      b. teaching units (TUs) and webinars
         1: technical aspects for TUs
         2: technical aspects for webinars (which host, how to record)
      c. series terminology and acronym
      d. AI platform for inspiration: ki-campus

   3. updates on EduTC technical resources
      a. public wiki & registration issue
      b. issue tracker with internal wiki & self-registration

   4. next meeting(s) and AOB
      a. next meeting
      b. checking open action items

= pre-meeting material =

== 1. educational series: news since n.45 (Mar 24) ==

=== 1b. proposal for teaching units/sessions with presence at BOSK ===

* as of EC meeting n.262 (Apr 20)
  ** consideration to host introductory/tutorial sessions at BOSK
  ** as one day of educational nature
  ** hybrid sessions with presence and online participation
  ** use as a launch event for ESAO?

== 3. updates on EduTC technical resources ==

[1] Trac issue tracking and wiki

[2] Public wiki area within IAOA Semantic MediaWiki

== 4. next meeting(s) and AOB ==

* week starting on May 17
  ** Doodle on Mon, May 03
  ** announcement on Fri, May 07
  ** agenda 1w before

* Does meeting frequency suffice in case of BOSK tutorials?

=== 4b. checking open action items ===

n.45 (Mar 24)
* [action] [LV] get in touch with sysadmins to resolve the issue [[of 
Trac registrations]]
* [action] registration at public IAOA wiki
* [action] [LV,FL] setup wiki page with a democratic decision procedure 
[[for the EduTC and for ESAO]] that pays attention to sensitively 
handling contributors
* [action] [FL] setup that document [[for gathering technical 
solutions/tools]] with a temporary solution for collaborative editing
* [action] [FL] Doodle for that week [[of Apr 19]] by Mar 29, 2021, 
decision and announcement to be made on Tue, Apr 06

n.44 (Mar 03)
* [action] [LV] establish a branch in IAOA's internal wiki for joint 
work during the meetings
* [action] [FL] setup the Doodle for the next meeting
* [action] [LV,FL+??] start a wikipage on first candidate lectures with 
presenter, scope and target audience
* [action] [LV] consider moving forward the clarification of which 
technical basis to use

[15:34] anonymous morphed into CassiaTrojahn

[15:35] Sandra morphed into SandraLovrencic

[15:37] FrankLoebe: < session started few minutes ago, agenda adopted >

[15:38] FrankLoebe: .
== 1. educational series: news since n.45 (Mar 24) ==
      a. temporary Google-Doc [iaoa-eduseries-2021-04-tmp] ([4] above)
      b. proposal for teaching units/sessions with presence at BOSK
      c. website update needed: ISAO -> educational series

[15:38] FrankLoebe: LV, FL: hint on 1a., the Google doc

[15:39] FrankLoebe: < FL summarized ideas on educational sessions at BOSK >

[15:39] FrankLoebe: FL: how to relate that to the educational series, 
possibly use as a launch event for the series

[15:40] ToddSchneider: Would these lectures/presentations be streamed also?

[15:40] FrankLoebe: OK: further background is that there is funding from 
the AI Journal for education

[15:40] FrankLoebe: @Todd: yes

[15:42] FrankLoebe: OK: several kinds of format are conceivable; this 
would be a smaller event than a usual ISAO

[15:42] FrankLoebe: LV: I would much prefer to not call this event 
"ISAO" this year; and we'd need another website for that

[15:43] FrankLoebe: OK: I agree, it won't be an ISAO; just the old 
website should remain, as it's up for almost two years now

[15:44] ToddSchneider: Even if Youtube is annoying, it does provide a 
wider (potential) audience.

[15:45] FrankLoebe: < moving to item 3. on technical aspects >

[15:45] FrankLoebe: CT: I can offer my university's Zoom capabilities 
for such meetings

[15:46] ToddSchneider: The more channels the better.

[15:48] FrankLoebe: FL: perhaps we can use multiple channels for 
distribution (youtube plus self-publishing)

[15:50] anonymous morphed into Robert Rovetto

[15:51] ToddSchneider: Will there be any 'organization' to the content?

[15:51] FrankLoebe: OK: 

[15:52] FrankLoebe: FL: if we go for this, say, Tutorial day, we need 
stricter time management to get things ready before BOSK

[15:53] ToddSchneider: Will the invited speakers/lecturers decide what 
they talk about?

[15:53] FrankLoebe: OK: have people already been invited?

[15:55] ToddSchneider: Is there an overall goal of these videos/webinars?

[15:57] FrankLoebe: FL: no, people haven't been invited yet, it's just a 
candidate list for now

[15:58] FrankLoebe: < discussion on the date >

[15:58] LaureVieu: Launch event: friday before FOIS, ie September 10

[15:59] FrankLoebe: OK, FL: Fri, Sep 10 seems well suited

[16:00] anonymous morphed into Robert Rovetto

[16:10] FrankLoebe: FL, CT: [action] next tasks:
* determine a program proposal by some deadline
* determine suitable people to invite on that basis

[16:12] FrankLoebe: TS: Do we have a shared understanding of "Applied 
Ontology"? Which one? How does it related to the intended audience?

[16:12] FrankLoebe: < discussion on these questions >

[16:15] FrankLoebe: LV: my position is basically the adoption of 
philosophical theories/investigations and applying those in other areas, 
esp. computer science (ontologies), but also others

[16:17] FrankLoebe: LV: I'd see a clear difference between 
content-driven, methodological work that we aim at and, say, "arbitrary" 
building of ontologies as computational artefacts

[16:18] FrankLoebe: RR: methodology is a topic of its own

[16:25] ToddSchneider: The IAOA SWAO is working on 'ontology 
articulation guidelines'. But details are still be formualted.

[16:26] FrankLoebe: < further discussion >

[16:26] FrankLoebe: ES: 

[16:27] FrankLoebe: ES: "The Use of Foundational Ontologies in Ontology 
Development: An Empiric"

[16:28] FrankLoebe: OK, ES: there's some work in order to assess the 
utility of ontologies

[16:51] FrankLoebe: < continued discussion and editing in the Google doc >

[16:53] Robert Rovetto: to my research the first appearance of the word 
'ontology is in Jacob Lorhards 'Ogdoas scholastica', published in 
Sangalli in 1606.

[16:53] Robert Rovetto: (in a perhaps contemporary sense)

[16:56] FrankLoebe: [action] draft an invitation template

[17:03] FrankLoebe: LV: former ISAO PC chairs may contact former 
lecturers [comment from a while]

[17:11] FrankLoebe: [action] [LV, FL, all] draft an invitation (latest 
deadline: May 05)

[17:19] FrankLoebe: < discussion and gathering names of candidates; work 
in Google doc >

[17:26] FrankLoebe: .
== next meeting ==
May 05, same time (09:30 EDT / 15:30 CEST)

[17:26] FrankLoebe: < session ends >

[17:27] FrankLoebe: .
== participants ==
    OK  Oliver Kutz
    FL  Frank Loebe
    SL  Sandra Lovrencic
    RR  Robert Rovetto
    ES  Emilio Sanfilippo
    TS  Todd Schneider
    CT  Cassia Trojahn
    LV  Laure Vieu

< chat-transcript ends >

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