[iaoa-education] Transcript IAOA Education Committee Meeting n.27 on Tue, Mar 06, 2018

Maria Keet mkeet at cs.uct.ac.za
Tue Mar 6 17:52:12 CET 2018

Dear All,

Please find attached the transcript of today's meeting.


Dr. C. Maria Keet
Senior Lecturer
Department of Computer Science
University of Cape Town
Cape Town, South Africa
tel: +27 21 650 2667
fax: +27 21 650 3551
email:mkeet at cs.uct.ac.za

On 05/03/2018 22:23, Frank Loebe wrote:
> Dear all,
> my apologies for the extremely short notice, but in the last meeting 
> we decided to keep the next Education Committee meeting on its regular 
> schedule, i.e., as follows:
>    --> Meeting n.27             Tue, Mar 06, 2018 [1]
>        10:00 EST / 15:00 GMT / 16:00 CET / 17:00 SAST
>    Skype: https://join.skype.com/a36OQeLjaIzd
>    Chat : http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_edu_20180306
> Unfortunately, the last meeting minutes have not yet been circulated, 
> but I plan to do so a bit later. If you cannot make it to the meeting 
> tomorrow, I'd be grateful if you could let us know. Again, I'm very 
> sorry for the short notice.
> Please find a preliminary agenda proposal below and suggest further 
> items that you would like to discuss or let me know if certain items 
> cannot be dealt with yet. I can only send pre-meeting material later, 
> if at all, I'm sorry.
> Best regards,
> Frank
> [1] https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20180306T15
> = 27th Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Comm. on Education - Mar 06, 2018 =
> == participants ==
> expecting:
>   JB  Julita Bermejo-Alonso
>   MK  Maria Keet
>   FL  Frank Loebe
>   SL  Sandra Lovrencic   (?)
>   TS  Todd Schneider     (?)
>   AW  Andrea Westerinen  (?)
>   ZW  Zena Wood
> regrets:
>   < none >
> == agenda ==
>    0. adoption of agenda
>  ! 1. update on ISAO 2018                            [MK]
>       a. 1st call for participation?
>       b. website - officially online?
>       c. pub quiz desired?
>       d. other
>    2. EduTC planning for 2018
>       a. timeline for textbook work in 2018          [ZW]
>       b. timeline for termlist before ISAO 2018      [FL]
>    3. wiki: moving to an IAOA server
>       a. requirements                                [MK]
>       b. interaction with Infrastructure Committee   [FL]
>    4. wiki maintenance
>       a. updates to textbook listing: some issues    [JB]
>       b. term/definition and formatting updates      [FL]
>       c. other updates?
>  ? 5. pub quizzes
>       a. ISAO 2016 quiz draft in Wordpress           [ZW]
>       b. ISAO 2018: Google doc?                      [ZW]
>    6. AOB
>    7. next meeting(s)
> == next meetings ==
> first Tuesdays each month
> 10:00 EST / 15:00 GMT / 16:00 CET / 17:00 SAST  yield
> * Apr 03, 2018  => 1 day after after Easter Monday 2018 => shift?
> * May 01, 2018  => holiday in some countries (labor day) => shift?
> _________________________________________________________________
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> Msg Archives: https://listserv.ovgu.de/pipermail/iaoa-education/
> List Info: https://listserv.ovgu.de/mailman/listinfo/iaoa-education/
> Comm. Wiki:   http://iaoaedu.cs.uct.ac.za/
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MariaKeet: = 27th Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Comm. on Education - Mar 06, 2018 =

== participants ==

  JB  Julita Bermejo-Alonso
  MK  Maria Keet
  FL  Frank Loebe
  SL  Sandra Lovrencic   (?)
  TS  Todd Schneider     (?)
  AW  Andrea Westerinen  (?)
  ZW  Zena Wood

  < none >

== agenda ==

   0. adoption of agenda

 ! 1. update on ISAO 2018                            [MK]
      a. 1st call for participation?
      b. website - officially online?
      c. pub quiz desired?
      d. other

   2. EduTC planning for 2018
      a. timeline for textbook work in 2018          [ZW]
      b. timeline for termlist before ISAO 2018      [FL]

   3. wiki: moving to an IAOA server
      a. requirements                                [MK]
      b. interaction with Infrastructure Committee   [FL]

   4. wiki maintenance
      a. updates to textbook listing: some issues    [JB]
      b. term/definition and formatting updates      [FL]
      c. other updates?

 ? 5. pub quizzes
      a. ISAO 2016 quiz draft in Wordpress           [ZW]
      b. ISAO 2018: Google doc?                      [ZW]

   6. AOB

   7. next meeting(s)

== next meetings ==

first Tuesdays each month
10:00 EST / 15:00 GMT / 16:00 CET / 17:00 SAST  yield

* Apr 03, 2018  => 1 day after after Easter Monday 2018 => shift?
* May 01, 2018  => holiday in some countries (labor day) => shift?
MariaKeet: 0. adoption of agenda
MariaKeet: adopted
MariaKeet: ======== 1. update on ISAO 2018======
ZenaWood: MK: 1st cfp should be going out next week
ZenaWood: MK: 1 confirmed external speaker for ISAO 2018 and 1 tentative
MariaKeet: http://isao2018.cs.uct.ac.za/
ZenaWood: MK:The website is up and running
ZenaWood: MK: The link can be distributed
ZenaWood: MK: Still unclear if they want a pub quiz
ZenaWood: MK: Don’t think so because they are doing the mini project
ZenaWood: MK:It will be from Monday afternoon to Saturday morning - website will be updated accordingly
ZenaWood: TS: Is the water issue going to be a problem?
ZenaWood: MK: In short, no
ZenaWood: MK: It will be at the end of the rainy season
ZenaWood: 2. EduTC planning for 2018
      a. timeline for textbook work in 2018          [ZW]
      b. timeline for termlist before ISAO 2018      [FL]
MariaKeet: ======= 2. EduTC planning for 2018
MariaKeet: ZW: apologies. no textbook email seems to have gone out
MariaKeet: textbook timeline: ZW will send that out still
MariaKeet: ZW: draft timeline by end of April
MariaKeet: ZW: then allocating people to chapters
MariaKeet: ZW: time till end of September to write
MariaKeet: ZW: we'll solicit writers
MariaKeet: ZW: end of september start editing, for a year (?) or so? finding publishers etc
MariaKeet: TS: hardcopy?
MariaKeet: TS: who copyright?
MariaKeet: FL: want an ISB number or not? incentive for authors when published by publisher?
MariaKeet: TS: who can get ISBN number?
MariaKeet: all: anyone
MariaKeet: FL: open access or not?
MariaKeet: IOS Press or not?
MariaKeet: TS: how would your students to generate copies? hard or soft?
MariaKeet: TS: prefers hardcopies
MariaKeet: ZW: their uni prefers softcopies
MariaKeet: JB: most in Spain go electronic. but try to have some hardcopy
MariaKeet: SL: students buy the hardcopies
MariaKeet: FL: print-on-demand?
MariaKeet: ZW: structure the options in the overleaf document
MariaKeet: [ZW ACTION]: will collect the options for publishing
MariaKeet: ZW: discuss that then later at a textbook meeting
MariaKeet: ======== timeline for termlist before ISAO 2018
MariaKeet: FL: apologies on that
MariaKeet: FL: will do by next meeting
MariaKeet: TS: formatting the only remaining concern?
MariaKeet: FL: have we all terms we need?
MariaKeet: SL: we have examples. decide which one to use?
ZenaWood: FL: We seemed to have lost you on call
FrankLoebe: I can hear you
ToddSchneider: Frank we lost your audio.
FrankLoebe: yes
FrankLoebe: that's true
FrankLoebe: I'll re-calll
MariaKeet: timeline...
FrankLoebe: can you hear me?
MariaKeet: SL: without definitions, just the list?
ToddSchneider: No, can't hear you yet
MariaKeet: MK: I thought with definitions
MariaKeet: TS: timeline in context of ISAO?
MariaKeet: FL: yes
MariaKeet: ZW: week before, and time to announce it to them
MariaKeet: FL: to do: overall selection of terms. and cover each term with at least one definition. ideally also with one 'highlighted' definition for each term
MariaKeet: FL: need some kind of trade-off between usefulness and balance of definitions
MariaKeet: TS: did some editing on prioritising definitions
MariaKeet: TS: + feedback from ISAO participants
MariaKeet: FL: naive timeline: count number of terms, and divide time by those terms
MariaKeet: TS: how many do not have a definition yet?
MariaKeet: SL+MK: held back adding over the past while due to unclarity on formatting
MariaKeet: <some discussion on importance of terms>
MariaKeet: ZW: include some notion of review in the timeline
MariaKeet: TS: let's just go ahead with current formatting?
MariaKeet: FL: formatting issues: how to do the references, checking thereof.
MariaKeet: FL: priority is getting the content in
MariaKeet: FL: continuant page has 3 variants of formatting. I prefer first one
MariaKeet: TS: why D1, not variant 1.1?
MariaKeet: FL: D1 is an attempt to merge
MariaKeet: FL: and a handy/shorthand version
MariaKeet: ZW: this is actually also item 4b
MariaKeet: FL: need to get an idea of amount of workload
MariaKeet: ZW: let's do 4 rather than 3 weeks of consistency check
MariaKeet: FL. ok. begin August then. counting back: then to have a first draft by June
MariaKeet: ZW: so, we have a timeline. then allocate different terms to different people
MariaKeet: [ACTION]: make a list of which definitions to do
MariaKeet: FL: where to document the prioritisation?
MariaKeet: FL: maybe for now just a 'please keep this term in the list for now'? or else a separate googledoc?
MariaKeet: ZW: prefers on same page. and for now: don't delete terms.
MariaKeet: TS: been counting terms in the meantime: 20-24 terms that don't have any definitions now
MariaKeet: FL: some term definitions need a revision still
MariaKeet: references bit flexible, may also be secondary sources.
MariaKeet: [ACTION ALL]: take a look at those terms
MariaKeet: MK: delegate formatting to a student? would be educational for them too
MariaKeet: ========  3. wiki: moving to an IAOA server
MariaKeet: MK: sent out a list of requirements. anyone want to have another feature?
MariaKeet: FL: item one, anyone?
MariaKeet: MK: to record contributor, then add it to the update/edit
MariaKeet: FL: infrastructure meeting: concerns about moving it to WP
MariaKeet: FL: perhaps better to reinstall PMWiki there
MariaKeet: TS: use IAOA access control for WP access control?
MariaKeet: MK: looks like not.
MariaKeet: TS: any automation for transfer to other wiki software? will ask Ken Baklawski
MariaKeet: FL: semantic wiki?
MariaKeet: MK: yes, semantic mediawiki
anonymous2 morphed into Robert Rovetto
MariaKeet: <talk about semantic wiki featurs>
MariaKeet: FL: can we use the PMWiki until September?
MariaKeet: move the decision to migrate to after december
ToddSchneider: Will continue to add and edit term list content on the existing pmWiki.
MariaKeet: FL: will submit the requirements list to the infrastructure committee meeting
MariaKeet: MK: some questions on requirements still. see list
MariaKeet: ZW: lets do via email, in interest of time
MariaKeet: =======    4. wiki maintenance
MariaKeet: a. updates to textbook listing: some issues    [JB]
MariaKeet: JB: was adding books, but didn't know where to place them. missing some rules how to do that
MariaKeet: JB: is there one?
Robert Rovetto: I notice that as well--where to place texts, unclear ways of classifying texts
MariaKeet: JB: by year, and more recent ones first?
MariaKeet: FL: by topic? e.g., applied ontology as central matter, then by proximity
Robert Rovetto: Re:term list... To the extent the IAOA will distinguish between types of ontology (philosophical, formal, applied, computational, etc.), it might be helpful to make some notes on whether term definitions are FROM or FOR philosophical/formal/applied/computational ontology.
MariaKeet: FL: and KR and semweb less proximate
MariaKeet: TS: use one of the library classification schemes?
MariaKeet: SL: I know one, but not clear how well it applies to these books
MariaKeet: [SL ACTION will look up the scheme w.r.t. the topics, and w.r.t. fine-grainedness
MariaKeet: JB: ok, will start adding in the meantime
MariaKeet: ====       4c. other updates?
MariaKeet: no
MariaKeet: ======= 5. pub quizzes
MariaKeet: ZW: ongoing
ToddSchneider: U.S. Library of Congress Classification: https://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/lcc.html
MariaKeet: ZW: will set up a googledoc
MariaKeet: =========    6. AOB
MariaKeet: none
MariaKeet: ======= 
   7. next meeting(s)
MariaKeet: MK: + daylight saving time
MariaKeet: 11-3 in US, 25-3 in Europe
MariaKeet: FL: april 10?
MariaKeet: ZW: would prefer April 10
MariaKeet: MK: either date is fine with me
MariaKeet: SL: as long as it's tuesdays
MariaKeet: agreed: next meeting is april 10
MariaKeet: same time
FrankLoebe: ^ wrt Europe and Northern America
MariaKeet: defer decision on of May meeting to the April meeting
anonymous morphed into Robert Rovetto
MariaKeet: thank you all
List of attendees: FrankLoebe, JulitaBermejo, MariaKeet, Robert Rovetto, SandraLovrencic, ToddSchneider, ZenaWood

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