[iaoa-education] IAOA Education Committee Meeting n.25 on Tue, Jan 16, 2018: minutes

Frank Loebe frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Tue Jan 16 17:22:32 CET 2018

Dear all,

please find below and attached the minutes of the Education Committee 
meeting n.25, held today, starting ca. 1h 20min ago.

I have made minor edits, including rearrangements to bring interrelated 
lines closer together and adding a [action]-markers in a few lines.

If you have any comments or change requests, please let me know.

The next meeting will be in the beginning of February. Beforehand, we 
will try to determine a new weekday and time slot that all of us can 
make regularly under the "first WEEKDAY of the month" approach. A Doodle 
poll for that is meant to come today or tomorrow.

Best regards,

= 25th Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Comm. on Education - Jan 16, 2018 =

    --> Meeting n.25             Tue, Jan 16, 2018 [1]
        10:00 EST / 15:00 GMT / 16:00 CET / 17:00 SAST

    Skype: https://join.skype.com/a36OQeLjaIzd
    Chat : http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_edu_20180116

-- edited chat transcript --

[15:54] MariaKeet: .
= 25th Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Comm. on Education - Jan 16, 2018 =

== participants ==

   JB  Julita Bermejo-Alonso
   MK  Maria Keet
   FL  Frank Loebe
   TS  Todd Schneider
   ZW  Zena Wood

   SL  Sandra Lovrencic
   AW  Andrea Westerinen

== agenda ==

   0. adoption of agenda

   1. update on ISAO 2018
      a. organizing schedule
      b. programme / facilitators
      c. website
      d. budget
      e. other

   2. pub quizzes
?    a. ISAO 2016 quiz draft in Wordpress           [ZW]
      b. JOWO 2017 pub quiz                          [MK]
      c. ISAO 2018: Google doc?                      [ZW]

   3. wiki maintenance
      a. revival of IAOA Infrastructure Committee    [FL]
      b. term/definition and formatting updates      [FL, all]
      c. updates to textbook listing                 [ZW]
      d. other updates?

   4. AOB

   5. next meeting(s)

[15:55] MariaKeet: open, concerning ISAO 2018:

* MK I will chase the relevant FOIS organisers for names of
      keynote[ speakers] of FOIS and let Aldo and Antony know
* MK I will follow up with organisers to get ISAO website up and
* AG we will be in touch with Maria with regards to the website and
      will also work on the first call [for participation] for
      February [2018]
* AG should write Maria on whether lab space is required or not.
* ZW Add a google doc[ for collaboration on a pub quiz for ISAO 2018].
* MK Send copy of JOWO quiz questions [to ZW].

open, misc:

* ZW to have a draft url for [ISAO 2016] pub quiz by January meeting.
* ZW update textbook listing on wiki.
* [ZW?] Send out a new link to the textbook. The old textbook link does 
not work.

done / outdated / deprecated:

* FL I will set up a Doodle poll to identify a new meeting time before
      January arrives

[15:59] MariaKeet: hi

[15:59] MariaKeet: shall we start teh call?

[16:04] FrankLoebe: < session starts >

[16:04] FrankLoebe: .
==  0. adoption of agenda ==

[16:04] FrankLoebe: agenda adopted, no additions

[16:04] FrankLoebe: .
==   1. update on ISAO 2018 ==
      a. organizing schedule
      b. programme / facilitators
      c. website
      d. budget
      e. other

[16:04] FrankLoebe: MK: chairs are working on inviting people

[16:05] FrankLoebe: MK: I'm not aware of the invitation status

[16:06] FrankLoebe: MK: some keynote candidates of FOIS have been asked 
to join ISAO, at least one has declined

[16:07] FrankLoebe: MK: regarding the website, there was no follow-up 
since the last EduTC meeting

[16:08] FrankLoebe: MK: ISAO chairs are also working on the schedule and 
budget, but not yet ready for presentation

[16:10] FrankLoebe: MK: I'm getting the impression that matters must 
speed up a little, otherwise we run into similar problems as in 2016; in 
particular, first confirmed speakers are needed for the first call

[16:11] FrankLoebe: [action] [MK] contact Aldo and Antony regarding the 
time issue as well as regarding the website

[16:11] FrankLoebe: [action] [MK] invite Aldo and Antony for the next 
EduTC meeting

[16:12] FrankLoebe: .
== 2. pub quizzes ==
?    a. ISAO 2016 quiz draft in Wordpress           [ZW]
      b. JOWO 2017 pub quiz                          [MK]
      c. ISAO 2018: Google doc?

[16:11] MariaKeet: http://www.meteck.org/files/quizzes/ISAO16pubquiz.html

[16:11] MariaKeet: http://www.meteck.org/files/quizzes/JOWO17pubquiz.html

[16:11] MariaKeet: 

[16:13] FrankLoebe: MK has set up versions of the quizzes under the 
links above

[16:14] FrankLoebe: MK knows a nice place near the ISAO venue, either 
for the pub quiz or possibly w.r.t. the projects (if the pub quiz should 
be an element of FOIS rather than ISAO)

[16:16] FrankLoebe: ZW: [action] we should ask the ISAO chairs to decide 
by the next meeting whether they want the pub quiz or not

[16:17] MariaKeet: https://www.cs.uct.ac.za/

[16:18] FrankLoebe: MK: that link shows the building where ISAO will be 
held, i.e., in the Dept. of Computer Science

[16:20] FrankLoebe: MK: food court is quite nearby (10-15m), at least 
one of the rooms captures up to 100 people, technical equipment is modern

[16:20] FrankLoebe: [action] [ZW] finish the Wordpress version of ISAO 
2016 pubquiz

[16:21] FrankLoebe: [action] [ZW] put up a Google doc for 2018 pubquiz

[16:21] FrankLoebe: .
== 3. wiki maintenance ==
      a. revival of IAOA Infrastructure Committee    [FL]
      b. term/definition and formatting updates      [FL, all]
      c. updates to textbook listing                 [ZW]
      d. other updates?

[16:25] FrankLoebe: FL: in/after the last IAOA Executive Council the 
Infrastructure Committee has been re-established and can be contacted 
for the move of the server of the EduTC wiki to an IAOA server

[16:26] FrankLoebe: [action] [FL] connect with Infrastructure Committee 
and get this discussion started

[16:27] FrankLoebe: FL on item b.: unfortunately, no progress on that 
since the last meeting; I'd like to postpone this until the March EduTC 
meeting, because I'll be very busy until mid of February

[16:28] FrankLoebe: on item c.: [action] [ZW] follow up on updating the 
textbook listing, incl. asking people which books they use

[16:29] FrankLoebe: .
== 4. AOB ==

[16:29] FrankLoebe: ZW: I'd like to set up a regular meeting on the 
textbook this year

[16:34] FrankLoebe: < discussion about determining a new regular EduTC 
meeting slot >

[16:38] FrankLoebe: [action] [FL] setup a new Doodle poll quickly (by 
Wed, Jan 17), offering all days, but hint on the fact that Mondays are 
difficult due to EC meetings on Mondays

[16:40] FrankLoebe: ZW: [action] [ZW] once we have a new regular day and 
time, I'll take care of a new time for the textbook meetings

[16:41] FrankLoebe: JB: another topic: where to send information about 
events to, such that these can be included in IAOA's events newsletter?

[16:41] FrankLoebe: FL: please send that to info at iaoa.org

[16:43] FrankLoebe: FL: we may consider a kind of "plan for the year" 
for the EduTC

[16:43] FrankLoebe: [action] [FL/ZW/MK] add a corresponding item to the 
next agenda

[16:44] FrankLoebe: [agreement] next meeting will be in first week of 
February, day and time to be determined by the next Doodle poll

[16:45] FrankLoebe: [action] [FL] distribute that poll by Wed, Jan 17

[16:45] FrankLoebe: < session ends >

[16:45] FrankLoebe: participants: JB (joined later), MK, FL, ZW

[16:46] FrankLoebe: < transcript ends >
-------------- next part --------------
= 25th Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Comm. on Education - Jan 16, 2018 =

   --> Meeting n.25             Tue, Jan 16, 2018 [1]
       10:00 EST / 15:00 GMT / 16:00 CET / 17:00 SAST

   Skype: https://join.skype.com/a36OQeLjaIzd
   Chat : http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_edu_20180116

-- edited chat transcript --

[15:54] MariaKeet: .
= 25th Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Comm. on Education - Jan 16, 2018 =

== participants ==

  JB  Julita Bermejo-Alonso
  MK  Maria Keet
  FL  Frank Loebe
  TS  Todd Schneider
  ZW  Zena Wood

  SL  Sandra Lovrencic
  AW  Andrea Westerinen

== agenda ==

  0. adoption of agenda

  1. update on ISAO 2018
     a. organizing schedule
     b. programme / facilitators
     c. website
     d. budget
     e. other

  2. pub quizzes
?    a. ISAO 2016 quiz draft in Wordpress           [ZW]
     b. JOWO 2017 pub quiz                          [MK]
     c. ISAO 2018: Google doc?                      [ZW]

  3. wiki maintenance
     a. revival of IAOA Infrastructure Committee    [FL]
     b. term/definition and formatting updates      [FL, all]
     c. updates to textbook listing                 [ZW]
     d. other updates?

  4. AOB

  5. next meeting(s)

[15:55] MariaKeet: open, concerning ISAO 2018:

* MK I will chase the relevant FOIS organisers for names of
     keynote[ speakers] of FOIS and let Aldo and Antony know
* MK I will follow up with organisers to get ISAO website up and
* AG we will be in touch with Maria with regards to the website and
     will also work on the first call [for participation] for
     February [2018]
* AG should write Maria on whether lab space is required or not.
* ZW Add a google doc[ for collaboration on a pub quiz for ISAO 2018].
* MK Send copy of JOWO quiz questions [to ZW].

open, misc:

* ZW to have a draft url for [ISAO 2016] pub quiz by January meeting.
* ZW update textbook listing on wiki.
* [ZW?] Send out a new link to the textbook. The old textbook link does not work.

done / outdated / deprecated:

* FL I will set up a Doodle poll to identify a new meeting time before
     January arrives

[15:59] MariaKeet: hi

[15:59] MariaKeet: shall we start teh call?

[16:04] FrankLoebe: < session starts >

[16:04] FrankLoebe: .
==  0. adoption of agenda ==

[16:04] FrankLoebe: agenda adopted, no additions

[16:04] FrankLoebe: .
==   1. update on ISAO 2018 ==
     a. organizing schedule
     b. programme / facilitators
     c. website
     d. budget
     e. other

[16:04] FrankLoebe: MK: chairs are working on inviting people

[16:05] FrankLoebe: MK: I'm not aware of the invitation status

[16:06] FrankLoebe: MK: some keynote candidates of FOIS have been asked to join ISAO, at least one has declined

[16:07] FrankLoebe: MK: regarding the website, there was no follow-up since the last EduTC meeting

[16:08] FrankLoebe: MK: ISAO chairs are also working on the schedule and budget, but not yet ready for presentation

[16:10] FrankLoebe: MK: I'm getting the impression that matters must speed up a little, otherwise we run into similar problems as in 2016; in particular, first confirmed speakers are needed for the first call

[16:11] FrankLoebe: [action] [MK] contact Aldo and Antony regarding the time issue as well as regarding the website

[16:11] FrankLoebe: [action] [MK] invite Aldo and Antony for the next EduTC meeting

[16:12] FrankLoebe: .
== 2. pub quizzes ==
?    a. ISAO 2016 quiz draft in Wordpress           [ZW]
     b. JOWO 2017 pub quiz                          [MK]
     c. ISAO 2018: Google doc?

[16:11] MariaKeet: http://www.meteck.org/files/quizzes/ISAO16pubquiz.html

[16:11] MariaKeet: http://www.meteck.org/files/quizzes/JOWO17pubquiz.html

[16:11] MariaKeet: https://keet.wordpress.com/2018/01/09/ontology-pub-quiz-questions-of-isao-2016-and-jowo-2017/

[16:13] FrankLoebe: MK has set up versions of the quizzes under the links above

[16:14] FrankLoebe: MK knows a nice place near the ISAO venue, either for the pub quiz or possibly w.r.t. the projects (if the pub quiz should be an element of FOIS rather than ISAO)

[16:16] FrankLoebe: ZW: [action] we should ask the ISAO chairs to decide by the next meeting whether they want the pub quiz or not

[16:17] MariaKeet: https://www.cs.uct.ac.za/

[16:18] FrankLoebe: MK: that link shows the building where ISAO will be held, i.e., in the Dept. of Computer Science

[16:20] FrankLoebe: MK: food court is quite nearby (10-15m), at least one of the rooms captures up to 100 people, technical equipment is modern

[16:20] FrankLoebe: [action] [ZW] finish the Wordpress version of ISAO 2016 pubquiz

[16:21] FrankLoebe: [action] [ZW] put up a Google doc for 2018 pubquiz

[16:21] FrankLoebe: .
== 3. wiki maintenance ==
     a. revival of IAOA Infrastructure Committee    [FL]
     b. term/definition and formatting updates      [FL, all]
     c. updates to textbook listing                 [ZW]
     d. other updates?

[16:25] FrankLoebe: FL: in/after the last IAOA Executive Council the Infrastructure Committee has been re-established and can be contacted for the move of the server of the EduTC wiki to an IAOA server

[16:26] FrankLoebe: [action] [FL] connect with Infrastructure Committee and get this discussion started

[16:27] FrankLoebe: FL on item b.: unfortunately, no progress on that since the last meeting; I'd like to postpone this until the March EduTC meeting, because I'll be very busy until mid of February

[16:28] FrankLoebe: on item c.: [action] [ZW] follow up on updating the textbook listing, incl. asking people which books they use

[16:29] FrankLoebe: .
== 4. AOB ==

[16:29] FrankLoebe: ZW: I'd like to set up a regular meeting on the textbook this year

[16:34] FrankLoebe: < discussion about determining a new regular EduTC meeting slot >

[16:38] FrankLoebe: [action] [FL] setup a new Doodle poll quickly (by Wed, Jan 17), offering all days, but hint on the fact that Mondays are difficult due to EC meetings on Mondays

[16:40] FrankLoebe: ZW: [action] [ZW] once we have a new regular day and time, I'll take care of a new time for the textbook meetings

[16:41] FrankLoebe: JB: another topic: where to send information about events to, such that these can be included in IAOA's events newsletter?

[16:41] FrankLoebe: FL: please send that to info at iaoa.org

[16:43] FrankLoebe: FL: we may consider a kind of "plan for the year" for the EduTC

[16:43] FrankLoebe: [action] [FL/ZW/MK] add a corresponding item to the next agenda

[16:44] FrankLoebe: [agreement] next meeting will be in first week of February, day and time to be determined by the next Doodle poll

[16:45] FrankLoebe: [action] [FL] distribute that poll by Wed, Jan 17

[16:45] FrankLoebe: < session ends >

[16:45] FrankLoebe: participants: JB (joined later), MK, FL, ZW

[16:46] FrankLoebe: < transcript ends >

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