[iaoa-education] IAOA Education Committee Meeting n.26 on Tue, Feb 20, 2018: announcement

Frank Loebe frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Fri Feb 16 12:56:00 CET 2018

Dear all,

eventually and based on our latest Doodle poll [1], the next Education 
Committee meeting is scheduled as follows:

    --> Meeting n.26         Tue, Feb 20, 2018 [2] (+1d = Wed, Feb 21)
        10:00 EST / 15:00 GMT / 16:00 CET / 17:00 SAST / 02:00+1d AEDT

    Skype: https://join.skype.com/a36OQeLjaIzd
    Chat : http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_edu_20180220

Please find an agenda proposal with some pre-meeting material below and 
suggest further items that you would like to discuss.

Best regards,

[1] https://doodle.com/poll/ewi3id5ntfb3ive7

[2] https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20180220T15

= 26th Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Comm. on Education - Feb 20, 2018 =

== participants ==

invited, replies pending:
  AGM  Aldo Gangemi  (ISAO 2018 General Chair)
  AGT  Antony Galton (ISAO 2018 Program Chair)

   JB  Julita Bermejo-Alonso
   MK  Maria Keet
   FL  Frank Loebe
   TS  Todd Schneider     (?)
   ZW  Zena Wood

   SL  Sandra Lovrencic   (?)
   AW  Andrea Westerinen  (?)

== agenda ==

    0. adoption of agenda

  ! 1. update on ISAO 2018                [?ISAO Chairs?, MK]
       a. organizing schedule
       b. programme / facilitators
       c. 1st call for participation
       d. website
       e. budget
       f. other

  ! 2. EduTC planning for 2018                       [all]
       a. goals
       b. scheduling

    3. wiki maintenance
  ?    a. updates to textbook listing                 [ZW]
       b. moving to an IAOA server                    [FL]
       c. other updates?
  D   (d. term/definition and formatting updates    [FL, all])

  ? 4. pub quizzes
       a. ISAO 2016 quiz draft in Wordpress           [ZW]
       b. ISAO 2018: Google doc?                      [ZW]

    5. AOB

    6. next meeting(s)

= pre-meeting material =

​== action items ==

=== from meeting n.25, Jan 16, 2018 ===

open, concerning ISAO 2018:

* MK contact Aldo and Antony regarding the [urgency] as well as
      regarding the website
* MK invite Aldo and Antony for the next EduTC meeting
* ?? we should ask the ISAO chairs to decide by the next meeting
      whether they want the pub quiz or not

open, misc:

* FL connect with Infrastructure Committee and get this discussion
      started [of moving the EduTC wiki to an IAOA server]
* ZW finish the Wordpress version of ISAO 2016 pubquiz
* ZW put up a Google doc for 2018 pubquiz
* ZW follow up on updating the textbook listing, incl. asking people
      which books they use

* FL term/definition and formatting updates in the term list
   => postponed until Mar 2018 meeting in n.25, Jan 16, 2018

done / outdated / deprecated:        [to be deleted after Feb 20, 2018]

* FL setup a new Doodle poll, offering all days, but hint on the fact
   that Mondays are difficult due to EC meetings on Mondays
   => see [A] for the Doodle poll
* FL/ZW/MK add [a "plan for the year"] item to the next agenda

[A] https://doodle.com/poll/ewi3id5ntfb3ive7

=== from meeting n.24, Dec 15, 2017 ===

open, concerning ISAO 2018:

* AGM we will be in touch with Maria with regards to the website and
       will also work on the first call [for participation] for
       February [2018]
* AGM should write Maria on whether lab space is required or not.

open, misc:

* [ZW?] Send out a new link to the textbook. The old textbook link
         does not work.

done / outdated / deprecated:        [to be deleted after Feb 20, 2018]

* MK  I will follow up with organisers to get ISAO website up and
* MK I will chase the relevant FOIS organisers for names of
      keynote[ speakers] of FOIS and let Aldo and Antony know
* MK Send copy of JOWO quiz questions [to ZW].
   => now available online, cf. [A-C]
* ZW to have a draft url for [ISAO 2016] pub quiz [in WordPress] by
      January meeting. => re-issued item in n.25, Jan 16, 2018
* ZW update textbook listing on wiki => re-issued in n.25, Jan 16, 2018
* ZW Add a google doc[ for collaboration on a pub quiz for ISAO 2018]
      => re-issued in n.25, Jan 16, 2018
* FL I will set up a Doodle poll to identify a new meeting time before
      January arrives

[A] JOWO 2017 Ontology Pub Quiz
[B] ISAO 2016 Ontology Pub Quiz
[C] MK blog post on pub quizzes [A-B]

=== from meeting n.23, Sep 14, 2017 ===


* ZW will set up a textbook meeting for next month and add a link to
      the textbook.

done / outdated / deprecated:        [to be deleted after Feb 20, 2018]

* MK update pub quiz
* MK to send the pub quiz to Sandra and Julita
   => now available online, see sect. on meeting n.24, Dec 15, 2017
* FL To add the term list template to the wiki after experimenting
      with one => re-issued in n.25, Jan 16, 2018
* FL EduTC slide for IAOA business meeting
* FL IAOA Business meeting @ JOWO, find a volunteer for documentation
   in a chat room (at least)
* ZW [to] chase people try and get more and update the textbook list
      accordingly => re-issued in n.25, Jan 16, 2018
* ZW complete the Wordpress version of pub quiz and testing by end of
   October ready for the new website in November.
   Testing link to be sent to EduC => re-issued in n.25, Jan 16, 2018

== 1. ISAO 2018 ==

=== key data ===

* time:  Sep 10-14, 2018
* venue: Cape Town, South Africa
          University of Cape Town (UCT) [A]
   [A] website showing the building where ISAO will be held

* co-located with FOIS 2018 (Sep 17-21, Cape Town, South Africa)

* website: http://isao2018.cs.uct.ac.za/    (close to going public)

ISAO 2018 chairs:
* General Chair: Aldo Gangemi   Semantic Technology Laboratory (STLab),
                                 ISTC-CNR, Rome, Italy
* Program Chair: Antony Galton  University of Exeter, UK

=== status as of meeting n.25, Jan 16, 2018 ===

* organization schedule
  ** ISAO chairs are working on it, not yet available in detail
  ** 1st call for participation (CfPart) planned for Feb 2018 in Dec 2017

* programme / facilitators
  ** chairs are working on inviting people, status mostly unclear
  ** one FOIS keynote speaker declined ISAO facilitator role

* website remains to be set up, no follow-up since EduTC meeting
   n.24, Dec 15, 2017

* call for participation
  ** status unclear
  ** first confirmed speakers should be named in 1st CfPart

* budget
  ** ISAO chairs are working on 1st draft

=== requests for updates / clarification ===

general request:
* interest in updates on all items

specific thoughts:

* from meeting n.25, Jan 16, 2018:
   get a decision of whether a pub quiz is meant to happen at ISAO or
   not (as otherwise it can be considered for FOIS)

* FL: budgeting is required in order to determine participation fees,
       which should go into the calls for participation as early as

* FL: 1st call for participation becomes urgent near end of Feb 2018

== next meetings ==

first Tuesdays each month
10:00 EST / 15:00 GMT / 16:00 CET / 17:00 SAST  yield

* Mar 06, 2018
* Apr 03, 2018  => 1 day after after Easter Monday 2018 => shift?

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