[iaoa-education] IAOA Education Committee Meeting on Wed 2016.09.14: announcement

Frank Loebe frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Wed Sep 7 19:14:40 CEST 2016

Dear Education Committee members,

our next call will take place irregularly on the 2nd Wednesday of this 
month, i.e., on Wednesday next week at the usual time of the day:

   --> Meeting n.12                 Wed, Sep 14, 2016
       07:00 PDT / 10:00 EDT / 15:00 BST / 16:00 CEST
       11:00 BRT / 16:00 SAST               (cf. [A])

   Skype:  https://join.skype.com/a36OQeLjaIzd
   Chat :  http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_edu_20160914

An agenda proposal is provided below, followed by some pre-meeting 
material. If you have any comments or questions regarding the agenda or 
the meeting in general, please use the mailing list or contact Maria 
directly (Zena is currently not available).

Best regards,

= 12th Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Comm. on Education - Sep 14, 2016 =

== call details (summary) ==

* Date:        Wed 2016.09.14
* Start Time:  07:00 PDT / 10:00 EDT / 15:00 BST / 16:00 CEST
                11:00 BRT / 16:00 SAST  (cf. [A] for local times)

* Duration:    ~1.0 Hours

* Dial-in via Skype:

* in-session chat:

* Education Committee Wiki

[A] local meeting date and time(s)

== participants ==

  AH  Amanda Hicks
  MK  Maria Keet
  FL  Frank Loebe
  SL  Sandra Lovrencic
  TS  Todd Schneider
  AW  Andrea Westerinen

  ZW  Zena Wood

long-term unavailability:
* ZW unavailable between Sep 01-25, 2016
* FL likely unavailable on Oct 5, 2016

== agenda ==

    0. adoption of agenda

    1. EduTC to act as ISAO Steering Committee confirmed

    2. Applied Ontology Terminology
       a. feedback on using terms from [1]?                      [SL]
  ?    b. feedback by G.Guizzardi & N.Guarino?                   [TS]
       c. new definitions added in wiki [2]?
  ?    d. procedure as proposed by J.F.Sowa -> editors?

    3. minor administrative tasks
       a. ISAO website zip file requested from Oliver Kutz?      [MK]

    4. ontology textbook effort
       a. no special meeting happened yet
  ?    b. continue discussion on scope

    5. AOB

    6. next meeting(s)
       a. Wed, Oct 5 vs. Oct 12, 2016
       b. Wed, Nov 2, 2016

[1] https://mitpress.mit.edu/building-ontologies
     R. Arp, B. Smith, A.D. Spear
     Building Ontologies with Basic Formal Ontology
     MIT Press, 2015

[2] http://iaoaedu.cs.uct.ac.za/pmwiki.php?n=IAOAEdu.TermList

== long-term Agenda ==

   A. Ontology Competition [2016]
      * [suspended, in n.11, 2016.08.10] until Nov.2016 meeting
      * [action] [MK] describe ideas on the competition
       ** noted on Mar 02, 2016, originally for ISAO by May 2016
       ** no deadline set wrt an independent competition

   B. ISAO 2018
      * [waits] for determined FOIS 2018 location,
        reconsider in Oct or Nov 2016

= pre-meeting material =

== 1. EduTC to act as ISAO Steering Committee confirmed ==

* IAOA EC accepts the understanding of how EduTC will steer ISAO

* communicated agreement:
< partial copy of EC meeting n.153, Aug 29, pre-meeting material >

[based on Education Committee meeting of Aug 10, 2016]

The EduC accepts the task of steering ISAO schools, by which the
following is understood:

* the main task is to try to initiate ISAO schools regularly,
   which means to:
  ** try finding a general chair, PC chair(s), possibly local chair(s)
  ** this will be coordinated with FOIS hosting proposals, keeping in
     mind an intended direct link or nearby location
  ** general and PC chairs are responsible for identifying facilitators,
     scheduling the program, etc., but the EduC will monitor their
     activities and might give advice and (limited) support

* if reasonable attempts to fill those positions fail, this will be
   communicated to the EC, but there is _no obligation_ to fill any
   of the open positions by EduC members

* other steering decisions, e.g. on the frequency of ISAO events, can
   also be made by the EduC and will be coordinated with the EC
</ copy >

== 2. Applied Ontology Terminology ==

=== 2d. procedure as proposed by J.F.Sowa -> editors? ===

* Jul 28, 2016: SL starts a thread "Applied Ontology Terminology" [1] at 
[ontolog-forum], hinting on the former [2] and the current [3] term lists

* proposals for further procedure by John Sowa (Jul 31) [4]
   [summarized & rearranged, 6.+7. attributed to Christiane Fellbaum]
  1. general editor for general project management
  2. associate editors for handling term subsets
  3. open set of contributors submitting citations and information to
     associate editors
  4. build on earlier editions/work
  5. enable term suggestions by contributors
  6. accommodate everyone's definitions of a term
  7. collect and cluster real example sentences (as term contexts)

[1] thread "Applied Ontology Terminology" @ [ontolog-forum]

[2] term list produced by IAOA Ontology Terminology Subcommittee

[3] current term list in IAOA EduTC Wiki

[4] https://groups.google.com/d/msg/ontolog-forum/jqyp91GRIuo/_jUEp_BVBgAJ

== 4b. ontology textbook effort: continue discussion on scope ==

comment by FL, Aug 03 [1]:
* clarify scope & target audience of the textbook
* in case of a teaching focus, start collecting
  ** teaching and learning goals
  ** topics
* formal representation and languages: which level/aspiration in this

     (see pre-meeting material of item 2.)

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