[iaoa-swao] Topics for SWAO Meeting on Sept 13, 2pm EDT ...

Robert Rovetto ontologos at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 13 22:20:15 CEST 2021

The question of what's an ontology probably overlaps with the IAOA Education Committee activities, such as the ESAO series (i'm helping organize). It would be relevant for that series, and during the kickoff event one of the breakout topics was 'what is an applied ontology', but the EduCom does not yet have a particular activity for it, per se)

As for myself, I'm interested in the question, but given my job search and study applications I can't guarantee more add more to volunteering.

In any case, if this 'what's an ontology' question is pursued in our SWAO group, then I'd imagine that those of us that re in both committees can probably help liaise.

And if you want to write a paper on that for a journal or conference submisison, then i'd be interested in co-authoring...if you're open to that.

FYI: a while back I started compiling a catalog of 'ontology' (and cognate) definitions that i found to be particularly clear. But I would need to spend more time on it, housekeeping.
FYI: re action items, when I get the details about the foundational ontology, and whether the developers communicate they are interested in presenting it, I'll let everyone know. 

Robert Rovetto
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    On Monday, September 13, 2021, 02:19:43 PM EDT, Andrea Westerinen <arwesterinen at gmail.com> wrote:  
 All, It looks like KenB is not available to start the SWAO call today. I will set up a new recurring meeting on Zoom for next month.
In the meantime, I did some research on the plethora of "What is an Ontology?" materials available (since I started writing our take on the topic and found a lot of overlap with these other sources). Here is a short presentation with available materials. 
I thought that a better (and more useful for the community) approach might be to collect all these sources together and distill areas of agreement and disagreement. For the areas of disagreement, we could then drill into them and explain things. 
What are people's thoughts? Is there still interest in this SIG?
Andrea WesterinenT: 425.891.8407arwesterinen at gmail.com or andrea at ontoinsights.com organizingknowledge.blogspot.comhearling-all-voices.blogspot.com

On Sat, Sep 11, 2021 at 8:14 PM Andrea Westerinen <arwesterinen at gmail.com> wrote:

I had hoped to have a draft of the "What is an Ontology?" paper for Monday, Sept 13, but have not had time to create it.
As that was the only (known) topic on the agenda, I am checking if others have topics to discuss.  If so, please email this distribution list or just join the call (2pm EDT).
The connection details for the call are: https://wiki.iaoa.org/index.php/SWAO:Connection_Details_GTM
Andrea WesterinenT: 425.891.8407arwesterinen at gmail.com or andrea at ontoinsights.com organizingknowledge.blogspot.comhearling-all-voices.blogspot.com

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