[iaoa-swao] [Tech Arch Committee] (no subject)

Rupert Minnett rminnett at earthref.org
Mon Sep 25 12:07:36 CEST 2017

Good Morning,

I have a proposal for you. Please see attached and confirm.

From: gbergcross at gmail.com
Sent: Tue, 07 Mar 2017 18:52:52 +0000
To: andrea.perego at jrc.ec.europa.eu, iaoa-swao at ovgu.de, pavel.shvaiko at infotn.it, sem-cg at earthcube.org, tac at earthcube.org
Subject: [Tech Arch Committee] (no subject)

Some EC & IAOA members may be interested in tomorrow's Ontology Summit session on automated ontology building.  

Wed., 8-March-2017 we have Session 1, Track A: Automation of Knowledge Extraction and Ontology Learning
Start Time: 9:30am PST / 12:30pm EST / 6:30pm CEST / 5:30pm BST / 1630 UTC Call Duration: ~90 minutes
Video Teleconference: https://bluejeans.com/768423137 (3) Meeting ID: 768423137 (4) Chat room: http://bit.ly/2lRq4hSessionChair and organizer: Gary Berg-Cross


Estevam Hruschka (Associate Professor at Federal University of Sao Carlos DC-UFSCar & adjunct Professor at Carnegie Mellon University) will speak on work growing out of Never-Ending Language Learning (NELL) and learning from text.
Valentina Presutti, (Semantic Technology Laboratory of the Institute of Italian National Research Council (CNR)), Knowledge Extraction based on Discourse Representation Theory and Linguistic Frames (FRED Project....)
Alessandro Oltramari (Research Scientist at Bosch) "From machines that learn to machines that know: the role of ontologies in machine intelligence"

See http://ontologforum.org/index.php/Blog:Session1_Automation_of_Ontology_Development which we will update as abstracts and presentations are provided.

Gary Berg-Cross, Ph.D.   

gbergcross at gmail.com     


Member, Ontolog Board of Trustees

Independent Consultant

Potomac, MD


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