[iaoa-swao] Two vacancies at UvA: ontology specialist, data research analyst (! closing date: Jan 20, 2017 !)

Frank Loebe frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Tue Jan 17 23:20:19 CET 2017

Dear IAOA members,

on request by Arianna Betti [3] I forward information that the 
University of Amsterdam (UvA) has announced two vacancies, seeking:

1) a data research analyst
2) an ontology specialist ('Semantic Lead')



Please note that the announced closing date for the offers is Jan 20, 
2017. Apologies for having introduced a delay of several days in 
forwarding this.

Best regards,
Frank Loebe



[3] http://www.axiom.humanities.uva.nl/arianna/

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