[iaoa-swao] IAOA SWAO SIG Meeting Reminder Monday 03 November 2014

Mike Bennett mbennett at hypercube.co.uk
Sun Nov 2 16:00:24 CET 2014


Our next meeting of the SWAO SIG will take place Monday November 03, 
10:00 am EDT / 7:00am PDT / 4:00pm CET / 1500 GMT/UTC (note that time 
differences between Europe and North America are back to normal and 
London time is now GMT).

Please see http://ontolog-02.cim3.net/wiki/IAOA_SWAO_SIG


1. Housekeeping
o Web links and landing pages all appear to be in hand
o We also now have a blog set up - plans for that? See 

2. Continue our discussion on creating an introductory online/training 
o Update on actions from last time
o Feedback from Education Committee
o "Gentle introduction to ontologies" – availability?

3. Tutorial / training material and media
o White paper for business people
o Book - continue discussion / where were we on this?

4. Issue of the Journal of Applied Ontology
o Current status
o Actions

5. Ontology Summit
o Discussion for upcoming Ontology Summit planning meeting this Thursday 
(6 Nov)

6. Something else this SIG can do (Mike B): Consensus Building
o We are planning various training, documentation and presentation ideas 
o Is there a clear map of where there is consensus and where there are 
different schools of thought?
o Example: most authorities recognize a distinction between conceptual 
and operational ontologies but some don't
o Example: some ontology designers leave out property domains and ranges 
for design reasons, others think this is wrong

o Would it be a good role for this SIG to maintain a kind of wiki 
resource which identifies consensus, references; maybe guest blog posts 
defending one or another point of view or contextualizing a given "best 
practice" guideline?
o Discussion...

o Existing resources we would want to collate and promote
o Should we aim to maintain a library – or is that in hand via Education 
o In particular with reference to our mission to bridge the gaps between 

7. Membership, Recruitment etc.
o Things we can do now the infrastructure is sorted out

o Brainstorm and share information about people and projects relevant to 
this SIG and reach out them to make them aware of our existence and 
maybe invite them for a talk or an informal chat
o Linked Data
o Big Data
o Terminology and related science

o Establish knowledge base and list of knowledgeable individuals, and 
understand current work, projects and interests

8. AOB

9. Next Meeting

Note that our monthly meetings are normally on the first Monday of every 
month, at the above time.

Please see the SIG wiki page above for link to dial-in details.

For more information please see the SWAO SIG website at: 

Best regards,

Mike Bennett

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