[iaoa-swao] Fwd: Journal Issue

Andrea Westerinen arwesterinen at gmail.com
Mon Dec 1 14:41:13 CET 2014

Proposal for a journal issue:

CFP: IAOA Journal of Applied Ontology
Special Issue on the Role of Ontologies in Linked Data, Big Data and
Semantic Web Applications

The IAOA Semantic Web Applied Ontology (SWAO) Special Interest Group
<http://ontolog-02.cim3.net/wiki/IAOA_SWAO_SIG> welcomes the submission of
papers (up to xx pages) discussing the role of ontologies in the areas of
Linked Data, Big Data and the Semantic Web.  Our goal is to collect a
diverse set of practical, methodological and research-oriented papers
concerned with the use of ontologies in support of these areas, with a
focus on addressing problems and gaps found there.

Expanding on the topics highlighted in the Ontology Summit 2014 Communique
submissions should be concerned with:

* The role that ontologies play (or can play) in Linked Data, Big Data and
Semantic Web Applications
* Engineering of ontologies to address performance, scalability, data
variety and integration issues
* Sharing and reuse of ontologies within and across application or domain
* Automation and tooling in support of ontology development

Papers should be formatted according to style guidelines (?) of the IAOA
Journal of Applied Ontology and submitted to xxxx.

Important dates

xxx, 2015: Submission Deadline
xxx, 2015: Notification to Authors
xxx, 2015: Camera-ready Due

Andrea Westerinen
T: 425.891.8407
arwesterinen at gmail.com or andreaw at ninepts.com

On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 11:46 AM, kenb <kenb at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:

> It should be compatible with the aims of the SWAO SIG, so it should
> emphasize projects that address the gaps among these three communities:
> 1. Ontology community
> 2. Semantic Web community
> 3. Big Data community
> By intersecting these three, it should be sufficiently focused.
> What do you think?
> -- Ken
> On Mon, 3 Nov 2014, Andrea Westerinen wrote:
>  Ken, Do you have a preferred topic for the special issue?
>> Maybe we could "go big" and look at patterns/best practices for reuse and
>> big data?  This would be broad enough to get a wide range of papers, but
>> might be
>> too broad.
>> Andrea Westerinen
>> T: 425.891.8407
>> arwesterinen at gmail.com or andreaw at ninepts.com
>> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?AndreaWesterinen
>> organizingknowledge.blogspot.com
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