[iaoa-swao] IAOA SWAO SIG telecon of August 11, 2014 raw chat
Obrst, Leo J.
lobrst at mitre.org
Sat Aug 23 20:13:51 CEST 2014
FYI. A summary will be forthcoming. Sorry for the delay.
[9:58] MikeBennett: Only just realized there is a moderator code I need to find for the conference. Bear with me...
[9:59] anonymous morphed into NaicongLi
[9:59] MikeBennett: Found it!
[10:00] MikeBennett: Agenda (3)
Housekeeping (4)
Status of this Wiki (4A)
Next steps for the SIG (5)
Review the dedicated SIG page (5A)
Review of the actions agreed at last meeting - needed before go-live (5A1)
Solicitation for members (6)
Discussion on creating an introductory online/training tutorial (7)
Introductory sections for non-technical audiences and to set the stage (7A)
Subsequent sections building on the introduction to go more in-depth and perhaps with exercises (7B)
Work in conjunction with the IAOA Education Committee (7C)
MarkFox working on a "gentle introduction to ontologies" and will forward to the SIG (7D)
This would be a starting point, but would need SIG consensus (7D1)
Discussion on an issue of the Journal of Applied Ontology related to reuse and lessons learned ([http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/images/glasses.gif]
Extending and discussing the work of this year's Ontology Summit (8A)
Brainstorm and share information about people and projects relevant to this SIG and reach out them to make them aware of our existence and maybe invite them for a talk or an informal chat (9)
Establish knowledge base and list of knowledgeable individuals, and understand current work, projects and interests (9A)
Next Meeting (10)
interest in having 2 meetings per month (10A)
1 meeting for event-related logistics and management, (10A1)
another for topics of research and project-related discussions (promote ontology practices and development)
[10:02] MikeBennett: Apologies: Todd Schneider
[10:02] MikeBennett: .
[10:02] MikeBennett: Soemone has some very loud background noise
[10:06] MikeBennett: Status of this wiki:
[10:07] FrankLoebe: [action] Leo: minutes of this meeting
[10:08] MikeBennett: Today's meeting details are on the new wiki. Previous meeting details are on the old wiki anyway. Connection details moved to a fresh page.
[10:08] anonymous morphed into NaicongLi
[10:09] MikeBennett: Apologies: Elie Abi-Lahoud
[10:11] FrankLoebe: < MikeBennett summarizing recent changes to the SIG page >
[10:13] MikeBennett: From Minutes:
[10:13] MikeBennett: Proposal: either use just the info at address, or have a new swao at iaoa address (would need to determine who reads that)
[action] [FL] ask Valter for forward of swao at iaoa.org to all chairs and FL/Secretary
[10:13] MikeBennett: [end of paste from last time's Minutes]
[10:15] FrankLoebe: [action] [FL] resolve swao at iaoa.org setup
[10:17] FrankLoebe: [action] [FL] ask Valter, Oliver for webdav access for Naicong Li
[10:17] FrankLoebe: [action] [Naicong Li] ask Oliver for transferring the website to the IAOA main website
[10:18] FrankLoebe: item "Solicitation for members" is deferred (until infrastructure issues are resolved)
[10:18] FrankLoebe: .
== Discussion on creating an introductory online/training tutorial ==
[10:19] FrankLoebe: Michael Gruninger reports on Education Committee restart with new chairs Zena Wood and Maria Keet
[10:20] FrankLoebe: Education Committee is currently gathering links to existing material, e.g. from people who have given ontology courses
[10:21] FrankLoebe: 2nd aspect is to go from the requirements perspective
[10:21] AndreaWesterinen: Hi, sorry I am late.
[10:21] FrankLoebe: central question: What kind of material would different groups want to see? (e.g. for Semantic Web)
[10:22] FrankLoebe: MG: third aspect is in which form/through which media material should be held available
[10:24] FrankLoebe: Andrea Westerinen: although there are textbooks out there, are there any thoughts for a new one that "would be even better"
[10:24] AndreaWesterinen: "More comprehensive"
[10:24] AndreaWesterinen: "More study/teaching oriented"
[10:25] FrankLoebe: @AW: thanks
MG: current action is more short-term, a book will take more time; results of gathering are to be fed into textbook action
[10:27] AndreaWesterinen: Since I am new to IAOA, how do I join the Ed Committee?
[10:27] FrankLoebe: MG: for interest on the book, people should consider joining the Education Committee
MG: tutorial material for SW aspects would be more of a coordinated effort between SWAO and Education Committee
[10:28] FrankLoebe: @AW: in brief (more later, maybe): just write a message to the chairs and subscribe to the mailing list
[10:28] MichaelGruninger: @AndreaWesterinen : contact Zena Wood (Z.M.Wood at exeter.ac.uk) or Maria Keet (mkeet at cs.uct.ac.za)
[10:29] AndreaWesterinen: @MichaelGruninger: Thanks
[10:29] FrankLoebe: Mike Bennett: Elise Kendall may be working on a new book
[10:31] FrankLoebe: < discussion on scope and intra-book integration between chapters >
[10:33] FrankLoebe: AW: questions on: How to use ontologies? What are good ontologies?
There should be more guidance material.
[10:33] MichaelGruninger: Focus on ontological engineering practice
[10:34] AndreaWesterinen: Book teaching reasoning, intersection with natural language, use with big data, ...
[10:35] FrankLoebe: MB: we need to clarify very early what the audience of the book will be
[10:36] AndreaWesterinen: Suggest a whitepaper for business people ...
[10:37] FrankLoebe: LO: suggest to bring in a publisher relatively early
[10:39] AndreaWesterinen: @KenBaclawski: Yes, creating a book is hard work. Did it once already! [http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/images/smile.gif]
[10:40] FrankLoebe: < Ken Baclawski mentions his "Ontologies for Bioinformatics" and experiences from readers >
[10:41] MikeBennett: Audiences: tech folks often struggle with KR concepts which others would not struggle with.
[10:41] FrankLoebe: ^ (K. Baclawski and T. Niu. Ontologies for Bioinformatics. MIT Press. ISBN-10 0-262-02591-4, ISBN-13 9780262025911. (October, 2005))
[10:41] AndreaWesterinen: The other book mentioned is "Semantics for the Working Ontologist"
[10:42] FrankLoebe: LO was further referring to "Ontological Engineering" from Asuncion Gomez-Perez et al.
[10:43] AndreaWesterinen: Cost may be an issue. Maybe we e-publish??
[10:44] AndreaWesterinen: And invite comments for improvements.
[10:45] FrankLoebe: Mike Bennett would also be thinking of a brief(er) overview book that lays out the broad picture and is easy to read and go further from there (as needed)
[10:47] MikeBennett: A book which sets out fairly simply the overall landscape of requirements (KR + tech) which CIOs / CDOs can look at and get an idea of what needs to be put in place within the firm for good use of semantics / oversight of data etc.
[10:47] MikeBennett: Print on demand (e.g. lulu)
[10:48] LeoObrst: Here was our book: Daconta, M., L. Obrst, K. Smith. 2003. The Semantic Web: The Future of XML, Web Services, and Knowledge Management. John Wiley, Inc., June, 2003. http://www.amazon.com/Semantic-Web-Services-Knowledge-Management/dp/0471432571/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1407768296&sr=1-1.
[10:49] FrankLoebe: < discussion on options for free book download and paid hardcopies, or other free models >
[10:50] KenBaclawski: My textbook is at http://ontobio.org.
[10:50] MikeBennett: A broader structure of which a book is a part - e.g. there is a link at the back which goes to a dedicated wiki and / or GitHub place. the book becomes part of a larger whole, along with teaching materials, MOOC.
[10:52] AndreaWesterinen: I think that we need a coordinated effort with the EC.
[10:53] FrankLoebe: MG: [action] incorporate input from today during next EducationCommittee meeting into an outline/sketch
[10:55] FrankLoebe: MG: [action] ask Mark Fox for pursuing "gentle introduction to ontologies" and confirm SWAO membership
[10:56] FrankLoebe: LO: people could think of themes for the Ontology Summit 2015 planning
[11:00] AndreaWesterinen: Could people on this call/in the committee offer up paper ideas to the committee?
[11:00] AndreaWesterinen: to the SIG?
[11:07] AndreaWesterinen: MB: Next call on Sept 8th due to Labor Day weekend in US.
[11:07] FrankLoebe: [agreement] stick with monthly meetings, not bi-weekly
[11:09] FrankLoebe: .
== participants ==
[11:10] FrankLoebe: < session ends >
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