[iaoa-infrastructure] proposal for testing another telecon service: Rendez-Vous

Valter Cavecchia valter.cavecchia at unitn.it
Fri Jan 11 16:17:35 CET 2019

Dear all, just a few thoughts about. The error you got should appear 
when trying to create a *new* user if the user *was* a member, I guess 
that in your case (which actually is a renewal, past the expiration 
date) you should use the edit-user-ex.php procedure.  It could obviously 
also be a bug in the code.



On 1/11/2019 4:07 PM, Kutz Oliver wrote:
> Dear all,
> definitely we should try out this service.
> I have another slighly pressing issue, namely getting my 10 institutional members at unibz into the database.
> When registering at
> https://iaoa.org/members/users/edit-user-a.php
> and using the email from last year to renew a member, we get
> "e-mail address already registered in the database"
> Is this not yet implemented, or are we following the wrong procedure?
> Anybody knows?
> Best, Oliver
>> On 10 Jan 2019, at 15:00, Laure Vieu <vieu at irit.fr> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> The non-profit educational federation EduGain [1], in its French
>> instance RENATER, has installed a telecon system named Rendez-vous [2]
>> without limitations for research/educational uses.
>> The practical restriction is that the telecon be launched by someone
>> officially identified by an existing account on the RENATER / EDUGAIN
>> network.
>> I certainly have that access (even outside France), and it remains to be
>> checked whether others in the EC do have such powers, although I assume
>> that many if not all of us are EDUGAIN members, perhaps without knowing it.
>> I propose that we schedule a test to use this service instead of ZOOM.
>> Unfortunately, I haven't found documentation in another language than
>> French [3], but there is a minimal FAQ in English from [2]
>> Please share your views
>> Laure
>> [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EduGAIN
>> [2] https://rendez-vous.renater.fr/home/?lang=en
>> [3] https://services.renater.fr/voix_et_image/rdv/user_guide
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