[iaoa-infrastructure] cosmetics of the website
Valter Cavecchia
valter.cavecchia at unitn.it
Fri Nov 30 19:58:39 CET 2018
By using the firefox inspector I notice that the images are rendered
proportionally to the view-port (see the html below), using different
copies of the main image if needed (something like a thumbnail), but,
actually what I see in the browser (full screen on HD monitor) is the
this is what I see in the monitor (upscaled and cropped version of
below is the original image (hands-1768845_1920-421x290.jpg, the
thumbnail used). If you look at it carefully you may see that it has
been scaled down from the original with a very bad algorithm, notice the
artifacts nearby the hands' border
> <img
> src="https://iaoa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/hands-1768845_1920-421x290.jpg"
> class="slide-image wp-post-image" alt=""
> srcset="https://iaoa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/hands-1768845_1920-421x290.jpg
> 421w,
> https://iaoa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/hands-1768845_1920-300x207.jpg
> 300w,
> https://iaoa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/hands-1768845_1920-768x530.jpg
> 768w,
> https://iaoa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/hands-1768845_1920-1024x706.jpg
> 1024w,
> https://iaoa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/hands-1768845_1920-203x140.jpg
> 203w,
> https://iaoa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/hands-1768845_1920-90x62.jpg
> 90w" sizes="(max-width: 421px) 100vw, 421px" draggable="false"
> width="421" height="290">
anyway, with the speed of the modern network infrastructures the focus
is on the quality.
best regards
On 11/30/2018 7:38 PM, Laure Vieu wrote:
> thanks for this hint.
> no, the two images (landscape is not new btw) are of good quality,
> something around 2000x1400.
> it is the (default) settings that render those images at 880x290.
> should I change this default?
> I do not know what is the general policy in these matters, keep it light
> or keep it good?
> Le 30/11/2018 à 19:07, Valter Cavecchia a écrit :
>> Dear Laure, I noticed, on my wide-screen monitor, that the two new
>> images (weaving hands and landscape) are both of 'bad' quality, I guess
>> that the reason is that the original image is smaller than the showed
>> one, uploading a larger image may increase the overall quality. I put
>> Claudio in copy (my favorite 'imaging' expert..;)
>> regards
>> valter
>> On 11/30/2018 6:56 PM, Laure Vieu wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I had tried earlier adding more than 1 post in the "slider", ie, the
>>> main element of the landing page, with great frustration because of
>>> wrong sizing of the images yielding an unacceptable layout.
>>> I searched through the documentation of the theme, and found out that a
>>> plug-in to handle image sizing was needed [1]
>>> I thus installed "Simple Image Sizes" as required.
>>> After fiddling a bit with cropped or uncropped images (for the record,
>>> everytime a change in made in Settings>Media, it is necessary to
>>> "regenerate thumbnails" with the button at the bottom of that page), I
>>> hope to have found an acceptable solution.
>>> So I took that opportunity to upload a (free) image that could
>>> illustrate both joining and voting for our last post, and put 2 posts in
>>> the slider.
>>> If there is something that you believe could be improved, please tell me.
>>> Best,
>>> Laure
>>> [1] https://themezee.com/docs/change-size-of-featured-images/
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