[iaoa-infrastructure] Minutes + Re: belated regrets == RE: our meeting today

Laure Vieu vieu at irit.fr
Thu May 17 12:57:02 CEST 2018

Hi Frank,

do not worry. we had a productive meeting, although no minutes will be
able to do justice to it, with my bad skills at that.

for you and all, here is an attempt at minutes:


we discussed updates regarding Paypal acccount. procedures to embed
payment page still to be received.

we worked on the scripts and data to implement membership types and fees

we  discussed the issues with login-passwd access on WordPress and the
need to implement this access in two different ways:
- member's area access requires checking the expiration date in the database
- renewal page for past members should remain accessible after
expiration date

the profile in WordPress does NOT reflect the content of the database. so
- we should explicitly say so in this profile
- we need to still use the member's utilities tools written by Valter
(adapted to the new DB) to access and modify personal data

we then reviewed the database structure and some scripts involved in
registration process.

we will have a restricted meeting again tomorrow Friday 18 (thanks
Oliver :-) with Ken and Valter to still work on that.


today, Valter and myself prepared a new section 7 in the google doc
to list critical points in these procedures and be able to keep working.
There are many assumptions to be checked

So *we do need your help*, Frank (or Fabian's? I'm not sure) regarding
the compliance with the Swiss law and our new statutes.
Please refer to this new section 7 and the the question therein.
You can answer them directly in the doc for those that are quick and do
not require you too much inquiry.


Le 16/05/2018 à 15:46, Frank Loebe a écrit :
> Dear Laure and all,
> I'm so sorry, not only to not have responded to the Doodle for today's
> meeting, but even to not have kept track of it and not have stated in
> advance that I'm under too much pressure during this week (almost all of
> which is teaching-related) in order to join.
> I have just arrived from another meeting (locally) and found the message
> below. My true apologies, but I could not keep track of the meeting time
> and cannot join spontaneously right now, as too many obligatory tasks
> remain to be done until tomorrow and Friday.
>   --> Please let me know if there are any questions or requests that I
>       should deal with. I'm afraid that this can mainly only happen over
>       the weekend (where I will have little time, too, unfortunately,
>       due to traveling) or afterwards, except for quickly answerable
>       questions, possibly.
> Finally, I'd be interested in and grateful for a copy of the chat
> transcript of today's meeting, to try and follow up from that (likely
> only later on, as stated).
> I'm very sorry about not joining and to send these regrets too late.
> Best regards
> Frank
> ------ Original Message ------
> From:    Laure Vieu <vieu at irit.fr>
> Sent:    2018.05.16 14:50 +0200
> To:      IAOA Infrastructure <iaoa-infrastructure at ovgu.de>
> Subject: [iaoa-infrastructure] our meeting today
>> Dear all,
>> here are the details for our meeting in few minutes, at 15:00 CEST.
>> conference call
>> https://zoom.us/j/316682852
>> chat room
>> http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/infrastructure_20180516
>> new website:
>> Todolist is at numbers 5 and 6, with purple highlights for items
>> deemed to be (more) essential and still pending, at the end of that doc:
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rzHwcb86CFFR78EbaWNEc7Y1NizlExc9QGWOSoFR5tU/
>> Main topics are the update on the 4 issues of last meeting, with a
>> special focus on the database and its scripts + the access to member's
>> area:
>> - # 5.30 (or #5.29)
>> making the login-password WordPress procedure handles expiration date
>> and other subtleties (password reset, etc.)
>> - # 5.33
>> setting up the database following the new Swiss data and importing in it
>> the current DB data
>> complying with the EC data regulations
>> best
>> Laure
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