[iaoa-infrastructure] administrative rights for the new IAOA website

Frank Loebe frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Mon Jan 29 18:22:59 CET 2018

Hi João Paulo,

I should have them, just haven't used them frequently and need to look 
them up.

I'll report back as soon as I can check (at some point within 
today/tonight, I think).

Best regards,

------ Original Message ------
From:    Joao Paulo Almeida <jpalmeida at ieee.org>
Sent:    2018.01.29 18:09 +0100
To:      Laure Vieu <vieu at irit.fr>, Cc: Frank Loebe, IAOA Infrastructure 
<frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de, iaoa-infrastructure at ovgu.de>
Subject: Re: administrative rights for the new IAOA website

> Hi Frank,
> Do you have the required rights, or should I ask the Focus folks?
> regards,
> João Paulo
> On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 2:33 PM, Laure Vieu <vieu at irit.fr 
> <mailto:vieu at irit.fr>> wrote:
>     Dear Frank, dear Jao Paulo,
>     As you might have seen in the minutes of the last infrastructure
>     meeting, we decided that it was necessary that one of us besides you two
>     would share administrative rights for the new IAOA website.
>     Ken was chosen for this.
>     Additionally, we decided that all of us should have editor's rights.
>     Could one of you kindly give Ken administrative rights?
>     I do not know what it takes to create editor's rights, but in case it is
>     not straightforward, it might be simpler to let Ken do it with his new
>     administrative rights.
>     Thanks in advance,
>     Laure

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