[iaoa-infrastructure] new European regulations on data privacy

Laure Vieu vieu at irit.fr
Mon Jan 29 17:46:10 CET 2018

Dear all,

Valter just learned that on May 25 2018 a new regulation will be
enforced in the EU [1].

The Italian association will be still alive in May (not just because we
won't have time for ending the killing process by then but also because
we shall wait till after FOIS for that since a contract will be made in
name of IAOA-Italy).
So we should make sure (what will remain of) our Italian-IAOA website
will be compliant.

More importantly perhaps, Valter told me that any organization dealing
with EU people should be compliant as well. So despite the fact that the
new website will be linked to the Swiss association and be hosted in the
US, the new website *has to* be compliant since we do have EU members.

Has anyone already examined what these new regulations entail, in
concrete terms and can tell us whether or not much change needs to be


[1] https://www.eugdpr.org/

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