[iaoa-infrastructure] minutes meeting 2018/01/25

Laure Vieu vieu at irit.fr
Thu Jan 25 15:32:24 CET 2018

Below are minutes taken from the chat, slightly edited.


LaureVieu: Here is the agenda I propose:

1- Examine Amanda's review on the issues [1] of the new website [2]
together with Ken's proposed features on another website [3] to obtain:
  1a: list of issues to necessarily fix before switching to the new website
  1b: list of desirable additional fixes and new features to possibly do
  1c: plan for who-does-what

2- Examine Ken's review [4] of companies for hosting services and cloud
services and choose a solution to propose to the EC

[1] https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1hG02KSrj8J5sfrINZeFq9foONX8asnJK

[2] http://iaoa.org/iaoa-web

[3] http://ontologforum.org/iaoa


LaureVieu: 1- Examine Amanda's review on the issues [1] of the new
website [2]
together with Ken's proposed features on another website [3] to obtain:

LaureVieu: what is "back-end being connected"? only membership area working?

LaureVieu: Amanda: without admin credentials it is hard to say

LaureVieu: Calendar?

LaureVieu: Amanda: Google calendar disappeared!

LaureVieu: <differences between editor and administrator>

LaureVieu: Amanda: add a side-bar, add a tag-list : not possible for
editor (hopefully yes for admin)

LaureVieu: action: require admin status for one of us: Ken

LaureVieu: 1a: list of issues to necessarily fix before switching to the
new website

LaureVieu: the minimum fixes in 1-a list, the better

LaureVieu: -member area + membership utilities

LaureVieu: -enough people with editor credentials

LaureVieu: - (again) Ken as admin

LaureVieu: - calendar working

LaureVieu: -updates infos about membership

LaureVieu: - check EC / advisory board data

LaureVieu: - member area page out of member's area proper (visible
without login): change the text to reflect that

-> see purple-highlighted items in section 5 of Amanda's document [1]

LaureVieu: proposal: everyone in the infrastructure committee with
editor's credentials, Frank + Ken + Jao Paolo with admin credentials

LaureVieu: Valter as well?

-> not clear if it's needed, but Kan and Valter need to work together

LaureVieu: restarting

LaureVieu: when do we want the new timeline membership be operational?

LaureVieu: as soon as the Swiss bank account is working

LaureVieu: -> need to work on scripts with Valter before that

LaureVieu: no https on member's area?

LaureVieu: all: need to have https after login

LaureVieu: 2- Examine Ken's review [4] of companies for hosting services
and cloud
services and choose a solution to propose to the EC

LaureVieu: Aruba probably not as cheap as advertised (VAT over 2.79E /
month), difference with Digital Ocean almost inexistent.

LaureVieu: Easy to swich, but let's start with the most promising one

LaureVieu: Let's start with Digital Ocean

-> action: Ken buys a Digital Ocean VM  (5$/month)

LaureVieu: no back-up service needed, own back-up works better

LaureVieu: meeting Ken + Valter for transferring website on Digital
Ocean VM.

LaureVieu: Laure sees with Valter if monday next week 15:00 CET would be

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