[iaoa-infrastructure] meeting today
Frank Loebe
frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Wed Jan 17 13:59:00 CET 2018
Hello Laure and all,
first I'd just like to mention that unfortunately I cannot join the
meeting today due to having a class at that time. Thus it'd be great for
me if notes/minutes could be distributed afterwards. In this connection
and also in general, please note again the public archive of this
mailing list and whether that's something that needs to be considered
(e.g., distributing links to shared documents might be worthwile to
consider, similarly any potentially sensitive information in planning or
negotiations; NB: I do not intend to advocate non-transparency, though!).
Besides that, there is an issue for the Infrastructure Committee that
originates from the Education Committee: There is the Education
Committee wiki [1], which has been set up on a server available to Maria
Keet, but actually just as a temporary solution. Indeed, it may happen
that at some point not too far Maria cannot maintain the wiki on that
--> The question for the Infrastructure Committee, which requires a
short- to mid-term solution, please, is how to either integrate or
migrate the Education Committee wiki (currently run as a pmwiki)
into the IAOA website and/or to an IAOA server.
If you need more information or have any information in this respect,
please let me and possibly Maria Keet know. Foreseeably I can only
respond from tomorrow on, I'm sorry.
Thanks and best regards,
[1] http://iaoaedu.cs.uct.ac.za/
------ Original Message ------
From: Laure Vieu <vieu at irit.fr>
Sent: 2018.01.17 12:05 +0100
To: iaoa-infrastructure <iaoa-infrastructure at ovgu.de>
Subject: [iaoa-infrastructure] meeting today
> Dear all,
> For our first meeting today at 15:00-16:30 CET, I propose that we use zoom:
> https://zoom.us/j/4292475601
> (it is my first time as organizer, I hope I'll be able to manage)
> As an agenda, here is what I propose:
> 1- round table to gather views on what are the tasks to do
> 2- decision on prioritization of tasks + who is in charge + how-to
> perhaps we will not do much of item 2
> I remind you that the purpose of this revival of the infrastructure
> committee is to make sure that the web site is up and operational to
> reopen membership payments as soon as the bank account is ready to
> receive credit card payments.
> As a starter, here is my own point of view on issues to be examined:
> A- finalizing the new web site made by the Brazilian company
> A.1 issues raised by Amanda in testing the web site cf. [1]
> [I realise I'm not able to access the message archives and so cannot
> just add a link to the mssg, and most probably this is the case of
> several of us, as well for the Google doc created by Amanda. to be fixed]
> A.2 login/pwd access management to member's area
> A.3 modification of scripts handling registration and payments
> - connexion between new web site and scripts
> - connexion with the new bank systems
> - testing the whole thing
> B- possible enhancements to what was planned and built, in particular in
> view of what Ken has set up cf. [2]
> C- moving from LOA-UNITN hosting to commercial hosting
> C1 listing and assessing possible hosting sites
> Godaddy
> Aruba
> C2 choosing one and ordering/paying
> C3 moving the site and testing the whole thing
> talk to you soon!
> Laure
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