[iaoa-infrastructure] about IAOA calendars

Laure Vieu vieu at irit.fr
Fri Apr 20 13:04:30 CEST 2018

Dear all,

We need to clarify what event calendar(s) we want to publish on the new
I think we need feedback at least  from Frank,  Ken, and Roberta (added
in cc.)

Currently, on the future website, appears a
"IAOA" calendar in which very few events are listed (only the ontology
summit it seems) [I cannot edit]:

But the main IAOA calendars for events are not this one. They are the
two created by Frank:

"IAOA: Check Deadlines" [I can edit]:

"IAOA: Check Events" [I can edit]:

which are full of data.

Now, I'm not sure there is a need for handling 3 separate calendars. But
in any case, all the information should appear in the same place on the
website and I do not know whether different calendars can be merged for
visualization on the website.

Please share your views.

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