[iaoa-infrastructure] Limited upload/download access to www.iaoa.org subdirectories

Vitor E. Silva Souza vitorsouza at inf.ufes.br
Fri Jul 25 15:06:32 CEST 2014

OK. No hurry for now.

Thanks again,
- Vítor

On 25 Jul 2014, at 08:58 , Valter Cavecchia <valter at science.unitn.it> wrote:

> I will setup a webdav access to the isc2014 directory, I hope to be able to find the time to do that today but I'm not sure about this. So, if you are  hurrying just send me by e-mail the needed files and tell me where to put them.
> valter
> ps: thank again Peter for the time you spent in testing the system (and also for benchmarking the webdav clients)
> On 7/24/2014 9:26 PM, Vitor E. Silva Souza wrote:
>> Tested with Cyberduck on my Mac and it also worked (upload, download and deletion).
>> New URLs and username/password will be created for iaoa.org/isc2014, right?
>> Thanks a lot, guys!
>> - Vítor
>> On 24 Jul 2014, at 15:43 , Peter Yim <peter.yim at cim3.com> wrote:
>>> Dear Valter,
>>> Great! Works now ... need to accept self-signed certificate (each step
>>> of the way), of course.
>>> ... Didn't test all, but here are results:
>>> Windows
>>> -  DataFreeway - no
>>> - BitKinex - yes; fast!
>>> - Cyberduck - ok
>>> Mac
>>> - OSX 10.9.4 native (connect to server) - ok; somewhat slow
>>> - Cyberduck - ok
>>> Android
>>> - webdav-nav - ok
>>> iOS:
>>> - GoodReader - can connect, but unstable & very slow
>>> Linux
>>> - native (file manager: nautilus) - ok
>>> Congrats! =ppy
>>> --
>>> On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 10:53 AM, Valter Cavecchia
>>> <valter at science.unitn.it> wrote:
>>>> As usual.... there were some permission problems. Should working as expected
>>>> now.
>>>> Thank you for testing this.
>>>>  valter
>>>> On 7/24/2014 7:21 PM, Peter Yim wrote:
>>>>> Dear Valter,
>>>>> My test results ...
>>>>>> [VC] normal access to the directory (browsing):
>>>>>> http://www.iaoa.org/webdav-test
>>>>> [ppy] works ok.
>>>>>> [VC] webdav access (upload/download): https://secure.iaoa.org/webdav-test
>>>>>> (user: test, pw: test)
>>>>> [ppy] can make connection (after allowing  self-signed certificate);
>>>>> - can download file
>>>>> - cannot upload file
>>>>> - cannot rename file
>>>>> - cannot delete file
>>>>> - cannot create directory
>>>>> [Error generally: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden]
>>>>> ... I tried with:
>>>>> -  DataFreeway, BitKinex & Cyberduck - from Windows;
>>>>> - Cyberduck from a Mac,
>>>>> - webdav-nav from Android (4.4.2),
>>>>> - GoodReader from iOS (5.1.1) ,and
>>>>> - Natilus (native file manager) from Linux (on CentOS 6.5) - just by
>>>>> pointing to location - davs://secure.iaoa.org/webdav-test )
>>>>> Regards. =ppy
>>>>> --
>>>>> On Jul 24, 2014 3:16 AM, "Valter Cavecchia" <valter at science.unitn.it>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>> I think that the best way to give access (download, upload) just to
>>>>>> subdirectories of the iaoa www tree is to setup a webdav access (more or
>>>>>> less the way it used to work). I set up a test system (webdav-test
>>>>>> subdirectory)
>>>>>> normal access to the directory (browsing):
>>>>>> http://www.iaoa.org/webdav-test
>>>>>> webdav access (upload/download): https://secure.iaoa.org/webdav-test
>>>>>> (user: test, pw: test)
>>>>>> I checked it locally and it seems to work, just give it a try. If
>>>>>> everything looks ok I can do the same for the summer school directory.
>>>>>>   valter
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