From peter.yim at  Thu Aug  7 20:50:35 2014
From: peter.yim at (Peter Yim)
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2014 11:50:35 -0700
Subject: [iaoa-infrastructure] Ontolog-CWE migration - plans and progress
Message-ID: <>

Further to the discussion at today's BoT meeting ... ref.
[09:59] MichaelGruninger: Peter will send his summary of the
Infrastructure Status to the Trustee list

Here's the status on the migration of the various components of the
Ontolog-CWE infrastructure for Ontolog, as well as other communities
who have been hosted by Ontolog on the CIM3.NET infrastructure:


- website: not done yet; will be part of the shared-file workspace
migration later

- forum: CIM3 will continue to host this (indefinitely)

- wiki: migration in progress; OntologWiki content now frozen; will
migrate to the ontolog-02 instance of psmw (still on CIM3.NET) first,
then another migration to the cloud at DigitalOcean; target completion
by late-Aug/early-Sep ... when ready, this will be mirrored, probably
by NEU, OVGU, UToronto, (and possibly Stanford)

- shared-file workspace: not done yet; but will be hosted or mirrored
by whoever is going to host the wiki

- conference bridge: IAOA has taken over, since 2014.07.01 (at least
for the rest of 2014)

- shared screen-support: not addressed yet ... volunteers, please

- historic archives (all open content prior to 2014.06.30): CIM3 will
host  ... when ready, this will be mirrored by NEU, possibly others


- website: migration done, now hosted by (Trento, Italy)

- forum: migration done, now hosted by OVGU (Magdeburg, Germany)

- wiki: community-only wiki: closed ... open wiki will probably
request to continue on the OntologPSMW - (outstanding) need agreement
between IAOA and Ontolog_BoT as well as hosting organization(s)

- shared-file workspace: not done yet; but will be hosted or mirrored
by whoever is going to host the wiki

3. SOCoP

- website: not done yet, but its just a redirection of the URL to the
wiki ... will do when 'new' wiki is ready

- forum: not done yet ... CIM3 is awaiting migration plan from the
SOCoP leadership

- wiki: will probably request to continue on the OntologPSMW -
(outstanding) need agreement between SOCoP and Ontolog_BoT as well as
hosting organization(s)

- shared-file workspace: not done yet; but will be hosted or mirrored
by whoever is going to host the wiki

4. OOR

- website: updated - see: ... still operated by CIM3
(for now) ... will probably move to DigitalOcean when the OOR-sandbox
is moved there (CIM3 will still serve the DNS)

- forum: migration done, now hosted by OVGU (Magdeburg, Germany)

- wiki: will probably request to continue on the OntologPSMW -
(outstanding) need agreement between OOR and Ontolog_BoT as well as
hosting organization(s)

- shared-file workspace: not done yet; but will be hosted or mirrored
by whoever is going to host the wiki

5. OntoIOp

- website: not done yet, but its just a redirection of the URL to the
wiki ... will do when 'new' wiki is ready

- forum: migration done, now hosted by OVGU (Magdeburg, Germany)

- wiki: will probably request to continue on the OntologPSMW -
(outstanding) need agreement between OntoIOp and Ontolog_BoT as well
as hosting organization(s)

- shared-file workspace: not done yet; but will be hosted or mirrored
by whoever is going to host the wiki

6. CLv2

- website: at TAMU (not hosted on CIM3.NET) - see:

- forum: at TAMU (not hosted on CIM3.NET) - see:

- wiki: will probably request to continue on the OntologPSMW -
(outstanding) need agreement between CL and Ontolog_BoT as well as
hosting organization(s)

- shared-file workspace: not done yet; but will be hosted or mirrored
by whoever is going to host the wiki

7. OntologySummit

- see ONTOLOG - assuming ONTOLOG will continue to provide the virtual
infrastructure for this jointly organized effort by the 6

* CWE = Collaborative Work Environment, comprising of the website,
archived mailing-list, wiki and shared-file workspace, which dubbed as
a DKR (dynamic knowledge repository) for the community
* forum = archived mailing list, comprising of the listserv and the
message archives
* wiki = originally: OntologWiki now moving to OntologPSMW
* shared-file workspace = various webdav servers
* conference bridge = originally the ITS2 conference bridge service
paid for by CIM3
* shared-screen support = originally the VNC server hosted by CIM3
which provides real time screen (slides) sharing during community
virtual events (webinars)
* NEU = Northeastern University (Boston, Massachusetts, USA)
* OVGU = Otto von Guericke University at Magdeburg (Magdeburg, Germany)
* UToronto = University of Toronto (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
* Stanford - Stanford University/BMIR (Stanford, California, USA)

Please review and let me know if I've missed anything.

I want to take the opportunity to thank everyone who has been
involved, and the HUGE numbers of hours and smarts they have poured
into this, contributing to this (non-trivial) exercise.

Thanks & regards. =ppy

From valter at  Mon Aug 25 19:45:06 2014
From: valter at (Valter Cavecchia)
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 19:45:06 +0200
Subject: [iaoa-infrastructure] Getting a certificate for secure.iaoa.iorg
Message-ID: <>

Dear all,
I just tried to get a valid SSL certificate for 
Following the godaddy instructions I produced a certificate request on 
the server and inserted it on the supplied form. I made the csr with:
> openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout -out 
However I got an error (This domain already uses an SSL certificate) as 
you may see in the picture below.
I will try again tomorrow (at a time when the support hotline will be 

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From bateman at  Mon Aug 25 19:49:10 2014
From: bateman at (John Bateman)
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 19:49:10 +0200
Subject: [iaoa-infrastructure] Getting a certificate for secure.iaoa.iorg
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

OK, thanks for trying that Valter. Good luck tomorrow.

From frank.loebe at  Mon Aug 25 20:35:16 2014
From: frank.loebe at (Frank Loebe)
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 20:35:16 +0200
Subject: [iaoa-infrastructure] Getting a certificate for secure.iaoa.iorg
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <008301cfc093$542eea40$fc8cbec0$>

Dear Valter,

thanks for following up on that, first of all! Let me further note beforehand that I'm not sure whether I understand these matters correctly.

In my view Oliver has purchased an SSL certificate from GoDaddy, in early June, as it seems. I can see that certificate in the GoDaddy account under "SSL Certificates". When I click on options there, I see a description as "Standard SSL (1 Year) (annual), New Account, Status: In progress", and above that there is an information area saying:

"This certificate is pending activation. Launch the Control Center to find and activate your certificate. If you have questions, please contact support at (480) 505-8877."

I haven't launched the Control Center, because it's not clear to me what happens and what would be required then.

Just to mention, though I'm not sure whether this contributes anything new to you. It may also completely miss the point, then please bear with me.

In any case, thanks for your efforts and best regards,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: iaoa-infrastructure-bounces at [mailto:iaoa-infrastructure-
> bounces at] On Behalf Of Valter Cavecchia
> Sent: Monday, August 25, 2014 7:45 PM
> To: IAOA Infrastructure
> Subject: [iaoa-infrastructure] Getting a certificate for
> secure.iaoa.iorg
> Dear all,
> I just tried to get a valid SSL certificate for
> Following the godaddy instructions I produced a certificate request on
> the server and inserted it on the supplied form. I made the csr with:
> 	openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout -out
> However I got an error (This domain already uses an SSL certificate) as
> you may see in the picture below.
> I will try again tomorrow (at a time when the support hotline will be
> active)
>   valter

From peter.yim at  Mon Aug 25 21:04:14 2014
From: peter.yim at (Peter Yim)
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 12:04:14 -0700
Subject: [iaoa-infrastructure] Getting a certificate for secure.iaoa.iorg
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Dear Valter,

Thank you for providing the prompt on this issue.

As it turns out, when we transfer the domain from CIM3 to IAOA
earlier (at GoDaddy), I did not realize we needed to "drop" the association
of our SSL certificate to the host manually ... I have just
done that now.

Please try again. Please let me know if that works ok.

Thanks & regards. =ppy

On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 10:45 AM, Valter Cavecchia <valter at>

>  Dear all,
> I just tried to get a valid SSL certificate for
> Following the godaddy instructions I produced a certificate request on the
> server and inserted it on the supplied form. I made the csr with:
> openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout -out
> However I got an error (This domain already uses an SSL certificate) as
> you may see in the picture below.
> I will try again tomorrow (at a time when the support hotline will be
> active)
>   valter
> _________________________________________________________________________
> Msg Archives:
> Committee Wiki:
> To join:        please email committee chairs or to: info @
> IAOA website:
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From valter at  Tue Aug 26 13:42:04 2014
From: valter at (Valter Cavecchia)
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 13:42:04 +0200
Subject: [iaoa-infrastructure] Getting a certificate for secure.iaoa.iorg
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Dear Peter
I just tried again to request a certificate and got the same result as 
yesterday. Then I called the godaddy hotline and they told me that a 
certificate is already active for the domain and it is due to 
expire in something like 3000 days. In order to proceed we should, in 
some way, "cancel" the old certificate (maybe this will take some 
time).  I do not know if something is in conflict with MY self-signed 
certificate (I have to check this, I thought the new one will simply 
replace the old...)


On 8/25/2014 9:04 PM, Peter Yim wrote:
> Dear Valter,
> Thank you for providing the prompt on this issue.
> As it turns out, when we transfer the <> 
> domain from CIM3 to IAOA earlier (at GoDaddy), I did not realize we 
> needed to "drop" the association of our SSL certificate to the 
> <> host manually ... I have just 
> done that now.
> Please try again. Please let me know if that works ok.
> Thanks & regards. =ppy
> -- 
> On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 10:45 AM, Valter Cavecchia 
> <valter at <mailto:valter at>> wrote:
>     Dear all,
>     I just tried to get a valid SSL certificate for
>     <>. Following the godaddy instructions I
>     produced a certificate request on the server and inserted it on
>     the supplied form. I made the csr with:
>>     openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout
>>     -out
>     However I got an error (This domain already uses an SSL
>     certificate) as you may see in the picture below.
>     I will try again tomorrow (at a time when the support hotline will
>     be active)
>       valter
>     _________________________________________________________________________
>     Msg Archives:
>     Committee Wiki:
>     To join:        please email committee chairs or to: info @
> <>
>     IAOA website:
> _________________________________________________________________________
> Msg Archives:
> Committee Wiki:
> To join:        please email committee chairs or to: info @
> IAOA website:

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From peter.yim at  Tue Aug 26 15:56:55 2014
From: peter.yim at (Peter Yim)
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 06:56:55 -0700
Subject: [iaoa-infrastructure] Getting a certificate for secure.iaoa.iorg
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Dear Valter,

Since your self-signed certificate is still on the <> host
and it expires on 2024/07/01 (which is about 3600 days away,) the GoDaddy
support is probably referring to that.

I suppose their system would do a check to see if the <> is
certified (which it still is, with your certificate.) Therefore, if you
just remove that self-signed certificate, then this conflict will be gone,
and the system will be able to respond properly to your certificate signing
request (CSR).

Good luck! =ppy
 On Aug 26, 2014 4:40 AM, "Valter Cavecchia" <valter at>

>  Dear Peter
> I just tried again to request a certificate and got the same result as
> yesterday. Then I called the godaddy hotline and they told me that a
> certificate is already active for the domain and it is due to
> expire in something like 3000 days. In order to proceed we should, in some
> way, "cancel" the old certificate (maybe this will take some time).  I do
> not know if something is in conflict with MY self-signed certificate (I
> have to check this, I thought the new one will simply replace the old...)
>   valter
> On 8/25/2014 9:04 PM, Peter Yim wrote:
> Dear Valter,
>  Thank you for providing the prompt on this issue.
>  As it turns out, when we transfer the domain from CIM3 to IAOA
> earlier (at GoDaddy), I did not realize we needed to "drop" the association
> of our SSL certificate to the host manually ... I have
> just done that now.
>  Please try again. Please let me know if that works ok.
>  Thanks & regards. =ppy
> --
> On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 10:45 AM, Valter Cavecchia <
> valter at> wrote:
>>  Dear all,
>> I just tried to get a valid SSL certificate for
>> Following the godaddy instructions I produced a certificate request on the
>> server and inserted it on the supplied form. I made the csr with:
>> openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout -out
>> However I got an error (This domain already uses an SSL certificate) as
>> you may see in the picture below.
>> I will try again tomorrow (at a time when the support hotline will be
>> active)
>>   valter
>> _________________________________________________________________________
>> Msg Archives:
>> Committee Wiki:
>> To join:        please email committee chairs or to: info @
>> IAOA website:
> _________________________________________________________________________
> Msg Archives:
> Committee Wiki:
> To join:        please email committee chairs or to: info @
> IAOA website:
> _________________________________________________________________________
> Msg Archives:
> Committee Wiki:
> To join:        please email committee chairs or to: info @
> IAOA website:
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From valter at  Tue Aug 26 16:53:17 2014
From: valter at (Valter Cavecchia)
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 16:53:17 +0200
Subject: [iaoa-infrastructure] Getting a certificate for secure.iaoa.iorg
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Dear all,

After a *very long* (and somewhat boring) conversation with the godaddy 
hotline they told me that we have to wait at least 72 hours after the 
old certificate (the one issued by CIM3) was declared as 'expired' or 
'no more valid' before issuing a request for a new one. They also 
suggested me to stay with the self-signed one for the time being (which 
actually is the only option available if we want to have the site up and 
running). To be honest I didn't know at all about this 'timing' problems.


On 8/26/2014 3:56 PM, Peter Yim wrote:
> Dear Valter,
> Since your self-signed certificate is still on the < 
> <>> host and it expires on 2024/07/01 (which is 
> about 3600 days away,) the GoDaddy support is probably referring to that.
> I suppose their system would do a check to see if the < 
> <>> is certified (which it still is, with your 
> certificate.) Therefore, if you just remove that self-signed 
> certificate, then this conflict will be gone, and the system will be 
> able to respond properly to your certificate signing request (CSR).
> Good luck! =ppy
> --
> On Aug 26, 2014 4:40 AM, "Valter Cavecchia" <valter at 
> <mailto:valter at>> wrote:
>     Dear Peter
>     I just tried again to request a certificate and got the same
>     result as yesterday. Then I called the godaddy hotline and they
>     told me that a certificate is already active for the
>     <> domain and it is due to expire in something like
>     3000 days. In order to proceed we should, in some way, "cancel"
>     the old certificate (maybe this will take some time).  I do not
>     know if something is in conflict with MY self-signed certificate
>     (I have to check this, I thought the new one will simply replace
>     the old...)
>       valter
>     On 8/25/2014 9:04 PM, Peter Yim wrote:
>>     Dear Valter,
>>     Thank you for providing the prompt on this issue.
>>     As it turns out, when we transfer the <>
>>     domain from CIM3 to IAOA earlier (at GoDaddy), I did not realize
>>     we needed to "drop" the association of our SSL certificate to the
>> <> host manually ... I have
>>     just done that now.
>>     Please try again. Please let me know if that works ok.
>>     Thanks & regards. =ppy
>>     -- 
>>     On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 10:45 AM, Valter Cavecchia
>>     <valter at <mailto:valter at>> wrote:
>>         Dear all,
>>         I just tried to get a valid SSL certificate for
>> <>. Following the
>>         godaddy instructions I produced a certificate request on the
>>         server and inserted it on the supplied form. I made the csr with:
>>>         openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout
>>> -out
>>         However I got an error (This domain already uses an SSL
>>         certificate) as you may see in the picture below.
>>         I will try again tomorrow (at a time when the support hotline
>>         will be active)
>>           valter
>>         _________________________________________________________________________
>>         Msg Archives:
>>         Committee Wiki:
>>         To join:        please email committee chairs or to: info @
>> <>
>>         IAOA website:
>>     _________________________________________________________________________
>>     Msg Archives:
>>     Committee Wiki:
>>     To join:        please email committee chairs or to: info  <>
>>     IAOA website:  
>     _________________________________________________________________________
>     Msg Archives:
>     Committee Wiki:
>     To join:        please email committee chairs or to: info @
> <>
>     IAOA website:
> _________________________________________________________________________
> Msg Archives:
> Committee Wiki:
> To join:        please email committee chairs or to: info @
> IAOA website:

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From bateman at  Tue Aug 26 17:07:47 2014
From: bateman at (John Bateman)
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 17:07:47 +0200
Subject: [iaoa-infrastructure] Getting a certificate for secure.iaoa.iorg
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Am 26.08.2014 16:53, schrieb Valter Cavecchia:
> To be honest I didn't know at all
> about this 'timing' problems.

Never mind Valter, thanks for trying in any case. It
would be difficult to predict such things in advance
and the security warning is something that we
can advise folks to ignore when voting in any case
if nothing else works.


From peter.yim at  Tue Aug 26 18:11:58 2014
From: peter.yim at (Peter Yim)
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 09:11:58 -0700
Subject: [iaoa-infrastructure] Getting a certificate for secure.iaoa.iorg
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thank you, Valter, for getting the situation clarified.

I totally agree with John, let's not worry about it!

Best regards. =ppy

 On Aug 26, 2014 8:07 AM, "John Bateman" <bateman at> wrote:

> Am 26.08.2014 16:53, schrieb Valter Cavecchia:
>> To be honest I didn't know at all
>> about this 'timing' problems.
> Never mind Valter, thanks for trying in any case. It
> would be difficult to predict such things in advance
> and the security warning is something that we
> can advise folks to ignore when voting in any case
> if nothing else works.
> Best,
> John.
> _________________________________________________________________________
> Msg Archives:
> Committee Wiki:
> To join:        please email committee chairs or to: info @
> IAOA website:
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