[iaoa-general] 2nd CFP: The 15th Int. Conf. on Computational Creativity (ICCC'24), June 17-21, 2024, Jönköping, Sweden

Maria Hedblom maria.m.hedblom at gmail.com
Thu Jan 11 13:17:41 CET 2024

*(apologies for potential cross-posting)*
Welcome to the 15th International Conference on Computational Creativity,
June 17-21, 2024
Jönköping, Sweden

-- 2nd call for papers --
*Submission deadline: *Abstracts: Feb 21st, 2024; Full papers: Feb 28th,

The International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC) is the
premier forum for disseminating research on computational and AI
creativity, bringing together researchers interested in exploring the
ever-increasing capacities of technology in creative domains such as
writing, visual arts and music. State-of-the-art AI algorithms can now
create works that to a casual observer are comparable to those of human
professionals, but many have questioned whether this is sufficient (or even
necessary) for a computer to be considered to be “acting creatively”. This
conference and its associated workshops exist to discuss the how and what
of computational participation in creativity.

Come join us in the beautiful Swedish town of Jönköping ([ˈjœ̂nːˌɕøːpɪŋ])
at Midsummer and discuss questions like: by which metrics should we judge
the creativity of AI output? Can an AI tool augment the creativity of its
human users?  What are the ethical implications of algorithms taking on
creative roles? And, of course: can an AI be creative at all?  These
questions and more are at the heart of the sub-field of AI known as
Computational Creativity (CC), defined as “the art, science, philosophy,
and engineering of computational systems which, by taking on particular
responsibilities, exhibit behaviors that unbiased observers would deem to
be creative”.

Computational Creativity

The last few years have seen incredible progress in the generative
capacities of AI and machine learning. In many creative domains such as
writing, art and music generation, state-of-the-art AI algorithms can now
create works that to a casual observer are comparable to those of human
professionals. This new paradigm has brought attention to AI-generated
content from academia, industry and the general public, resulting in an
explosion of system development, application of such systems and societal
awareness. Hand-in-hand with the development, the importance of dealing
with the ethical considerations and the authenticity of AI-generated
content is at an all-time high.

Computational creativity, as a field, has been investigating these
questions for decades. The Association for Computational Creativity (ACC)
has since 2010 organised the yearly International Conference on
Computational Creativity (ICCC), the only scientific conference which
entirely focuses on AI creativity specifically. The conference series, and
the associated workshops, act as a platform for researchers of any
discipline to meet and discuss the how and what of creativity in any
computational setting. Whatever domain you’re working in, if your work
concerns generative AI or any other computational model that you’re trying
to make exhibit creative behaviors, we’d love for you to come and share it
with us!

ICCC’24 is an interdisciplinary venue open to all researchers,
practitioners and artists to submit work related to AI and Creativity. The
ICCC community includes researchers with interests as broad as games,
literature, visual communication, software development, the sciences,
design, and engineering, alongside of course AI and ML. Hence, whatever
your field, whatever your background, join us!


This year’s conference will take you to the beautiful Swedish town
Jönköping ( [ˈjœ̂nːˌɕøːpɪŋ]), perfectly tucked in between mirror-clear
lakes, fairytale forest and mountainous hills. Further, taking place
between the 17th and 21st of June, 2024, the conference will culminate in
one of Sweden’s most celebrated holidays: Midsummer! Thus, we invite you to
join us in discussing the creative character of computational and AI
systems while engaging in the Swedish national pass time of “Fika” - having
too much coffee and cake, greeting Mother Nature in the beauty of the
Swedish forest and joining us in celebrating Midsummer: the most magical
time of the year!

Activities at ICCC

As per tradition, in addition to the main conference and the social
program, the scientific program is accompanied by workshops and tutorials
related to computational creativity. This  helps create the dynamic and
interdisciplinary venue that ICCC is! More info about this year's workshops
and tutorials will soon be made public on the conference website.

The ACC is also a forward-thinking community that emphasises the
contribution of younger researchers. This means that there is a special
Early Career Symposium (ECS) directed at junior researchers (typically PhD
and Master students). See the website for more information on how to apply.

Call for Full Papers

Computational Creativity (CC) is a discipline with roots in scientific
disciplines such as Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science,
Engineering, Design, Psychology and Philosophy that each explores the
potential for computers to be creative – either in partnership with humans
or as autonomous creators in their own right.

ICCC is an annual conference that welcomes papers on different aspects of
CC, on systems that exhibit varying degrees of creative autonomy, on
systems that act as creative partners for human creators, on frameworks
that offer greater clarity or computational felicity for thinking about
machine (and human) creativity, on methodologies for building or evaluating
CC systems, on approaches to teaching CC in schools and universities or to
promoting societal uptake of CC as a field and as a technology, and so on.

Note that a separate call for short papers will soon be sent out with its
own submission deadline.

Important Dates

   - Abstracts due: February 21, 2024
   *(The abstract can be updated at the full paper submission deadline.)*
   - Submissions due: February 28, 2024
   - Acceptance notification: April 21, 2024
   - Camera-ready copies due: May 12, 2024
   - Conference: June 17-21, 2024

All deadlines given are 23:59 anywhere on Earth time.

Topics of interest include:

Original research contributions are solicited in all areas related to
Computational Creativity research and practice, including, but not limited

   - *Domain-Specific Applications of Computational Creativity:* applications
   of creativity in areas such as music, language, narrative, poetry, games,
   visual arts, graphic design, product design, architecture, entertainment,
   education, mathematical invention, scientific discovery, or programming.
   - *Generative AI Models of Creativity:* extensions or modifications of
   generative AI algorithms that provide new capabilities, new metrics, or
   improved utility in creative contexts.
   - *Human-Machine Co-Creativity:* Systems, studies, frameworks, or
   methodologies related to co-creativity between humans and AI, with emphasis
   on systems in which the machine acts as a creative partner.
   - *Computational Creativity Evaluation:* Metrics, frameworks, formalisms
   and methodologies for the evaluation of creativity in computational
   systems, or for the evaluation of how such systems are perceived in society.
   - *Social Models:* Computational models of social aspects of creativity,
   including: social creativity, the diffusion of ideas, collaboration, team
   dynamics, and creativity in social settings.
   - *Computational Paradigms:* computational approaches for modelling
   cognitive aspects of creativity, such as heuristic search, analogical and
   meta-level reasoning, cognitive architectures, and re-representation.
   - *Interdisciplinary Perspectives:* Perspectives on computational
   creativity which draw from philosophical and/or sociological studies in the
   context of creative AI systems.
   - *Data and Creativity:* Data science approaches to computational
   creativity: Resource development and data gathering/knowledge curation for
   creative AI. There is a need for datasets and resources that are scalable,
   extensible and freely available/open-source.
   - *Societal Impact:* Ethical considerations in the design, deployment or
   testing of creative AI systems, as well as studies that explore the
   societal impact of computational creativity and generative AI.
   - *Psychological Factors:* Computational models of psychological factors
   that enhance creativity, including emotion, surprise (unexpectedness),
   reflection, conflict, diversity, motivation, knowledge, intuition, and
   reward structures. Additionally, social or experiential factors related to
   novelty and originality, such as innovation, improvisation, and virtuosity.
   - *Provocations:* Raising new issues not on this list that bring the
   foundations of the discipline into question or throw new light on seemingly
   settled debates.

Paper Types

We welcome the submission of five different types of long papers, each with
the intent to approach an equal distribution of accepted papers. During
your submission, please indicate the category by which your paper best fits

   - *Technical papers:* These are papers posing and addressing hypotheses
   about aspects of creative behaviour in computational systems. The emphasis
   here is on using solid experimentation, computational models, formal proof,
   and/or argumentation that clearly demonstrates advancement in the
   state-of-the-art or current thinking in CC research. Strong evaluation of
   approaches through comparative, statistical, social, or other means is
   - *System or Resource description papers:* These are papers describing
   the building and deployment of a creative system or resource to produce
   artefacts of potential cultural value in one or more domains. The emphasis
   here is on presenting engineering achievement, technical difficulties
   encountered and overcome, techniques employed, reusable resources built,
   and general findings about how to get computational systems to produce
   valuable results. Presentation of results from the system or resource is
   expected. While full evaluation of the approaches employed is not essential
   if the technical achievement is very high, some evaluation is expected to
   show the contribution to CC of this work.
   - *Study papers:* These are papers which draw on allied fields such as
   psychology, philosophy, cognitive science, mathematics, humanities, the
   arts, and so on; or which appeal to broader areas of AI and Computer
   Science in general; or which appeal to studies of the field of CC as a
   whole. The emphasis here is on presenting enlightening novel perspectives
   related to the building, assessment, or deployment of systems ranging from
   autonomously creative systems to creativity support tools. Such
   perspectives can be presented through a variety of approaches including
   ethnographic studies, thought experiments, comparisons with studies of
   human creativity, and surveys. The contribution of the paper to CC should
   be made clear in every case.
   - *Cultural application papers:* These are papers presenting the use of
   creative software in a cultural setting, for example via art
   exhibitions/books, concerts/recordings/scores, poetry or story
   readings/anthologies, cookery nights/books, results for scientific journals
   or scientific practice, released games/game jam entries, and so on. The
   emphasis here is on a clear description of the role of the system in the
   given context, the results of the system in the setting, technical details
   of inclusion of the system, and evaluative feedback from the experience
   garnered from public audiences, critics, experts, stakeholders, and other
   interested parties.
   - *Position papers: *These are papers presenting an opinion on some
   aspect of the culture of CC research, including discussions of future
   directions, speculative explorations of the impact of state-of-the-art
   approaches, past triumphs or mistakes, and current issues. The emphasis
   here is on carefully arguing a position; highlighting or exposing
   previously hidden or misunderstood issues or ideas; and providing thought
   leadership for the field, either in a general fashion or in a specific
   setting. While opinions need not be substantiated through formalization or
   experimentation, any justification of a point of view will need to draw on
   a thorough knowledge of the field of CC and of overlapping areas, and
   provide relevant motivations and arguments.

ICCC is a conference that emphasises the empirical and theoretical
evaluation of technical systems, results and outcomes, in an ethical and
scientific fashion. Evaluation is expected in Technical papers (strong
evaluation) and in System or Resource description papers. Although
evaluation is not required in other types of papers, the contribution of
the paper to CC should be made clear.

All submissions will be reviewed in terms of quality, impact, and relevance
to the area of Computational Creativity.


In order to ensure the highest level of quality, all submissions will be
evaluated in terms of their scientific, technical, artistic, and/or
cultural contribution, and therefore there will be only one format for
submission. The program committee will decide the best format for
presenting accepted manuscripts at the conference.

To be included in the proceedings, each paper must be presented at the
conference by one of the authors. This implies that at least one author
will have to register and will have to participate on-site.

*** All authors of accepted papers can opt to also show a demo of their
system or prototype during the conference. You will be asked if you are
interested in this option during the submission process ***

Submission instructions

This year the submission process has two stages: initial submission of a
title and abstract, and subsequent submission of the full paper a week

The recommended length for the abstract is 100-200 words.
The full paper page limit is 8 pages + up to 2 pages of references.

Papers will be reviewed in a double-blind fashion, which necessitates that
authors take appropriate steps to remain anonymous. You are responsible for
making your papers anonymous to allow for double-blind review. Remove all
references to your home institution(s), refer to your past work in the
third person, etc.

To be considered, papers must be submitted as a PDF document formatted
according to ICCC style (which is similar to AAAI and IJCAI formats). The
conference website will be updated to include the correct templates.

All contributions must be submitted through the EasyChair platform:

Double submissions policy: The work submitted to ICCC should not be under
review in another scientific conference or journal at the time of

Organizing Committee

   - Kazjon Grace, University of Sydney, Australia,
   kazjon.grace at sydney.edu.au <Australiakazjon.grace at sydney.edu.au>
   - Maria M. Hedblom, Jönköping School of Engineering, Sweden,
   maria.hedblom at ju.se
   - Teresa Llano, Monash University, Australia, teresa.llano at monash.edu
   - Pedro Martins, University of Coimbra, Portugal, pjmm at dei.uc.pt
   - Guendalina Righetti, University of Oslo, Norway,
   guendalina.righetti at ifikk.uio.no
   - Garrit Schaap, Jönköping School of Engineering, Sweden,
   garrit.schaap at ju.se
   - Jéssica Parente, University of Coimbra, Portugal, jparente at dei.uc.pt
   - Joana Rovira Martins, University of Coimbra, Portugal,
   jmmartins at dei.uc.pt
   - José Pedro Lopes, University of Coimbra, Portugal, joselopes at dei.uc.pt
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