[iaoa-general] Call for Participation: IAOA Summer Institute on Places and Things

Michael Gruninger gruninger at mie.utoronto.ca
Mon Mar 11 17:34:09 CET 2019

IAOA Summer Institute on Places and Things
July 22-25, 2019
Utrecht, Netherlands

The need to support spatial reasoning arises in domains as diverse as 
geographic information systems
and manufacturing, yet there has been little interaction between the 
industrial and academic communities
in these domains.  The IAOA Summer Institute will bring together 
researchers from these domains
and explore topics in spatial representation and reasoning
such as notions of dimensionality, boundaries, shape, and location.

* What are the commonalities and differences among the research problems
that motivate the various communities that use spatial reasoning?
* Why is there not more ontology reuse and sharing among these communities?
* What applications drive the design of ontologies for spatial reasoning?
For example, location services are increasingly important for many 
Knowledge-based design of electromechanical devices with moving parts 
a challenge in manufacturing.

Werner Kuhn (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Simon Scheider (University of Utrecht)
Michael Gruninger (University of Toronto)

Participants from all sectors of geographical information systems,
manufacturing, and ontology engineering are invited to interact from
July 22-25, 2019 at the Universiteit Utrecht. As always, the Summer
Institute will challenge the state of the art through lively discussions 
hands-on problem solving rather than lengthy presentations.

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