[iaoa-general] CfP: Data meets Applied Ontologies at FOIS (DAO-SI 2018)

Kutz Oliver Oliver.Kutz at unibz.it
Wed Jun 6 12:53:35 CEST 2018

Workshop on Data meets Applied Ontologies in Open Science and Innovation
(DAO-SI @JOWO-2018)

The 2018 edition of the DAO-SI Workshop will be a track of the 4th edition of the Joint Ontology Workshops, JOWO ( http://www.iaoa.org/jowo2018/ ), which will be held in Cape Town, South Africa, 17-18 September 2018. The event is placed in between the 4th Interdisciplinary School on Applied Ontology, ISAO 2018 ( http://isao2018.cs.uct.ac.za/ - 10-14 September 2018), and the 10th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems, FOIS 2018 ( http://fois2018.cs.uct.ac.za<http://fois2018.cs.uct.ac.za/> - 17-21 September 2018).

Following the 2017 edition, the goal of the 2018 edition of DAO-SI is to provide opportunities for stakeholders from the academia, industry and public organisations to present their latest developments in ontology-mediated data integration, data access and analysis techniques, and data-driven applications, with a special focus on Science and Innovation (S&I) data management for decision and policy-making. Currently, key S&I data elements are dispersed across a multitude of distinct agencies and research institutions or are in third-party databases. They are often neither in structured format nor systematically shared across organisations, and the universe of data on publications, citations, and patents (among others) is typically maintained into closed-off silos.

In such a context, ontology-mediated data management infrastructures can help bringing together inputs and outcomes from a variety of sources in an open and interoperable fashion.
The workshop will be a great opportunity to synthesise new insights and disseminate knowledge across field boundaries to promote the interaction between the different stakeholders.
We welcome original contributions, in the form of discussion papers, experimental contributions, system and demo descriptions, about data management applications that make use of ontologies and ontology-based tools for S&I decision and policy-making, including but not limited to:

*Ontology-based systems for Open Science and Open Innovation (OS&OI)*
- Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) ontology specification and management: open issues and experiences
- Ontology-based harmonisation of STI Subject Classification Systems
- Ontologies for STI qualitative data management (e.g., policy instruments, target populations, technology sector coverage, surveys and policies assessment)
- Machine learning and ontology engineering coupling experiences to improve quantity and quality of STI indicators
 - Ontology-mediated data management platforms for impact evaluation

*Tools supporting the development of ontology-mediated data access*
- Mapping specifications
- Inspection and Debugging

*Usability, Data access for non-technical users*
- Exploratory tools over RDF-based repositories for non-technical users - User context-sensitive data interlinking and personalisation
- Usability and acceptance by stakeholders in the OS&OI ecosystems

*Methods and techniques for RDF-based data analytics*
- Innovative solutions for publishing statistical and multi-dimensional STI data - RDF-based analytics framework for STI studies
- STI Data science and semantic technologies

*Submission Guidelines*
Papers must be submitted in PDF format and must follow the IOS Press FOIS formatting guidelines, available on the iopress.nl<http://iopress.nl/> website (https://www.iospress.nl/service/authors/latex-and-word-tools-for-book-authors/). Submissions should not be longer than 14 pages. Moreover, to be published in the CEUR proceedings, a paper must contain at least 5 pages.
All submissions are made through the JOWO 2018 Easychair, selecting the Data meets Applied Ontologies in Open Science and Innovation (DAO-SI) track.


Demos of accepted demo descriptions will be presented at the workshop and their descriptions will be published in the JOWO proceedings (as CEUR workshop proceedings – see previous editions: http://www.iaoa.org/jowo/).
Submission of an article should be regarded as an agreement that, should the article be accepted, at least one of the authors will attend the workshop to present the work.

*Important Dates*
- June 25, 2018: submission deadline
- July 23, 2018: acceptance notification to authors
- August 15, 2018: camera ready versions due

- September 17-18, 2018: JOWO 2018
- September 19-21, 2018: FOIS 2018

*Organizing committee*

  *   Roberto Confalonieri, Smart Data Factory, Faculty of Computer Science, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy (roberto.confalonieri at unibz.it<mailto:roberto.confalonieri at unibz.it>)
  *   Alessandro Mosca, SIRIS Lab, Research division of SIRIS Academic, Barcelona, Spain (a.mosca at sirisacademic.com<mailto:a.mosca at sirisacademic.com>)
  *   Diego Calvanese, Smart Data Factory, Faculty of Computer Science, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy (diego.calvanese at unibz.it<mailto:diego.calvanese at unibz.it>)

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