[iaoa-general] Registration for IAOA Summer Institute 2017

Michael Gruninger gruninger at mie.utoronto.ca
Mon May 8 17:11:10 CEST 2017

Registration for the IAOA Summer Institute (August 8-11, 2017) is now open:

Details about local logistics can be found at

IAOA Summer Institute on Upper Ontologies

Within the Applied Ontology community, upper ontologies are widely 
recognized as tools to support the tasks of ontology design and semantic 
integration. At the first Ontology Summit in 2006, the designers of 
several prominent upper ontologies were joined by key ontology 
technology participants, with the purpose of finding a means to relate 
the different ontologies to each other. In the decade since that 
meeting, the development and application of upper ontologies has 
continued, yet many challenges remain.

The 2017 IAOA Summer Institute will explore the following topics:

  * What are the foundational choices and the practical motivations of
    present upper ontologies?
  * What is the range of concepts that should be covered in an upper
  * What are the relationships among upper ontologies?
  * How do we evaluate upper ontologies?
  * Using upper ontologies for semantic integration
  * Using upper ontologies for ontology design

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