[iaoa-general] PhD course on Formal Ontological Analysis and Conceptual Modeling

Frank Loebe frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Wed May 18 18:53:11 CEST 2016

[distributed upon request by Nicola Guarino]

Dear all,

from July 11th to July 15th (just after the FOIS 2016 
<http://www.iaoa.org/fois2016/>  conference in France), Giancarlo 
Guizzardi and I will give a course on Formal Ontological Analysis and 
Conceptual Modeling 
<http://ict.unitn.it/program/courses/31010-formal-ontological-analysis-and-conceptual-modeling> in 
the framework of the ICT International Doctoral School of University of 
Trento. The course will be open to all interested people.

Lectures will be given from 9 to 13 every day. We shall be happy to host 
some visitors at the Laboratory for Applied Ontology 
<http://www.loa.istc.cnr.it/> in Trento. Please drop us a line if you 
wish to attend.

Nicola Guarino - nicola.guarino at cnr.it <mailto:nicola.guarino at cnr.it>
Giancarlo Guizzardi - gguizzardi at inf.ufes.br <mailto:gguizzardi at inf.ufes.br>
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