[iaoa-education] [esao-barcamp] Padlet and Doodle available

Robert Rovetto ontologos at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 10 01:27:26 CEST 2021

Can you clarify the Bar Camp and selection?For example, all three options in the Bar Camp seem worthwhile to me.

Can you clarify the padlet? Is it a place to add presentation ideas for a particular time-slot?

    On Wednesday, September 8, 2021, 06:22:22 AM EDT, Frank Loebe <frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de> wrote:  
 Dear all,

I've just added the resources below to our shared doc for ESAO (sect. 
9.2 [1]), planning to add more on the procedure of organizing the bar 
camp before 14:00 CEST today (if doable).

Please feel free to add your own topic proposals, if only for testing 
purposes. I hope/believe, things can be cleaned up afterwards where needed.

Hear (some of) you later,

==== Bar Camp Resources ====

* Padlet for Topic Collection

* Doodle for Choices (Single Selection)


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