[iaoa-education] Fixing the next meeting of the IAOA Education TC -- extended to all interested in the new IAOA webinars series
Laure Vieu
vieu at irit.fr
Wed Mar 17 19:22:26 CET 2021
Dear all,
with a big delay (sorry!), here is the link to the Doodle to fix the
next meeting:
please fill it by this friday March 19 so as to fix the best slot before
it fills up with other duties.
meanwhile, the EduTC common workspace (ticketing system + internal wiki)
has been set up:
right now it is completely empty, but soon a page to gather lecturer
suggestions and a page to investigate technical solutions will be set-up
the idea is that this is an internal tool, and not a substitute to the
existing public wiki.
there is a system to create an account. please have a try. we do not
know yet whether it works, so please report any issue.
Best regards,
Le 03/03/2021 à 14:59, Frank Loebe a écrit :
> Dear all,
> please find below the unedited chat transcript of the Education
> Committee meeting n.44, held today.
> If you have any comments or change requests, please let me know.
> A follow-up meeting is planned for the week starting on Mar 22, 2021.
> A Doodle poll for determining the exact time slot shall follow soon.
> Best regards,
> Frank
> -- unedited chat transcript --
> [10:56] FrankLoebe: .
> = IAOA Education Technical Committee meeting n.44 on Mar 03, 2021 =
> ----------------> WELCOME (BACK) <----------------
> --> Meeting n.44 Wed, Mar 03, 2021
> 05:00 EST / 10:00 UTC / 11:00 CET / 12:00 SAST [1]
> Skype: https://join.skype.com/eKAVpRwdkfFY
> Chat : http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_educ
> [1]
> https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20210303T1000&ah=1&am=30
> selected based on [2]
> [2] https://doodle.com/poll/mknafezeu6hvkzbp
> == participants ==
> expecting:
> TH Torsten Hahmann [likely late]
> LJ Ludger Jansen
> MK Maria Keet
> OK Oliver Kutz
> FL Frank Loebe
> SL Sandra Lovrencic
> DP Daniele Porello
> RR Robert Rovetto
> ES Emilio Sanfilippo
> CT Cassia Trojahn
> LV Laure Vieu
> regrets:
> < none >
> == agenda ==
> 0. adoption of agenda
> 1. webinar series on applied ontology
> a. format (type of contents, length, frequency, live or not...)
> b. technical aspects (which host, how to record...)
> c. first program (what who when)
> d. who handles the whole process
> 2. status and revival of the Education Committee
> 3. next meeting(s) and AOB
> == pre-meeting material ==
> == 1. webinar series on applied ontology ==
> [1] initiating message
> https://listserv.ovgu.de//pipermail/iaoa-education/2021-February/000289.html
> < excerpt from [1] >
> [...] to invite you to contribute to develop a program of short
> webinars (on-line video lectures) on fundamentals of Ontology and its
> Applications.
> IAOA's main educational activity, the ISAO summer school, was
> cancelled in 2020 with hopes to postpone it to September 2021. But
> pandemic uncertainties are still high and since we deemed that a
> proper summer school cannot be held on-line, ISAO 2021 is now
> cancelled. Of course, ISAO summer schools shall resume when the
> situation will improve.
> The idea then emerged in the IAOA EC to create a program of short
> on-line lectures, possibly asking some of the lecturers who were on
> the ISAO 2020 program to contribute, as well as extending to the
> wealth of great lecturers present in our community. The webinar series
> could adopt a regular frequency, and extend over the years, possibly
> becoming a main instrument of the IAOA Education Technical Committee.
> Educational activities certainly are in high demand from IAOA members.
> The EduTC needs to be revived, and the webinar series project could be
> the occasion to gather energies and make it active again.
> </ excerpt >
> [10:58] anonymous morphed into MariaKeet
> [11:07] FrankLoebe: < session started at 11:05 CET >
> [11:08] FrankLoebe: .
> < FL gives brief introduction on the background of the meeting >
> [agreement] agenda adopted
> [11:08] FrankLoebe: .
> == 1. webinar series on applied ontology ==
> a. format (type of contents, length, frequency, live or not...)
> b. technical aspects (which host, how to record...)
> c. first program (what who when)
> d. who handles the whole process
> [11:09] FrankLoebe: .
> < LV summarizing the background of the webinar series idea, cf.
> pre-meeting material on item 1. >
> [11:10] FrankLoebe: LV: we'd not simply convert the summer school
> format into an online variant, but rather to consider a new online format
> [11:11] FrankLoebe: LV: first ideas: short (ca. 20 min)
> webinars/presentations; e.g.: what's a perdurant? what's a top-level
> ontology? ... having many of those
> [11:12] FrankLoebe: MK: who is this targeting? Anyone out there?
> post-grads, PhDs?
> [11:12] FrankLoebe: MK: this will affect topics
> [11:13] FrankLoebe: LV: hasn't been fixed, but similar to the summer
> schools seems plausible
> [11:14] FrankLoebe: MK: I get emails from industry people asking for
> explanations on my textbook
> [11:16] FrankLoebe: FL: perhaps we don't have to fix this for all
> webinars in the same way; could have some for postgrad level, some for
> industry/business
> [11:19] FrankLoebe: LV: generally, we plan to continue this/provide
> webinars over years, not just replacing ISAO in 2021
> [11:20] FrankLoebe: FL: yes, but we should also plan something
> concrete for this year
> [11:24] FrankLoebe: ES: I welcome the idea in general; on the format,
> the question is what to do, e.g., several online-conferences have
> expected that people looked at videos beforehand, then having live
> discussion sessions
> [11:30] FrankLoebe: CT: +1, have also seen that in conferences;
> although live talks are also nice
> [11:30] FrankLoebe: < discussion about format options, esp.
> pre-recording vs. live session >
> [11:31] FrankLoebe: options discussed: live-sessions; pre-recording +
> later live session, possibly with panel-discussion
> [11:31] anonymous1 morphed into LudgerJansen
> [11:32] FrankLoebe: MK: there are also a number of videos out there,
> from online classes held already
> [11:34] FrankLoebe: LV: [...]
> LJ: what's the aim? unrelated topics or do we have a focus topic?
> [11:34] FrankLoebe: LV: would not want to be too constraining?
> [11:35] FrankLoebe: LJ: the decision will influence our approach
> [11:35] FrankLoebe: LV: one idea was to start with the intended
> lecturers of ISAO 2020 (asking them)
> [11:37] FrankLoebe: LV: those could give a set of small videos that
> are related ... but that's just one idea
> [11:39] FrankLoebe: MK: for the African Summer school we had an open
> call for basic and advanced topics, creating a program from what we
> received as talk suggestions
> [11:40] FrankLoebe: FL: sounds like a good idea to me, having
> self-motivated presenters; we could fill in gaps (in topic coverage)
> later
> [11:40] MariaKeet: ^ (was this one: http://sigir.org/afirm2020/
> [unrelated topics though])
> [11:48] FrankLoebe: LV: perhaps we ask known presenters in a first
> round (N.Guarino, A.Varzi, K.Fine, etc.), then continue with an open call
> [11:50] FrankLoebe: < discussion on who to ask vs. open call; format
> and possible durations >
> [11:50] FrankLoebe: MK: I think we shouldn't have only presenters of
> one group of age; want to demonstrate a lively & vibrant community
> [11:51] FrankLoebe: LV: I agree, we should have a mixed approach
> [11:51] FrankLoebe: MK: +1 for balance between the presenters
> [11:51] FrankLoebe: MK: on duration: students drop out after 10-12
> min, even 20-25 is too long; 45 min is far too long
> [11:52] FrankLoebe: MK: ^this is based on studies; more "action" on
> the slides helps a bit (flying, moving things)
> [11:55] FrankLoebe: < discussion about readiness of presenters to
> stick to new, short formats >
> [11:56] FrankLoebe: FL: approaches need not exclude each other,
> majority could be shorts, plus some longer ones
> [11:56] FrankLoebe: LJ: it's a challenge to re-format ways to explain
> topics in bits of 10 min ... will be interesting to see what is produced
> [11:57] MariaKeet1: I have to leave in a few minutes
> [11:59] FrankLoebe: MK: I'd be interested in structuring and planning
> of the series; giving input on how to restructure talks etc.
> [12:03] FrankLoebe: LV: we should start asap, once the technical setup
> is clarified
> [12:04] FrankLoebe: MK: still need to clarify whether course-like or
> rather self-standing video that can be cherry-picked
> [12:05] FrankLoebe: LV: certainly self-standing is preferred
> [12:06] FrankLoebe: FL, DP: +1
> [12:09] MariaKeet1: I really have to go now, sorry. I'll see follow
> via email?
> [12:09] MariaKeet1: bye
> [12:13] FrankLoebe: < general expressions of interest and occasional
> contributions; no one in the meeting can take the full lead >
> [12:22] FrankLoebe: < discussion on how to proceed >
> [12:24] FrankLoebe: [agreement] next meeting TBD via Doodle in week of
> Mar 22, with time slots that allow for American participation, too
> [12:25] FrankLoebe: [action] [LV] establish a branch in IAOA's
> internal wiki for joint work during the meetings
> [12:25] FrankLoebe: [action] [FL] setup the Doodle for the next meeting
> [12:26] FrankLoebe: [action] [LV,FL
> [12:27] FrankLoebe: [action] [LV,FL+??] start a wikipage on first
> candidate lectures with presenter, scope and target audience
> [12:28] FrankLoebe: [action] [LV] consider moving forward the
> clarification of which technical basis to use
> [12:28] FrankLoebe: < session ended a few minutes ago >
> [12:31] FrankLoebe: .
> == participants ==
> present:
> LJ Ludger Jansen
> MK Maria Keet
> FL Frank Loebe
> DP Daniele Porello
> ES Emilio Sanfilippo
> CT Cassia Trojahn
> LV Laure Vieu
> < chat transcript ends >
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