[iaoa-education] Transcript of the IAOA Education Committee Meeting n.44 - Mar 03, 2021

Robert Rovetto ontologos at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 3 22:47:36 CET 2021

Apologies for absence. As some present know, I could not connect. 
Can someone bring me up to speed via a skyp call? (Please contact me offlist, if so)

Re:short webinar series, I'm interested in contributing to or making a couple of topics. One is foundational ontology concepts.
    On Wednesday, March 3, 2021, 8:59:51 AM EST, Frank Loebe <frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de> wrote:  
 Dear all,

please find below the unedited chat transcript of the Education 
Committee meeting n.44, held today.

If you have any comments or change requests, please let me know.

A follow-up meeting is planned for the week starting on Mar 22, 2021. A 
Doodle poll for determining the exact time slot shall follow soon.

Best regards,

-- unedited chat transcript --

[10:56] FrankLoebe: .
= IAOA Education Technical Committee meeting n.44 on Mar 03, 2021 =

    ---------------->  WELCOME (BACK)    <----------------

  --> Meeting n.44                    Wed, Mar 03, 2021
      05:00 EST / 10:00 UTC / 11:00 CET / 12:00 SAST [1]

      Skype: https://join.skype.com/eKAVpRwdkfFY
      Chat : http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_educ

    selected based on [2]

[2] https://doodle.com/poll/mknafezeu6hvkzbp

== participants ==

  TH  Torsten Hahmann      [likely late]
  LJ  Ludger Jansen
  MK  Maria Keet
  OK  Oliver Kutz
  FL  Frank Loebe
  SL  Sandra Lovrencic
  DP  Daniele Porello
  RR  Robert Rovetto
  ES  Emilio Sanfilippo
  CT  Cassia Trojahn
  LV  Laure Vieu

< none >

== agenda ==

  0. adoption of agenda

  1. webinar series on applied ontology
      a. format (type of contents, length, frequency, live or not...)
      b. technical aspects (which host, how to record...)
      c. first program (what who when)
      d. who handles the whole process

  2. status and revival of the Education Committee

  3. next meeting(s) and AOB

== pre-meeting material ==

== 1. webinar series on applied ontology ==

[1] initiating message

< excerpt from [1] >
[...] to invite you to contribute to develop a program of short webinars 
(on-line video lectures) on fundamentals of Ontology and its Applications.

IAOA's main educational activity, the ISAO summer school, was cancelled 
in 2020 with hopes to postpone it to September 2021. But pandemic 
uncertainties are still high and since we deemed that a proper summer 
school cannot be held on-line, ISAO 2021 is now cancelled. Of course, 
ISAO summer schools shall resume when the situation will improve.

The idea then emerged in the IAOA EC to create a program of short 
on-line lectures, possibly asking some of the lecturers who were on the 
ISAO 2020 program to contribute, as well as extending to the wealth of 
great lecturers present in our community. The webinar series could adopt 
a regular frequency, and extend over the years, possibly becoming a main 
instrument of the IAOA Education Technical Committee.

Educational activities certainly are in high demand from IAOA members. 
The EduTC needs to be revived, and the webinar series project could be 
the occasion to gather energies and make it active again.
</ excerpt >

[10:58] anonymous morphed into MariaKeet

[11:07] FrankLoebe: < session started at 11:05 CET >

[11:08] FrankLoebe: .
< FL gives brief introduction on the background of the meeting >
[agreement] agenda adopted

[11:08] FrankLoebe: .
== 1. webinar series on applied ontology ==
      a. format (type of contents, length, frequency, live or not...)
      b. technical aspects (which host, how to record...)
      c. first program (what who when)
      d. who handles the whole process

[11:09] FrankLoebe: .
< LV summarizing the background of the webinar series idea, cf. 
pre-meeting material on item 1. >

[11:10] FrankLoebe: LV: we'd not simply convert the summer school format 
into an online variant, but rather to consider a new online format

[11:11] FrankLoebe: LV: first ideas: short (ca. 20 min) 
webinars/presentations; e.g.: what's a perdurant? what's a top-level 
ontology? ... having many of those

[11:12] FrankLoebe: MK: who is this targeting? Anyone out there? 
post-grads, PhDs?

[11:12] FrankLoebe: MK: this will affect topics

[11:13] FrankLoebe: LV: hasn't been fixed, but similar to the summer 
schools seems plausible

[11:14] FrankLoebe: MK: I get emails from industry people asking for 
explanations on my textbook

[11:16] FrankLoebe: FL: perhaps we don't have to fix this for all 
webinars in the same way; could have some for postgrad level, some for 

[11:19] FrankLoebe: LV: generally, we plan to continue this/provide 
webinars over years, not just replacing ISAO in 2021

[11:20] FrankLoebe: FL: yes, but we should also plan something concrete 
for this year

[11:24] FrankLoebe: ES: I welcome the idea in general; on the format, 
the question is what to do, e.g., several online-conferences have 
expected that people looked at videos beforehand, then having live 
discussion sessions

[11:30] FrankLoebe: CT: +1, have also seen that in conferences; although 
live talks are also nice

[11:30] FrankLoebe: < discussion about format options, esp. 
pre-recording vs. live session >

[11:31] FrankLoebe: options discussed: live-sessions; pre-recording + 
later live session, possibly with panel-discussion

[11:31] anonymous1 morphed into LudgerJansen

[11:32] FrankLoebe: MK: there are also a number of videos out there, 
from online classes held already

[11:34] FrankLoebe: LV: [...]

LJ: what's the aim? unrelated topics or do we have a focus topic?

[11:34] FrankLoebe: LV: would not want to be too constraining?

[11:35] FrankLoebe: LJ: the decision will influence our approach

[11:35] FrankLoebe: LV: one idea was to start with the intended 
lecturers of ISAO 2020 (asking them)

[11:37] FrankLoebe: LV: those could give a set of small videos that are 
related ... but that's just one idea

[11:39] FrankLoebe: MK: for the African Summer school we had an open 
call for basic and advanced topics, creating a program from what we 
received as talk suggestions

[11:40] FrankLoebe: FL: sounds like a good idea to me, having 
self-motivated presenters; we could fill in gaps (in topic coverage) later

[11:40] MariaKeet: ^ (was this one: http://sigir.org/afirm2020/ 
[unrelated topics though])

[11:48] FrankLoebe: LV: perhaps we ask known presenters in a first round 
(N.Guarino, A.Varzi, K.Fine, etc.), then continue with an open call

[11:50] FrankLoebe: < discussion on who to ask vs. open call; format and 
possible durations >

[11:50] FrankLoebe: MK: I think we shouldn't have only presenters of one 
group of age; want to demonstrate a lively & vibrant community

[11:51] FrankLoebe: LV: I agree, we should have a mixed approach

[11:51] FrankLoebe: MK: +1 for balance between the presenters

[11:51] FrankLoebe: MK: on duration: students drop out after 10-12 min, 
even 20-25 is too long; 45 min is far too long

[11:52] FrankLoebe: MK: ^this is based on studies; more "action" on the 
slides helps a bit (flying, moving things)

[11:55] FrankLoebe: < discussion about readiness of presenters to stick 
to new, short formats >

[11:56] FrankLoebe: FL: approaches need not exclude each other, majority 
could be shorts, plus some longer ones

[11:56] FrankLoebe: LJ: it's a challenge to re-format ways to explain 
topics in bits of 10 min ... will be interesting to see what is produced

[11:57] MariaKeet1: I have to leave in a few minutes

[11:59] FrankLoebe: MK: I'd be interested in structuring and planning of 
the series; giving input on how to restructure talks etc.

[12:03] FrankLoebe: LV: we should start asap, once the technical setup 
is clarified

[12:04] FrankLoebe: MK: still need to clarify whether course-like or 
rather self-standing video that can be cherry-picked

[12:05] FrankLoebe: LV: certainly self-standing is preferred

[12:06] FrankLoebe: FL, DP: +1

[12:09] MariaKeet1: I really have to go now, sorry. I'll see follow via 

[12:09] MariaKeet1: bye

[12:13] FrankLoebe: < general expressions of interest and occasional 
contributions; no one in the meeting can take the full lead >

[12:22] FrankLoebe: < discussion on how to proceed >

[12:24] FrankLoebe: [agreement] next meeting TBD via Doodle in week of 
Mar 22, with time slots that allow for American participation, too

[12:25] FrankLoebe: [action] [LV] establish a branch in IAOA's internal 
wiki for joint work during the meetings

[12:25] FrankLoebe: [action] [FL] setup the Doodle for the next meeting

[12:26] FrankLoebe: [action] [LV,FL

[12:27] FrankLoebe: [action] [LV,FL+??] start a wikipage on first 
candidate lectures with presenter, scope and target audience

[12:28] FrankLoebe: [action] [LV] consider moving forward the 
clarification of which technical basis to use

[12:28] FrankLoebe: < session ended a few minutes ago >

[12:31] FrankLoebe: .
== participants ==

  LJ  Ludger Jansen
  MK  Maria Keet
  FL  Frank Loebe
  DP  Daniele Porello
  ES  Emilio Sanfilippo
  CT  Cassia Trojahn
  LV  Laure Vieu

< chat transcript ends >

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