[iaoa-education] [esao-ld] considerations on program draft

Robert Rovetto ontologos at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 24 07:21:37 CEST 2021

There's a glaring omission in the candidates / keynotes: Dr. Heinrich Herre. If there will be at least two founational ontology persons, e.g. Dr.Guarino, then certainly Dr.Herre must be there for balance, fairness, and diversity. HIs foundational ontology was created at least parallel, but indications suggest even prior to that of others presenting.
NOTE: he should not simply be giving a talk in the Foundational section, but should be along side anyone who is keynote or the main candidates.
I recommend adding him, sending an invitation.

Robert Rovetto--IAOA Edu Committee.
Misc. Other Committees.

    On Tuesday, June 22, 2021, 12:38:27 PM EDT, Frank Loebe <frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de> wrote:  
 Dear all,

apologies for the brevity, but just to let you know on the ESAO Launch 
Day that Laure and myself have started considerations on a potential 
program in Sect.9 of our document [1], given first replies from our 
invitees and seeing the need to make progress with some urgency. This is 
just a proposal, to be pursued further with you and the speakers.

    --> If you're interested, please have a look at [1] and
        comment, suggest, ask ... all input is welcome.

I'm sorry that we haven't yet scheduled a next EduTC meeting - that's 
definitely _not_ meant to exclude you. We should schedule a meeting as 
soon as comments/reactions indicate a need for discussion. Moreover, 
another meeting before the summer break period appears due to me.

  --> We're open to any thoughts, including further procedure.

Thanks and best regards,


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