[iaoa-education] 41st Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Comm. on Education - Sep 11, 2019: 2nd announcement (incl. agenda)

Wood, Zena Z.M.Wood2 at exeter.ac.uk
Wed Sep 11 13:26:59 CEST 2019

Dear all,

I apologise for the late notice but the next Education Committee meeting is due to happen today. Details can be found below:
 --> Meeting n.41         Wed, Sep 11, 2019
        09:30 EDT / 14:30 BST / 15:30 CEST
     !! back to the usual time of the day !!

  Skype: https://join.skype.com/a36OQeLjaIzd<https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https://join.skype.com/a36OQeLjaIzd&data=02|01|Z.M.Wood2@exeter.ac.uk|3c8e04a813814de471b608d736a8aae6|912a5d77fb984eeeaf321334d8f04a53|0|1|637037970355158300&sdata=pErKw+BIpDAs62pdeUlREqZPPVN8PIliZHH4qOAUeiA=&reserved=0>
  Chat : http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_edu_20190911

Please find below an agenda proposal, open for adaptation and additions.

Best regards,

= 41st Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Comm. on Education - Sep 11, 2019 =

== participants ==

JB Julita Bermejo-Alonso
FL Frank Loebe
SL Sandra Lovrencic
RR Robert Rovetto        (?)
TS Todd Schneider        (?)
LV Laure Vieu
ZW Zena Wood

< none >

== agenda ==

  0. adoption of agenda

  1. JOWO 2019 & EduTC contributions
     a. updates from the JOWO organizers                       [FL]
     b. reconfirm pub quiz responsibility & preparation schedule
     c. EduTC session
        1: what to cover?
        2: slide set preparation: responsibility & schedule
        3: session chairing at JOWO
        4: position in JOWO schedule
     d. next steps in interaction with JOWO Chairs

  2. term list status and discussion                           [FL]
     a. status and remaining resources for updates
     b. "user-based" term requests
     c. term list presentation @ JOWO
        1: gather comments and criticism
        2: discuss how to increase participation

  3. ISAO series & ISAO 2020
     a. core content & past speakers: requirements for ISAOs
     b. ISAO 2020 PC chairs determined  < just for the record >
     c. next steps in communication with ISAO 2020 chairs

? 4. EduTC Wiki
     a. presentation at IAOA website
     b. status of wiki discussion of IAOA-EC

  5. textbook
     a. reconfirm latest state
        (project stalled; focus on pointers to existing resources)
     b. Github repository: needed at this point?

  6. events of potential EduTC interest
     a. Ontolog meeting on educating ontologists (?)
     b. IOF(?) meeting & industry needs for educating ontologists
    (c. JOWO 2019)

  7. AOB

  8. next meetings & revision of default time?

= pre-meeting material =

== 6. events of potential EduTC interest ==

* ? during Summer ?   Ontolog Community virtual meeting on
                     educating ontologists  [under discussion: [1-2]]
* ? early June, 2019? Industry Ontology Foundry (IOF)? meeting, Norway
* Sep 23-Sep 25       JOWO 2019

[1] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/ontolog-forum/dZ1lIz6bPyA/aoq5dwycBwAJ<https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https://groups.google.com/d/msg/ontolog-forum/dZ1lIz6bPyA/aoq5dwycBwAJ&data=02|01|Z.M.Wood2@exeter.ac.uk|3c8e04a813814de471b608d736a8aae6|912a5d77fb984eeeaf321334d8f04a53|0|1|637037970355158300&sdata=OJaTDfeGXtZD3C0oBJFxdPGxwO9w2BJWAJfq4qtqnYs=&reserved=0>


== next meetings ==

default: first Wednesday each month
        9:30 EDT / 14:30 BST / 15:30 CEST / 15:30 SAST

-> new default needed due to new teaching schedules?

next meetings (modulo new default):

* Wed, Oct 02
* Wed, Nov 06

Dr. Zena Wood

Initiative for the Digital Economy at Exeter (Index)


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