[iaoa-education] IAOA Education Committee Meeting n.34 minutes (Wed, Jan 09, 2019)
Frank Loebe
frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Wed Jan 9 16:55:12 CET 2019
Dear Education Committee members,
please find below and attached a copy of the minutes of today's meeting.
I have made a few light edits and additions to improve readability,
clarity, spelling and uniformity, and to include a link to the EPINON
website mentioned.
If you have any questions, comments or change requests, please let me know.
The next EduTC meeting was confirmed for the regular date and time:
--> Meeting n.35 Wed, Feb 06, 2019
9:30 EST / 14:30 GMT / 15:30 CET / 16:30 SAST
Best regards,
= 34th Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Comm. on Education - Jan 09, 2019 =
--> Meeting n.34 Wed, Jan 09, 2019
9:30 EST / 14:30 GMT / 15:30 CET / 16:30 SAST
Skype: https://join.skype.com/a36OQeLjaIzd
Chat : http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_edu_20190109
-- edited chat transcript --
[15:17] ZenaWood:
= 34th Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Comm. on Education - Jan 09, 2019 =
== participants ==
JB Julita Bermejo-Alonso
MK Maria Keet
FL Frank Loebe
SL Sandra Lovrencic
RR Robert Rovetto
TS Todd Schneider
SS Stefan Schulz
ZW Zena Wood
< none >
== agenda ==
0. adoption of agenda
1. ISAO 2020
a. Core content [ZW]
b. Confirm timetable [ZW]
2. JOWO 2019
a. Proposal of EduC contribution [SL]
3. Termlist updates and discussion
a. Summary of updates/progress since last meeting [FL]
b. New schedule toward completion [all]
4. Textbook [ZW]
5. AOB
== next meetings ==
default: first Wednesdays each month
9:30 EST / 14:30 GMT / 15:30 CET / 16:30 SAST yield
* Wed, Feb 06, 2019
=== moved to later ===
former pub quizzes: ISAO 2016 quiz in Wordpress [ZW]
[15:33] FrankLoebe: < session starts >
[15:33] FrankLoebe: 0. agenda adopted
[15:33] FrankLoebe: .
== 1. ISAO 2020 ==
a. Core content [ZW]
b. Confirm timetable [ZW]
[15:34] ZenaWood:
[15:35] FrankLoebe: ZW: I've put contents from the textbook toc draft
into that (^) Google doc
[15:35] FrankLoebe: ZW: [action] [ZW] I'll complete this with further
edits/deletions after this call
[15:36] FrankLoebe: [action] [ZW] request comments after the Google doc
is done, via [iaoa-education]
[15:37] FrankLoebe: scheduling consideration from last meetings:
< copy >
MK: PC and GC must be in place a year before then (June) and we need
two/three months to find them. If we have an open call we would then put
that out in February. We could run specific invitations in parallel
MK: December/January determine content and then February/ March identify
</ copy >
[15:39] FrankLoebe: ZW: by next meeting we should fix content; and
[action] [all] we should have proposals for chair candidates ready
before next meeting, to decide on an invitation list during next meeting
[15:41] FrankLoebe: ZW: also, to keep in mind, invitees should be made
aware that attendance of chairs is expected
[15:45] FrankLoebe: [action] [ZW] prepare a draft call before next meeting
[15:43] FrankLoebe: < intermediate: TS: during the SWAO meeting last
Monday, Jan 07, there was the seemingly adopted proposal to gather use
case (and anti use case) examples of foundational ontologies >
[post-meeting addition] .
== 2. JOWO 2019 ==
[15:43] SandraLovrencic: JOWO:
[15:47] ZenaWood1: FL: Official deadline is January 15th for workshop
and tutorial proposals
[15:47] ZenaWood1: FL: If we want to propose something I could indicate
this to the organisers so that we can use the next meeting to flesh out
[15:47] ZenaWood1: SL: Is there any email from JOWO? If so please can
you email us the details?
[15:47] ZenaWood1: FL: A second call has just gone out today
[15:49] FrankLoebe: .
< copy from latest JOWO call >
JOWO 2019 @ Graz, Austria
Episode V: The Styrian Autumn
Call for Workshop and Tutorial Proposals
* Submission deadline: January 15th, 2019 *
Proposals for workshops and tutorials should be no more than 2 pages
in length, and must contain the following information:
- title of the workshop/tutorial;
- names of the workshop/tutorial organizers;
- brief description of experience in workshop/tutorial organization;
- description of the workshop/tutorial topic;
- intended duration of the workshop (between half a day and two full days);
- timeline for the workshop (submission dates, notification dates),
taking into account the proposed "important dates" below.
Workshop proposals should be sent to jowo2019 at gmail.com by January 15, 2019.
Submissions for workshop proposals will be evaluated by the general
JOWO chairs and the JOWO steering committee, using the following
- Scientific relevance and utility to attendees;
- Quality of the proposal;
- Likelihood of success of the workshop;
- Overlap with other workshops.
- January 15, 2019 Workshop proposal submission deadline
- January 31, 2019 Workshop acceptance notification
- February 20, 2019 1st call for papers to be distributed by
workshop organizers
- May 15, 2019 Suggested latest paper submission deadline
- September 23-25, 2019 JOWO 2019 in Graz
< /copy >
[15:49] ZenaWood1: FL: [action] [FL] I will also send out the email to
the EduC list
[15:50] ZenaWood1: FL: Do we want to do something in terms of a workshop
or tutorial? if so, I can informally indicate this to the organisers to
give us flexibility in terms of deadlines
[15:50] ZenaWood1: FL: For a tutorial we would need a willing presenter.
It is quite late to invite people now.
[15:52] ZenaWood1: FL: If we did a competition - how is this relevant to
the education committee? Terminology challenge would relate to the term
[15:53] ZenaWood1: ZW: Would the easiest thing be to provide a pub quiz?
[15:53] ZenaWood1: FL: Easiest would be to do nothing (just to keep in
mind that we're not expected to make a contribution)
[15:54] ZenaWood1: FL: We could suggest to make a pub quiz as a proposal
that could be rejected depending on what workshops that they get and how
limited time will be.
[15:55] ZenaWood1: FL: The terminology challenge sounds interesting to
the extent that we could then use JOWO/participants to get
additions/feedback on the term list but difficult to know what the
format would look like
[15:55] ZenaWood1: ZW: Do we have a wish to put in a proposal given the
time available?
[15:57] ZenaWood1: FL: If we initiate a workshop on ontology on
education or a tutorial we need to adhere to deadlines. Smaller
proposals such as pub quiz or terminology challenge ending with a panel
could be suggested to organisers but do not require as much
preparation/organisational efforts beforehand in contrast to a full
workshop/tutorial and we might have more flexibility in the dates.
[15:57] ZenaWood1: FL: Need someone to take the lead.
[16:01] ZenaWood1: SL: We could pass on to the organisers that
informally we are interested in a terminology challenge
[16:01] ZenaWood1: FL: We would need to define what a terminology
challenge is
[16:01] ZenaWood1: FL: It should be something that would be something
that is beneficial to the JOWO participants and us (w.r.t. the term list)
[16:02] ZenaWood1: FL: We need to flesh it out with more ideas. We would
need a list in a reasonably good shape and how would we get feedback on
such a list
[16:03] ZenaWood1: FL: The pub quiz is something that is relatively easy
to put together. There will be participants with lots of different
background knowledge
[16:03] ZenaWood1: SL: In a previous JOWO edition there was a workshop
which gathered definitions
[16:04] FrankLoebe: SL: that was in the 2017 EPINON workshop
[16:04] FrankLoebe: SL: cf. the EPINON workshop website
[post-meeting addition]
[16:07] ZenaWood1: FL: I can suggest to the organisers that we would be
interested in a terminology challenge (yet to be defined) and an
ontology quiz to see what they think
[16:07] FrankLoebe: SL: in 2017 there was a pub quiz at JOWO, in the
Irish Temple Bar
[16:08] ZenaWood1: [action] [FL] Talk to JOWO organisers about possible
EduC contribution
[16:08] FrankLoebe: .
== 3. Termlist updates and discussion ==
a. Summary of updates/progress since last meeting [FL]
b. New schedule toward completion [all]
[16:09] ZenaWood1: FL: I have begun to update the term list statistics
file, but not yet the degree of development of the specific pages
[16:10] ZenaWood1: FL: [action] [FL] Update the statistics file for the
term list for next meeting
[16:10] ZenaWood1: We can then use that file to form a new schedule
[16:12] FrankLoebe: JB: I've worked on a few pages during the holidays
[16:12] FrankLoebe: .
== 4. Textbook ==
[16:13] FrankLoebe: ZW: a new link applies to the textbook, because
overleaf turned into overleaf2
[16:13] ZenaWood1: https://www.overleaf.com/8961103ygxjxyknnvnh
[16:13] FrankLoebe: [action] [ZW] send out a new call for interested
parties in the textbook project
[16:14] FrankLoebe: [action] [ZW] with list of people established, send
out a Doodle poll for a text-book specific meeting
[16:16] FrankLoebe: .
== 5. Any other business ==
< none >
next meeting confirmed for Feb 06, 2019, at the same time as today's meeting
[16:18] FrankLoebe: < session ends >
JB Julita Bermejo-Alonso
FL Frank Loebe
SL Sandra Lovrencic
TS Todd Schneider
ZW Zena Wood
< transcript ends >
-------------- next part --------------
= 34th Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Comm. on Education - Jan 09, 2019 =
--> Meeting n.34 Wed, Jan 09, 2019
9:30 EST / 14:30 GMT / 15:30 CET / 16:30 SAST
Skype: https://join.skype.com/a36OQeLjaIzd
Chat : http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_edu_20190109
-- edited chat transcript --
[15:17] ZenaWood:
= 34th Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Comm. on Education - Jan 09, 2019 =
== participants ==
JB Julita Bermejo-Alonso
MK Maria Keet
FL Frank Loebe
SL Sandra Lovrencic
RR Robert Rovetto
TS Todd Schneider
SS Stefan Schulz
ZW Zena Wood
< none >
== agenda ==
0. adoption of agenda
1. ISAO 2020
a. Core content [ZW]
b. Confirm timetable [ZW]
2. JOWO 2019
a. Proposal of EduC contribution [SL]
3. Termlist updates and discussion
a. Summary of updates/progress since last meeting [FL]
b. New schedule toward completion [all]
4. Textbook [ZW]
5. AOB
== next meetings ==
default: first Wednesdays each month
9:30 EST / 14:30 GMT / 15:30 CET / 16:30 SAST yield
* Wed, Feb 06, 2019
=== moved to later ===
former pub quizzes: ISAO 2016 quiz in Wordpress [ZW]
[15:33] FrankLoebe: < session starts >
[15:33] FrankLoebe: 0. agenda adopted
[15:33] FrankLoebe: .
== 1. ISAO 2020 ==
a. Core content [ZW]
b. Confirm timetable [ZW]
[15:34] ZenaWood: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19yxLS5Pl7bttMFCXSlBwDugACMq_0QefwAZ_flKR00Y/edit?usp=sharing
[15:35] FrankLoebe: ZW: I've put contents from the textbook toc draft into that (^) Google doc
[15:35] FrankLoebe: ZW: [action] [ZW] I'll complete this with further edits/deletions after this call
[15:36] FrankLoebe: [action] [ZW] request comments after the Google doc is done, via [iaoa-education]
[15:37] FrankLoebe: scheduling consideration from last meetings:
< copy >
MK: PC and GC must be in place a year before then (June) and we need two/three months to find them. If we have an open call we would then put that out in February. We could run specific invitations in parallel
MK: December/January determine content and then February/ March identify chairs
</ copy >
[15:39] FrankLoebe: ZW: by next meeting we should fix content; and [action] [all] we should have proposals for chair candidates ready before next meeting, to decide on an invitation list during next meeting
[15:41] FrankLoebe: ZW: also, to keep in mind, invitees should be made aware that attendance of chairs is expected
[15:45] FrankLoebe: [action] [ZW] prepare a draft call before next meeting
[15:43] FrankLoebe: < intermediate: TS: during the SWAO meeting last Monday, Jan 07, there was the seemingly adopted proposal to gather use case (and anti use case) examples of foundational ontologies >
[post-meeting addition] .
== 2. JOWO 2019 ==
[15:43] SandraLovrencic: JOWO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TrWXwUollkybPnr26jesx5yXldnumLtVnqefpjosRzU/edit?usp=sharing
[15:47] ZenaWood1: FL: Official deadline is January 15th for workshop and tutorial proposals
[15:47] ZenaWood1: FL: If we want to propose something I could indicate this to the organisers so that we can use the next meeting to flesh out details
[15:47] ZenaWood1: SL: Is there any email from JOWO? If so please can you email us the details?
[15:47] ZenaWood1: FL: A second call has just gone out today
[15:49] FrankLoebe: .
< copy from latest JOWO call >
JOWO 2019 @ Graz, Austria
Episode V: The Styrian Autumn
Call for Workshop and Tutorial Proposals
* Submission deadline: January 15th, 2019 *
Proposals for workshops and tutorials should be no more than 2 pages
in length, and must contain the following information:
- title of the workshop/tutorial;
- names of the workshop/tutorial organizers;
- brief description of experience in workshop/tutorial organization;
- description of the workshop/tutorial topic;
- intended duration of the workshop (between half a day and two full days);
- timeline for the workshop (submission dates, notification dates),
taking into account the proposed "important dates" below.
Workshop proposals should be sent to jowo2019 at gmail.com by January 15, 2019.
Submissions for workshop proposals will be evaluated by the general
JOWO chairs and the JOWO steering committee, using the following
- Scientific relevance and utility to attendees;
- Quality of the proposal;
- Likelihood of success of the workshop;
- Overlap with other workshops.
- January 15, 2019 Workshop proposal submission deadline
- January 31, 2019 Workshop acceptance notification
- February 20, 2019 1st call for papers to be distributed by
workshop organizers
- May 15, 2019 Suggested latest paper submission deadline
- September 23-25, 2019 JOWO 2019 in Graz
< /copy >
[15:49] ZenaWood1: FL: [action] [FL] I will also send out the email to the EduC list
[15:50] ZenaWood1: FL: Do we want to do something in terms of a workshop or tutorial? if so, I can informally indicate this to the organisers to give us flexibility in terms of deadlines
[15:50] ZenaWood1: FL: For a tutorial we would need a willing presenter. It is quite late to invite people now.
[15:52] ZenaWood1: FL: If we did a competition - how is this relevant to the education committee? Terminology challenge would relate to the term list.
[15:53] ZenaWood1: ZW: Would the easiest thing be to provide a pub quiz?
[15:53] ZenaWood1: FL: Easiest would be to do nothing (just to keep in mind that we're not expected to make a contribution)
[15:54] ZenaWood1: FL: We could suggest to make a pub quiz as a proposal that could be rejected depending on what workshops that they get and how limited time will be.
[15:55] ZenaWood1: FL: The terminology challenge sounds interesting to the extent that we could then use JOWO/participants to get additions/feedback on the term list but difficult to know what the format would look like
[15:55] ZenaWood1: ZW: Do we have a wish to put in a proposal given the time available?
[15:57] ZenaWood1: FL: If we initiate a workshop on ontology on education or a tutorial we need to adhere to deadlines. Smaller proposals such as pub quiz or terminology challenge ending with a panel could be suggested to organisers but do not require as much preparation/organisational efforts beforehand in contrast to a full workshop/tutorial and we might have more flexibility in the dates.
[15:57] ZenaWood1: FL: Need someone to take the lead.
[16:01] ZenaWood1: SL: We could pass on to the organisers that informally we are interested in a terminology challenge
[16:01] ZenaWood1: FL: We would need to define what a terminology challenge is
[16:01] ZenaWood1: FL: It should be something that would be something that is beneficial to the JOWO participants and us (w.r.t. the term list)
[16:02] ZenaWood1: FL: We need to flesh it out with more ideas. We would need a list in a reasonably good shape and how would we get feedback on such a list
[16:03] ZenaWood1: FL: The pub quiz is something that is relatively easy to put together. There will be participants with lots of different background knowledge
[16:03] ZenaWood1: SL: In a previous JOWO edition there was a workshop which gathered definitions
[16:04] FrankLoebe: SL: that was in the 2017 EPINON workshop
[16:04] FrankLoebe: SL: cf. the EPINON workshop website
[post-meeting addition] http://www.loa.istc.cnr.it/workshops/epinon2017/home.html
[16:07] ZenaWood1: FL: I can suggest to the organisers that we would be interested in a terminology challenge (yet to be defined) and an ontology quiz to see what they think
[16:07] FrankLoebe: SL: in 2017 there was a pub quiz at JOWO, in the Irish Temple Bar
[16:08] ZenaWood1: [action] [FL] Talk to JOWO organisers about possible EduC contribution
[16:08] FrankLoebe: .
== 3. Termlist updates and discussion ==
a. Summary of updates/progress since last meeting [FL]
b. New schedule toward completion [all]
[16:09] ZenaWood1: FL: I have begun to update the term list statistics file, but not yet the degree of development of the specific pages
[16:10] ZenaWood1: FL: [action] [FL] Update the statistics file for the term list for next meeting
[16:10] ZenaWood1: We can then use that file to form a new schedule
[16:12] FrankLoebe: JB: I've worked on a few pages during the holidays
[16:12] FrankLoebe: .
== 4. Textbook ==
[16:13] FrankLoebe: ZW: a new link applies to the textbook, because overleaf turned into overleaf2
[16:13] ZenaWood1: https://www.overleaf.com/8961103ygxjxyknnvnh
[16:13] FrankLoebe: [action] [ZW] send out a new call for interested parties in the textbook project
[16:14] FrankLoebe: [action] [ZW] with list of people established, send out a Doodle poll for a text-book specific meeting
[16:16] FrankLoebe: .
== 5. Any other business ==
< none >
next meeting confirmed for Feb 06, 2019, at the same time as today's meeting
[16:18] FrankLoebe: < session ends >
JB Julita Bermejo-Alonso
FL Frank Loebe
SL Sandra Lovrencic
TS Todd Schneider
ZW Zena Wood
< transcript ends >
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