[iaoa-education] Contributions to IAOA Edu Comm Wiki - report

Maria Keet mkeet at cs.uct.ac.za
Tue May 1 23:12:21 CEST 2018

Dear Robert, All,

Thank you for the contribution and suggestions.

- As to your question on p2 regarding what can go in the term list: the 
flexible one, not tied to actual artefacts and, given that applied 
ontology is interdisciplinary, some alternate definitions or a 
disambiguation may/can be added (or a context note--I'm running into 
that question myself trying to add text in the role and relation pages).

- There's no list of formatting rules (like with the dashes as you 
mention vs bracketed (I think the latter looks nicer, but that may be 
just my preference)).
We do have some agreement on synonyms. See, e.g., the 'continuant' entry 
for the example case or the list itself, which is different from 
stuffing such alternatives in the title (i.e., rather not an entry named 
" Foundational or General Ontology " as that would make things harder to 
find eventually).
There is no single template for adding definitions yet, but a preferred, 
or at least suggested, layout would be as the first entry in the 
'continuant' definition page that was used as playground entry.

- Regarding a spreadsheet: yes, Frank has been working on that (see also 
meeting minutes of April's meeting). The direct link to the file at the 
time of the meeting was [1], but it may have been updated offline in the 
meantime. The meeting minutes also has some notes somewhere in there on 
who wanted to claim which term to add a definition (be)for(e) the next 
EduTC meeting.



On 19/04/2018 19:58, rrovetto at buffalo.edu wrote:
> All,
> Attached is a report of the edits I made to the wiki, with the 
> spreadsheet mentioned therein.
> I could not attend recent IAOA Education Committee meeting to mention 
> or distribute it so here. Hope it helps.
> Best,
> Robert
> --
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