[iaoa-education] IAOA Education Committee Meeting n.30 on Tue, Jul 10, 2018: minutes
Frank Loebe
frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Tue Jul 10 18:05:25 CEST 2018
Dear all,
please find below and attached the minutes of the Education Committee
meeting n.30, held today, ending ca. 1h ago.
I have made minor edits for correction and formatting (rather minimally).
If you have any comments or change requests, please let me know.
The next regular Education Committee meeting will be as follows:
--> Meeting n.31 Tue, Sep 04, 2018 [2]
10:00 EDT / 15:00 BST / 16:00 CEST / 16:00 SAST
Potentially, we may have an additional meeting on short(er) notice near
mid of August, mainly in order to discuss the status of the term list.
If so, there should be a separate announcement.
Best regards,
= 30th Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Comm. on Education - Jul 10, 2018 =
--> Meeting n.30 Tue, Jul 10, 2018 [1]
10:00 EST / 15:00 GMT / 16:00 CET / 17:00 SAST
Skype: https://join.skype.com/a36OQeLjaIzd
Chat : http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_edu_20180116
-- edited chat transcript --
[15:56] MariaKeet:
= 30th Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Comm. on Education - July 10, 2018 =
== participants ==
JB Julita Bermejo-Alonso
MK Maria Keet
FL Frank Loebe
SL Sandra Lovrencic
RR Robert Rovetto
TS Todd Schneider
ZW Zena Wood
== agenda ==
0. adoption of agenda
1. termlist updates and discussion
a. summary of updates/progress since last meeting [FL]
b. keep scope / terms to include?
c. planning (see timeline below) & further assignments
2. wiki: updates on textbook listing [JB]
(ordering: chronological by year, then Spanish lexicographical)
3. update on ISAO 2018 [MK]
? 4. former pub quizzes: ISAO 2016 quiz in Wordpress [ZW]
5. AOB
6. next meeting(s)
= pre-meeting material =
== 1. termlist timeline ==
timeline until ISOA 2018
(derived and extended from minutes of meeting n.28, Apr 10)
* Jun 30 (Sat): 1st version (draft)
* Jul 31 (Tue): 2nd version (prefinal)
* during August: consistency checking (4 weeks)
* Sep 02 (Sun): 3rd version (final prior to ISAO)
* Sep 04 (Tue): EduTC discussion
* Sep 05 (Wed): announcement
* Sep 10-15: ISAO 2018
== next meetings ==
default: first Tuesdays each month
10:00 EDT / 15:00 BST / 16:00 CEST / 16:00 SAST yield
* Tue, Aug 07, 2018 (1st day of ICBO 201
* Tue, Sep 04, 2018
FL request for consideration:
* Motivated by my likely unavailability on all of the Jun-Aug default
dates, whereas the 2nd Tuesday in those months looks much better,
could we move to Jun 12, Jul 10, and Aug 14 instead?
* Sep 04 should be kept to precede ISAO 2018.
[16:01] FrankLoebe: < session starts >
[16:02] FrankLoebe: .
== 0. adoption of agenda ==
agenda adopted
[16:02] FrankLoebe: .
== 1. termlist updates and discussion ==
a. summary of updates/progress since last meeting [FL]
b. keep scope / terms to include?
c. planning (see timeline below) & further assignments
[16:04] FrankLoebe: FL: no news from my side, unfortunately
[16:06] FrankLoebe: SL: I've just completed transferring 24 definitions
from the BFO book, primarily under Central General Notions
[16:07] FrankLoebe: MK: I've made further updates since last time,
including Mass, Model, etc.
[16:08] FrankLoebe: JB: I've updated term pages of particular entities
with short descriptions of those systems
[16:09] FrankLoebe: MK: I would like to take care of "Semantics"
[16:15] FrankLoebe: FL: I think I can produce an overview of the status
by Tue, Jul 24
[16:16] MariaKeet: SL: Arp book + layouts
[16:16] FrankLoebe: MK: I'm fine with going on by individual claiming
terms and making edits there
[16:17] FrankLoebe: SL: I'm ready to make further updates based on the
BFO book (in peripheral notions, primarily) and also fix references
[16:18] FrankLoebe: JB: I can add URLs to systems in the Particular
Entities pages
[16:19] FrankLoebe: SL: I'm basically unavailable through August
(depending on Internet access)
[16:19] ToddSchneider: The term list is looking great.
[16:20] FrankLoebe: new termlist schedule:
* end of Jul: 1st version (draft) completed
* mid of Aug: 2nd version (prefinal)
* end of Aug: consistency checking completed
[16:20] SandraLovrencic: Hi, Todd!
[16:21] FrankLoebe: .
== 2. wiki: updates on textbook listing [JB] ==
[16:21] FrankLoebe: JB: I've made a few further formatting updates at
the textbook listing
[16:23] FrankLoebe: MK: aren't there any newer books?
[16:23] FrankLoebe: JB: I'm not really aware of more there
[16:25] FrankLoebe: MK: there is one on Multilingual Semantic Web, but I
still need to look at it
[16:27] FrankLoebe: [agreement] textbook listing goes off the agenda for
a while, well done so far
[16:29] FrankLoebe: .
== 3. update on ISAO 2018 [MK] ==
[16:31] MariaKeet: [ mailing lists for call submission removed ]
[16:31] FrankLoebe: MK: [ ... ]
[16:32] FrankLoebe: MK: participation figures are fairly low so far, on
Sun, Jul 15 there is the early registration deadline
[16:41] FrankLoebe: JB: one issue this year might be that several events
are rather far away (China, Thailand, U.S.) for Europeans, then they
need to decide where to spend travel budget
[16:43] FrankLoebe: < discussion about a lightning/poster session in the
beginning and whether to announce that in a call >
[16:49] FrankLoebe: [agreement] a lightning session should be included
in the ISAO program
[16:52] FrankLoebe: [agreement] wait until Monday to see how many
registrations there are, then decide on a new call and on a possible
extension of the early registration period (for a week or so)
[16:54] FrankLoebe: < item 5. "former pub quizzes" skipped >
[16:54] FrankLoebe: < session ends here, post-meeting recording of next
meeting planning >
[16:55] FrankLoebe: all: no other business
== 7. next meeting(s) ==
[16:55] FrankLoebe: [agreement] due to holiday season in Aug the next
regular meeting will be on Sep 04
[16:56] FrankLoebe: in between we'll deal further with term list updates
[16:56] FrankLoebe: if needed, those available may have a meeting on Aug
14 - remains to be communicated
[16:57] FrankLoebe: .
== participants ==
JB Julita Bermejo-Alonso
MK Maria Keet
FL Frank Loebe
SL Sandra Lovrencic
TS Todd Schneider
[16:58] FrankLoebe: < transcript ends >
-------------- next part --------------
[15:56] MariaKeet:
= 30th Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Comm. on Education - July 10, 2018 =
== participants ==
JB Julita Bermejo-Alonso
MK Maria Keet
FL Frank Loebe
SL Sandra Lovrencic
RR Robert Rovetto
TS Todd Schneider
ZW Zena Wood
== agenda ==
0. adoption of agenda
1. termlist updates and discussion
a. summary of updates/progress since last meeting [FL]
b. keep scope / terms to include?
c. planning (see timeline below) & further assignments
2. wiki: updates on textbook listing [JB]
(ordering: chronological by year, then Spanish lexicographical)
3. update on ISAO 2018 [MK]
? 4. former pub quizzes: ISAO 2016 quiz in Wordpress [ZW]
5. AOB
6. next meeting(s)
= pre-meeting material =
== 1. termlist timeline ==
timeline until ISOA 2018
(derived and extended from minutes of meeting n.28, Apr 10)
* Jun 30 (Sat): 1st version (draft)
* Jul 31 (Tue): 2nd version (prefinal)
* during August: consistency checking (4 weeks)
* Sep 02 (Sun): 3rd version (final prior to ISAO)
* Sep 04 (Tue): EduTC discussion
* Sep 05 (Wed): announcement
* Sep 10-15: ISAO 2018
== next meetings ==
default: first Tuesdays each month
10:00 EDT / 15:00 BST / 16:00 CEST / 16:00 SAST yield
* Tue, Aug 07, 2018 (1st day of ICBO 201
* Tue, Sep 04, 2018
FL request for consideration:
* Motivated by my likely unavailability on all of the Jun-Aug default
dates, whereas the 2nd Tuesday in those months looks much better,
could we move to Jun 12, Jul 10, and Aug 14 instead?
* Sep 04 should be kept to precede ISAO 2018.
[16:01] FrankLoebe: < session starts >
[16:02] FrankLoebe: .
== 0. adoption of agenda ==
agenda adopted
[16:02] FrankLoebe: .
== 1. termlist updates and discussion ==
a. summary of updates/progress since last meeting [FL]
b. keep scope / terms to include?
c. planning (see timeline below) & further assignments
[16:04] FrankLoebe: FL: no news from my side, unfortunately
[16:06] FrankLoebe: SL: I've just completed transferring 24 definitions from the BFO book, primarily under Central General Notions
[16:07] FrankLoebe: MK: I've made further updates since last time, including Mass, Model, etc.
[16:08] FrankLoebe: JB: I've updated term pages of particular entities with short descriptions of those systems
[16:09] FrankLoebe: MK: I would like to take care of "Semantics"
[16:15] FrankLoebe: FL: I think I can produce an overview of the status by Tue, Jul 24
[16:16] MariaKeet: SL: Arp book + layouts
[16:16] FrankLoebe: MK: I'm fine with going on by individual claiming terms and making edits there
[16:17] FrankLoebe: SL: I'm ready to make further updates based on the BFO book (in peripheral notions, primarily) and also fix references
[16:18] FrankLoebe: JB: I can add URLs to systems in the Particular Entities pages
[16:19] FrankLoebe: SL: I'm basically unavailable through August (depending on Internet access)
[16:19] ToddSchneider: The term list is looking great.
[16:20] FrankLoebe: new termlist schedule:
* end of Jul: 1st version (draft) completed
* mid of Aug: 2nd version (prefinal)
* end of Aug: consistency checking completed
[16:20] SandraLovrencic: Hi, Todd!
[16:21] FrankLoebe: .
== 2. wiki: updates on textbook listing [JB] ==
[16:21] FrankLoebe: JB: I've made a few further formatting updates at the textbook listing
[16:23] FrankLoebe: MK: aren't there any newer books?
[16:23] FrankLoebe: JB: I'm not really aware of more there
[16:25] FrankLoebe: MK: there is one on Multilingual Semantic Web, but I still need to look at it
[16:27] FrankLoebe: [agreement] textbook listing goes off the agenda for a while, well done so far
[16:29] FrankLoebe: .
== 3. update on ISAO 2018 [MK] ==
[16:31] MariaKeet: [ mailing lists for call submission removed ]
[16:31] FrankLoebe: MK: [ ... ]
[16:32] FrankLoebe: MK: participation figures are fairly low so far, on Sun, Jul 15 there is the early registration deadline
[16:41] FrankLoebe: JB: one issue this year might be that several events are rather far away (China, Thailand, U.S.) for Europeans, then they need to decide where to spend travel budget
[16:43] FrankLoebe: < discussion about a lightning/poster session in the beginning and whether to announce that in a call >
[16:49] FrankLoebe: [agreement] a lightning session should be included in the ISAO program
[16:52] FrankLoebe: [agreement] wait until Monday to see how many registrations there are, then decide on a new call and on a possible extension of the early registration period (for a week or so)
[16:54] FrankLoebe: < item 4. "former pub quizzes" skipped >
[16:54] FrankLoebe: < session ends here, post-meeting recording of next meeting planning >
[16:55] FrankLoebe: all on 5.: no other business
== 6. next meeting(s) ==
[16:55] FrankLoebe: [agreement] due to holiday season in Aug the next regular meeting will be on Sep 04
[16:56] FrankLoebe: in between we'll deal further with term list updates
[16:56] FrankLoebe: if needed, those available may have a meeting on Aug 14 - remains to be communicated
[16:57] FrankLoebe: .
== participants ==
JB Julita Bermejo-Alonso
MK Maria Keet
FL Frank Loebe
SL Sandra Lovrencic
TS Todd Schneider
[16:58] FrankLoebe: < transcript ends >
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