[iaoa-education] IAOA Education Committee Meeting n.28 on Tue, Apr 10, 2018: minutes

Frank Loebe frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Wed Apr 11 02:02:11 CEST 2018

Dear all,

please find below and attached the minutes of the Education Committee 
meeting n.28, held on Apr 10, 2018.

I have made minor edits, including adding [action]-markers in a few lines.

If you have any comments or change requests, please let me know.

With a bit of a shift compared to the default date, the next Education 
Committee meeting is planned as follows:

    --> Meeting n.29              Tue, May 15, 2018 [1]
        10:00 EDT / 15:00 BST / 16:00 CEST / 16:00 SAST

Tentatively during the Apr 10 meeting, a textbook meeting has been 
considered for the week before the next committee meeting. That would be 
on May 08 then (same time of the day; with regrets from Maria), but that 
still requires confirmation by Zena and possibly others not/not longer 
in the call when the May 15 meeting got scheduled. A separate message on 
that should follow at some point.

Best regards,

[1] https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20180515T1400

= 28th Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Comm. on Education - April 10, 2018 =

    --> Meeting n.28            Tue, April 10, 2018 [1]
        10:00 EDT / 15:00 BST / 16:00 CEST / 16:00 SAST

    Skype: https://join.skype.com/a36OQeLjaIzd
    Chat : http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_edu_20180410

[1] https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20180410T1400

-- edited session transcript --

[16:01] MariaKeet:
= 28th Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Comm. on Education - April 10, 2018 =

== participants ==

   JB  Julita Bermejo-Alonso
   MK  Maria Keet
   FL  Frank Loebe
   SL  Sandra Lovrencic
   TS  Todd Schneider
   ZW  Zena Wood

   < none >

== agenda ==

    0. adoption of agenda

  ! 1. update on ISAO 2018                            [MK/ISAO Chairs]
       a. 1st call for participation?
       b. other

    2. EduTC planning for 2018
       a. progress on timeline for textbook work in 2018          [ZW]
       b. progress on timeline for termlist before ISAO 2018      [FL]

    3. wiki maintenance
       a. updates to textbook listing: some issues    [JB]
       b. term/definition and formatting updates      [FL]
       c. other updates?

  ? 5. pub quizzes
       a. ISAO 2016 quiz draft in Wordpress           [ZW]

    6. AOB

    7. next meeting(s)

[16:04] FrankLoebe: < session starts >

[16:04] FrankLoebe: MK: agenda adopted as is

[16:04] FrankLoebe: .
== 1. update on ISAO 2018 ==
       a. 1st call for participation?
       b. other

[16:05] FrankLoebe: MK: 1. CfParticipation is needed soon - any updates?

[16:06] FrankLoebe: AG: we have a 1st draft now, which got distributed 
among a few people for checking

[16:07] FrankLoebe: AG: I've just sent it via Skype, please let me know 
of comments

[16:08] FrankLoebe: MK: ok, comments should be sent after the meeting, 
perhaps by today

[16:08] FrankLoebe: MK: call should go out during this week

[16:08] FrankLoebe: AG: Antony Galton informed me that he cannot attend 
ISAO; I will attend

[16:09] FrankLoebe: AG: Would anybody else be available to support me in 

[16:10] FrankLoebe: FL: ^ I assume: while ISAO is ongoing

[16:10] FrankLoebe: AG: real program should be arranged for over the 
next few weeks

[16:12] FrankLoebe: AG: regarding speakers, we have the four stated in 
the CfPart, i.e., Maureen Donelly (Buffalo), Maria Keet (Cape Town), 
Anita Britz (Stellenbosch), Stefan Schulz (Graz, Austria)

[16:13] FrankLoebe: < quote from the call >
* Arina Britz, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
  (First-order Logic and Description Logics)

* Maureen Donnelly, University of Buffalo, New York, USA
  (Mereology, Location, and Time)

* Maria Keet, University of Cape Town, South Africa
  (Semantics and Conceptual Modelling)

* Stefan Schulz, Medical University of Graz, Austria
  (Biomedical Ontology)
</ quote >

[16:14] FrankLoebe: MK: what about the 2 invited speakers at FOIS? would 
they join, e.g. for a guest lecture?

[16:14] FrankLoebe: AG: I'm not fully sure about the invitation status 
and feedback; Antony Galton is handling that

[16:15] FrankLoebe: AG: the program will be more structured than the 
list of lecturers with topics in the call

[16:17] FrankLoebe: FL: The status of Michael Gruninger of giving a 
guest lecture or not seems to be unclear. Perhaps he could be informed 
about that, please.

[16:18] FrankLoebe: AG: [action] [AG] Ok, I'll take that to Antony Galton.

[16:18] FrankLoebe: MK: Peter Simons also expressed interest in giving a 
guest lecture.

[16:18] FrankLoebe: MK: any other requests for Aldo regarding ISAO?

[16:18] FrankLoebe: MK: the budget still needs to be finalized

[16:19] FrankLoebe: AG: Budget will cover accommodation of lecturers; 
but will it cover travel costs, too?

[16:21] FrankLoebe: MK: we might pay for S.Schulz and M.Donelly, but in 
previous ISAOs there has not been much funding, including not for the chairs

[16:21] FrankLoebe: AG: I note the item on pub quizzes on the agenda ...

[16:21] FrankLoebe: MK: that's actually concerning the former pub quizzes

[16:23] FrankLoebe: AG: I'd like to have much interaction insofar a pub 
quiz would be good.

[16:24] FrankLoebe: AG: No final decision on having a pub quiz yet, but 
I'll discuss that with Antony Galton and then we decide.

[16:24] FrankLoebe: MK: Please make sure, if a pub quiz is to happen, to 
let us know if you would want questions from us, from former pub quizzes

[16:27] FrankLoebe: FL: comment on the budget discussion: assuming not 
much funding, how does it work to pay for lecturers, without rather high 

[16:28] FrankLoebe: MK: basically this applies only to two international 
full lecturers, not to guest lecturers (I myself and Arina Britz won't 
need funding)

[16:29] FrankLoebe: MK: on the date of ISAO: it's Sep 10-15, website 
will be updated, CfPart should take this into account, too.

[16:29] FrankLoebe: MK: feedback on CfParticipation should be provided 
by the end of the day

[16:30] FrankLoebe: MK: thanks to Aldo
< AG leaves >

[16:30] FrankLoebe: Todd, are you on Skype?

[16:31] FrankLoebe: .
==    2. EduTC planning for 2018 ==
       a. progress on timeline for textbook work in 2018          [ZW]
       b. progress on timeline for termlist before ISAO 2018      [FL]

[16:32] FrankLoebe: ZW: timeline will still be done, I'll send it to 

[16:32] FrankLoebe: ZW: I'm also going to propose a meeting for the week 
before the next EduTC meeting

[16:33] FrankLoebe: timeline for termlist: status from last Meeting:
Jun 30: first draft done
Aug: consistency checking (4 weeks)
Sep 02 (Sun): be done the week before ISAO, then announce it
* ISAO: Sep 10-15

[16:33] FrankLoebe: 

[16:41] FrankLoebe: < discussion about the spreadsheet and how to use it 
collaboratively vs mainly FL handling a local spreadsheet >

[16:47] FrankLoebe: [agreement] use the term list for "editing 
reservations" as discussed, e.g. "[MK, Apr 15, 2018]"

[16:48] FrankLoebe: SL: [action] add * Ontology pages (6)

[16:49] FrankLoebe: [action] [MK] add relation, Particular-Particular 

[16:50] FrankLoebe: [action] [FL] Entity

[16:51] FrankLoebe: [action] [FL] assess the status of existing 
definitions by next meeting

[16:51] FrankLoebe: ^ all of the immediately preceding action items are 
due by next meeting

[16:52] FrankLoebe: .
== 3. wiki maintenance ==
       a. updates to textbook listing: some issues    [JB]
       b. term/definition and formatting updates      [FL]
       c. other updates?

[16:53] FrankLoebe: MK: < item 3a. skipped as JB is missing >

[16:57] MariaKeet: FL: formatting as at the top part of the continuant page

[16:57] FrankLoebe: comments on the term list:
* add sections on deprecated terms and on considered, but not included terms
* terms in all sections should be ordered alphabetically
* how to deal with terms and
  ** synonyms: doubling implemented for Continuant/Endurant
  ** acronyms: which first, which second? double entries?
  ** subordination displayed on the term list?
   *** double entries, as main & subordinated?
   *** should be no problem due to being links only avoid doubling?
   *** then which criteria for subordination or not?
* terms-in-context pages
  ** e.g., as for terminological systems, start with deKeizer
  ** e.g., as for foundational ontologies
  ** could contain further terms, which do not get included

[16:57] MariaKeet: FL: reference: on the termlist reference page

[16:57] MariaKeet: all: adding content now more important than best 

[16:58] MariaKeet: FL: what about a student for formatting/I have none now

[16:58] MariaKeet: FL: what with a list of "deprecated terms"?

[16:58] MariaKeet: FL: need to keep terms listed alphabetically

[16:59] MariaKeet: FL: how to deal with terms that are quasi-structured 
and others not? the case of synonyms and of subterms

[17:00] MariaKeet: subordinate the subterms or also list under the main 
list, i.e. doubling the links?

[17:00] MariaKeet: FL: and finally, what with the acronyms, like DOLCE, 
BFO etc?

[17:02] MariaKeet: MK: doubling ok

[17:02] MariaKeet: ZW, SL: also ok with doubling, as long as it's done 

[17:04] MariaKeet: FL: 'terms in context', or: putting terms together 
into subtopic? e.g., like all terms that have to do with glossaries, 
with CNLs, top-level ontologies and so on?

[17:06] MariaKeet: FL: this could be an alternative to the 
subordination, and just use a flat list

[17:06] MariaKeet: SL: probably not yet needed, as we don't have than 
many terms now

[17:07] MariaKeet: FL: ok, look into it probably a bit later then

[17:08] MariaKeet: FL: acronyms: can do doubling too

[17:09] FrankLoebe: .
=== 3a. updates to textbook listing: some issues ===

[17:12] FrankLoebe: JB: I looked into classifications, but there are 
typically no ontology subjects except for in philosophy (none in 
computer sciences)

[17:12] FrankLoebe: JB: we'd also need a subclassification which does 
not exist

[17:16] ZenaWood: I am really sorry but I have to go to another meeting 
- I was going to report that I will send out the Wordpress quiz link out 
when I send the textbook meeting out. I am sorry - I have not had any 
chance to finish it whilst traveling.

[17:18] FrankLoebe: JB: in Spain there is an alphabetic ordering system 
that uses keys composed of 3 letters of the author names plus 3 letters 
of the title

[17:18] FrankLoebe: JB: [action] I could edit the pages until next 
meeting to let us see what we think

[17:23] FrankLoebe: < discussion about ways of ordering the elements 
within the broad categories of document types >

[17:25] FrankLoebe: [agreement] order elements by year (newest things 
first), within years by the Spanish system described

[17:26] MariaKeet: [[EDIT: wiki password removed]]

[17:27] FrankLoebe: .
== next meeting ==

[17:32] FrankLoebe: < discussion about what to do with May 1 vs May 8 vs 
May 15 >

[17:33] FrankLoebe: [agreement] next EduTC meeting on May 15, in the 
week before (May 08) we may have the textbook meeting, despite regrets 
from Maria

[17:43] FrankLoebe: .
== participants ==
   JB  Julita Bermejo-Alonso
   AG  Aldo Gangemi            [invited]
   MK  Maria Keet
   FL  Frank Loebe
   SL  Sandra Lovrencic
   TS  Todd Schneider          [chat only]
   ZW  Zena Wood
< transcript ends >
-------------- next part --------------
= 28th Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Comm. on Education - April 10, 2018 =

   --> Meeting n.28            Tue, April 10, 2018 [1]
       10:00 EDT / 15:00 BST / 16:00 CEST / 16:00 SAST

   Skype: https://join.skype.com/a36OQeLjaIzd
   Chat : http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_edu_20180410

[1] https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20180410T1400

-- edited session transcript --

[16:01] MariaKeet: 
= 28th Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Comm. on Education - April 10, 2018 =

== participants ==

  JB  Julita Bermejo-Alonso
  MK  Maria Keet
  FL  Frank Loebe
  SL  Sandra Lovrencic  
  TS  Todd Schneider     
  ZW  Zena Wood

  < none >

== agenda ==

   0. adoption of agenda

 ! 1. update on ISAO 2018                            [MK/ISAO Chairs]
      a. 1st call for participation?
      b. other

   2. EduTC planning for 2018
      a. progress on timeline for textbook work in 2018          [ZW]
      b. progress on timeline for termlist before ISAO 2018      [FL]

   3. wiki maintenance
      a. updates to textbook listing: some issues    [JB]
      b. term/definition and formatting updates      [FL]
      c. other updates?

 ? 5. pub quizzes
      a. ISAO 2016 quiz draft in Wordpress           [ZW]

   6. AOB

   7. next meeting(s)

[16:04] FrankLoebe: < session starts >

[16:04] FrankLoebe: MK: agenda adopted as is

[16:04] FrankLoebe: .
== 1. update on ISAO 2018 ==
      a. 1st call for participation?
      b. other

[16:05] FrankLoebe: MK: 1. CfParticipation is needed soon - any updates?

[16:06] FrankLoebe: AG: we have a 1st draft now, which got distributed among a few people for checking

[16:07] FrankLoebe: AG: I've just sent it via Skype, please let me know of comments

[16:08] FrankLoebe: MK: ok, comments should be sent after the meeting, perhaps by today

[16:08] FrankLoebe: MK: call should go out during this week

[16:08] FrankLoebe: AG: Antony Galton informed me that he cannot attend ISAO; I will attend

[16:09] FrankLoebe: AG: Would anybody else be available to support me in coordinating?

[16:10] FrankLoebe: FL: ^ I assume: while ISAO is ongoing

[16:10] FrankLoebe: AG: real program should be arranged for over the next few weeks

[16:12] FrankLoebe: AG: regarding speakers, we have the four stated in the CfPart, i.e., Maureen Donelly (Buffalo), Maria Keet (Cape Town), Anita Britz (Stellenbosch), Stefan Schulz (Graz, Austria)

[16:13] FrankLoebe: < quote from the call >
* Arina Britz, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
 (First-order Logic and Description Logics)

* Maureen Donnelly, University of Buffalo, New York, USA
 (Mereology, Location, and Time)

* Maria Keet, University of Cape Town, South Africa
 (Semantics and Conceptual Modelling)

* Stefan Schulz, Medical University of Graz, Austria
 (Biomedical Ontology)
</ quote >

[16:14] FrankLoebe: MK: what about the 2 invited speakers at FOIS? would they join, e.g. for a guest lecture?

[16:14] FrankLoebe: AG: I'm not fully sure about the invitation status and feedback; Antony Galton is handling that

[16:15] FrankLoebe: AG: the program will be more structured than the list of lecturers with topics in the call

[16:17] FrankLoebe: FL: The status of Michael Gruninger of giving a guest lecture or not seems to be unclear. Perhaps he could be informed about that, please.

[16:18] FrankLoebe: AG: [action] [AG] Ok, I'll take that to Antony Galton.

[16:18] FrankLoebe: MK: Peter Simons also expressed interest in giving a guest lecture.

[16:18] FrankLoebe: MK: any other requests for Aldo regarding ISAO?

[16:18] FrankLoebe: MK: the budget still needs to be finalized

[16:19] FrankLoebe: AG: Budget will cover accommodation of lecturers; but will it cover travel costs, too?

[16:21] FrankLoebe: MK: we might pay for S.Schulz and M.Donelly, but in previous ISAOs there has not been much funding, including not for the chairs

[16:21] FrankLoebe: AG: I note the item on pub quizzes on the agenda ...

[16:21] FrankLoebe: MK: that's actually concerning the former pub quizzes

[16:23] FrankLoebe: AG: I'd like to have much interaction insofar a pub quiz would be good.

[16:24] FrankLoebe: AG: No final decision on having a pub quiz yet, but I'll discuss that with Antony Galton and then we decide.

[16:24] FrankLoebe: MK: Please make sure, if a pub quiz is to happen, to let us know if you would want questions from us, from former pub quizzes

[16:27] FrankLoebe: FL: comment on the budget discussion: assuming not much funding, how does it work to pay for lecturers, without rather high fees?

[16:28] FrankLoebe: MK: basically this applies only to two international full lecturers, not to guest lecturers (I myself and Arina Britz won't need funding)

[16:29] FrankLoebe: MK: on the date of ISAO: it's Sep 10-15, website will be updated, CfPart should take this into account, too.

[16:29] FrankLoebe: MK: feedback on CfParticipation should be provided by the end of the day

[16:30] FrankLoebe: MK: thanks to Aldo
< AG leaves >

[16:30] FrankLoebe: Todd, are you on Skype?

[16:31] FrankLoebe: .
==    2. EduTC planning for 2018 ==
      a. progress on timeline for textbook work in 2018          [ZW]
      b. progress on timeline for termlist before ISAO 2018      [FL]

[16:32] FrankLoebe: ZW: timeline will still be done, I'll send it to [iaoa-education]

[16:32] FrankLoebe: ZW: I'm also going to propose a meeting for the week before the next EduTC meeting

[16:33] FrankLoebe: timeline for termlist: status from last Meeting:
Jun 30: first draft done
Aug: consistency checking (4 weeks)
Sep 02 (Sun): be done the week before ISAO, then announce it
* ISAO: Sep 10-15

[16:33] FrankLoebe: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aFp9-mUpq--l-9X5Q1GOl_8_G7h6ngDhZJdPkbYBrMc/edit?usp=sharing

[16:41] FrankLoebe: < discussion about the spreadsheet and how to use it collaboratively vs mainly FL handling a local spreadsheet >

[16:47] FrankLoebe: [agreement] use the term list for "editing reservations" as discussed, e.g. "[MK, Apr 15, 2018]"

[16:48] FrankLoebe: SL: [action] add * Ontology pages (6)

[16:49] FrankLoebe: [action] [MK] add relation, Particular-Particular Relation?

[16:50] FrankLoebe: [action] [FL] Entity

[16:51] FrankLoebe: [action] [FL] assess the status of existing definitions by next meeting

[16:51] FrankLoebe: ^ all of the immediately preceding action items are due by next meeting

[16:52] FrankLoebe: .
== 3. wiki maintenance ==
      a. updates to textbook listing: some issues    [JB]
      b. term/definition and formatting updates      [FL]
      c. other updates?

[16:53] FrankLoebe: MK: < item 3a. skipped as JB is missing >

[16:57] MariaKeet: FL: formatting as at the top part of the continuant page

[16:57] FrankLoebe: comments on the term list:
* add sections on deprecated terms and on considered, but not included terms
* terms in all sections should be ordered alphabetically
* how to deal with terms and
 ** synonyms: doubling implemented for Continuant/Endurant
 ** acronyms: which first, which second? double entries?
 ** subordination displayed on the term list?
  *** double entries, as main & subordinated?
  *** should be no problem due to being links only avoid doubling?
  *** then which criteria for subordination or not?
* terms-in-context pages
 ** e.g., as for terminological systems, start with deKeizer
 ** e.g., as for foundational ontologies
 ** could contain further terms, which do not get included

[16:57] MariaKeet: FL: reference: on the termlist reference page

[16:57] MariaKeet: all: adding content now more important than best formatting

[16:58] MariaKeet: FL: what about a student for formatting/I have none now

[16:58] MariaKeet: FL: what with a list of "deprecated terms"?

[16:58] MariaKeet: FL: need to keep terms listed alphabetically

[16:59] MariaKeet: FL: how to deal with terms that are quasi-structured and others not? the case of synonyms and of subterms

[17:00] MariaKeet: subordinate the subterms or also list under the main list, i.e. doubling the links?

[17:00] MariaKeet: FL: and finally, what with the acronyms, like DOLCE, BFO etc?

[17:02] MariaKeet: MK: doubling ok

[17:02] MariaKeet: ZW, SL: also ok with doubling, as long as it's done consistently

[17:04] MariaKeet: FL: 'terms in context', or: putting terms together into subtopic? e.g., like all terms that have to do with glossaries, with CNLs, top-level ontologies and so on?

[17:06] MariaKeet: FL: this could be an alternative to the subordination, and just use a flat list

[17:06] MariaKeet: SL: probably not yet needed, as we don't have than many terms now

[17:07] MariaKeet: FL: ok, look into it probably a bit later then

[17:08] MariaKeet: FL: acronyms: can do doubling too

[17:09] FrankLoebe: .
=== 3a. updates to textbook listing: some issues ===

[17:12] FrankLoebe: JB: I looked into classifications, but there are typically no ontology subjects except for in philosophy (none in computer sciences)

[17:12] FrankLoebe: JB: we'd also need a subclassification which does not exist

[17:16] ZenaWood: I am really sorry but I have to go to another meeting - I was going to report that I will send out the Wordpress quiz link out when I send the textbook meeting out. I am sorry - I have not had any chance to finish it whilst traveling.

[17:18] FrankLoebe: JB: in Spain there is an alphabetic ordering system that uses keys composed of 3 letters of the author names plus 3 letters of the title

[17:18] FrankLoebe: JB: [action] I could edit the pages until next meeting to let us see what we think

[17:23] FrankLoebe: < discussion about ways of ordering the elements within the broad categories of document types >

[17:25] FrankLoebe: [agreement] order elements by year (newest things first), within years by the Spanish system described

[17:26] MariaKeet: [[EDIT: wiki password removed]]

[17:27] FrankLoebe: .
== next meeting ==

[17:32] FrankLoebe: < discussion about what to do with May 1 vs May 8 vs May 15 >

[17:33] FrankLoebe: [agreement] next EduTC meeting on May 15, in the week before (May 08) we may have the textbook meeting, despite regrets from Maria

[17:43] FrankLoebe: .
== participants ==
  JB  Julita Bermejo-Alonso
  AG  Aldo Gangemi            [invited]
  MK  Maria Keet
  FL  Frank Loebe
  SL  Sandra Lovrencic  
  TS  Todd Schneider          [chat only]
  ZW  Zena Wood
< transcript ends >

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