[iaoa-education] IAOA Education Committee Meeting n.23 on Thu 2017.09.07: announcement (for in ca. 24h!)

Zena Wood Z.Wood at greenwich.ac.uk
Thu Sep 7 13:37:33 CEST 2017

Dear all,

Due to the number of apologies today I would like to postpone today's meeting. Could people make the same time a week today (i.e., the 14th September)?



On 7 Sep 2017, at 06:58, Andrea Westerinen <arwesterinen at gmail.com<mailto:arwesterinen at gmail.com>> wrote:

My apologies but I will not be able to make the call.

Andrea Westerinen
T: 425.891.8407
arwesterinen at gmail.com<mailto:arwesterinen at gmail.com> or andreaw at ninepts.com<mailto:andreaw at ninepts.com>

On Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 8:00 AM, Frank Loebe <frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de<mailto:frank.loebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de>> wrote:
Dear all,

the next Education Committee meeting is scheduled as follows, basically starting in roughly 24h (apologies for the late announcement):

   --> Meeting n.23                 Thu, Sep 07, 2017
       05:30 PDT / 08:30 EDT / 13:30 BST / 14:30 CEST
       09:30 BRT / 14:30 SAST               (cf. [1])

   Skype: https://join.skype.com/a36OQeLjaIzd
   Chat : http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/iaoa_edu_20170907

Please find an agenda proposal below and suggest further items that you
would like to discuss.

Note that Maria cannot join tomorrow. Though without confirmation yet, I hope that Zena will be present.

Best regards,

[1] local meeting date and time(s)


= 23rd Meeting of the IAOA Techn. Comm. on Education - September 07, 2017 =

== participants ==

  FL  Frank Loebe
  SL  Sandra Lovrencic
  TS  Todd Schneider
  AW  Andrea Westerinen
  ZW  Zena Wood

  MK  Maria Keet

long-term unavailability:
* Oct 5: FL on vacation

== agenda ==

  0. adoption of agenda

  1. update on FOIS and ISAO 2018
     a. FOIS general chairs determined
     b. status wrt ISAO general and PC chairs
     c. reconfirm idea of call for courses

  2. JOWO 2017
     a. pub quiz @ JOWO - relation to EduTC?
     b. any (other) form of presentation of EduTC @ JOWO?

  3. pub quiz @ wiki: status
     a. quiz draft in Wordpress                                  [ZW]

  4. wiki maintenance
     a. term/definition updates
        1: mention of termlist at Summer Institute               [FL]
        2: formatting alternatives                               [FL]
        3: content requests and offers                           [FL]
        4: content updates
     b. updates to textbook listing                              [ZW]
     c. other updates?
        1: disclaimer added                                   [TS,FL]
        2: contacts on welcome page updated to SL & ZW           [FL]
        3: @MK: distinction between continuant and endurant?  [TS,FL]

  5. AOB

  6. next meeting(s)

== long-term agenda ==

A. ontology textbook effort  [-> separate specific meetings]
    * report at EduC meeting once in a while

B. Ontology Competition      [suspended]

C. contact [ontolog-forum] hinting at definitions in the termlist,
   reminding of connection to discussion of types of ontologies [1]

[1] https://groups.google.com/d/topic/ontolog-forum/PgKc7rIjGrU/discussion

== resources ==

* Education Committee Wiki

* previous EduTC minutes: n.22

= pre-meeting material =

== 1. update on FOIS and ISAO 2018 ==

(settled) FOIS roles [1]:
* general chair: Oliver Kutz
* PC chairs:
 ** Stefano Borgo  - LOA, ISTC-CNR Trento, Italy
 ** Pascal Hitzler - DaSe Lab, Wright State Univ., Dayton, Ohio, USA
* local chair: Maria Keet

ISAO chair candidates
* in EduTC meeting n.22 of Jul 06 we discussed 7 candidates
* eventually, we had 2 sets with role assignments

[action] of meeting n.22 of Jul 06
* ZW or MK contact candidates on behalf of EduTC

[1] http://www.iaoa.org/fois/2018.html

== 2. JOWO 2017 ==

* Ontology Pub Quiz announced in JOWO preliminary program [1]
  for Sat, Sep 23 (2h)
* IAOA Business Meeting planned on Thu, Sep 21 (45 min)

[1] http://www.iaoa.org/jowo/2017/program.html

== 4. wiki maintenance ==
=== 4a. term/definition updates ===

content requests and offers (since Jul 06):
* TS has asked N.Guarino for definitions of
 ** Category, Class, Kind, Sortal, Type, Universal
 ** NB: R.Rovetto posted a similar question to [ontolog-forum]
* B.Smith has pointed to a glossary [1] of his group at Buffalo

[1] http://org.buffalo.edu/Gloss.html

question FL:
* should we use a prefix for term pages?
  e.g. "TL-", thus 'TL-Continuant' instead of 'Continuant'
 ** pros
  *** clear subset of pages for the termlist
  *** minimizing clash with pages for other purposes
      (but no particular case has occurred nor is conceived of)
 ** cons: more tedious cross-references during editing

updates (between Jul 06 and Sep 05) at least on

[2] term list [main page]: disclaimer

[3] new page: About the TermList (Project)

[4] updated list of references

[5] updated page "Continuant": formatting alternatives

=== 4b. updates to textbook listing ===

* [action] [ZW] of EduTC meeting n.22, Jul 06:
  send out invite to add to textbooks now people are updating courses for next year

== 6. next meetings ==

by regular day and time:
*    Thu, Oct 05, 08:30 EDT / 13:30 BST / 14:30 CEST/SAST
* !! Thu, Nov 02, 09:30 EDT / 13:30 GMT / 14:30 CET / 15:30 SAST !!
  -> which time to maintain? (above: Europe)

NOTE: DST changes
* DST ends in Europe on Oct 29  vs  in Nothern-America on Nov 05
* DST starts in Brazil on Oct 15

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