[iaoa-education] Fwd: Re: [ontolog-forum] Proposed ISO standard for ontology

Sandra Lovrenčić sandra.lovrencic at foi.hr
Sat Jul 8 23:03:08 CEST 2017

Dear all,

below are new suggestions from ontolog forum.



FOI signature

Faculty of organization and informatics <http://www.foi.hr>*Assoc. Prof. 
Sandra Lovrenčić, Ph.D.*
*University of Zagreb, Faculty of organization and informatics
*Pavlinska 2, HR-42000 Varaždin, Croatia
tel: +385 42 390 851; fax: +385 42 213 413; mob: +385 98 243 341
e-mail: sandra.lovrencic at foi.hr <mailto:sandra.lovrencic at foi.hr>


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Re: [ontolog-forum] Proposed ISO standard for ontology
Date: 	Fri, 7 Jul 2017 22:12:30 -0400
From: 	John F Sowa <sowa at bestweb.net>
Reply-To: 	ontolog-forum at googlegroups.com
To: 	ontolog-forum at googlegroups.com

Todd, Pat H, David P, and Chris P,

> From a practical perspective l'll be pushing for consensus
> on common terminology (i.e., see the IAOA terminology list
> http://iaoaedu.cs.uct.ac.za/pmwiki.php?n=IAOAEdu.TermList .

That goal is not bad.  But those of us who have looked at that list
have already reached a consensus:  Kill it before it multiplies.

> this is a disaster. Both the selection of terminology to standardize
> and the definitions offered are completely idiosyncratic...
> To standardize on these would be simply to create another useless
> silo which will be ignored by some and enthusiastically treated
> as a gospel by others.

> I agree with David and Pat - this really needs quite a lot of work
> to make it usable.

> I agree 100% with Pat wrt the terms list... a few there are mostly
> really terrible (i.e. they would make the current situation worse)...
> the definition of “Ontology”... will do nothing but add confusion:
> Ontology:  An ONTOLOGY is a representational artifact, comprising
> a taxonomy as proper part, whose representational units are intended
> to designate some combination of universals, defined classes, and
> certain relations between them

That is the worst definition of ontology I have ever seen.  If you type
"define ontology" to Google, the first thing you get is much better:
> 1. the branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being.
> 2. a set of concepts and categories in a subject area or domain that
>    shows their properties and the relations between them.
>    Example: "what's new about our ontology is that it is created
>    automatically from large datasets"

The Merriam-Webster definition, with one correction, would also be good:
> 1. a branch of metaphysics concerned with the nature and relations of
>    being.  Ontology deals with abstract entities.
> 2. a particular theory about the nature of being or the kinds of things
>    that have existence.

The obvious correction is to say "both physical and abstract entities"
instead of just "abstract entities".

However, most dictionaries protect their copyrights.  If we copy too
many definitions from them, IOAO could be sued.  Fortunately, the
_Century Dictionary_ is out of copyright.  And not by accident, the
definition of 'ontology' was written by Charles Sanders Peirce:
> The theory of being; that branch of metaphysics which investigates
> the nature of being and of the essence of things, both substances
> and accidents.

For Peirce's full definition and quotations by Watts, Hegel, and
Hamilton, see the attached file, ontology.jpg.

For other words, see http://www.global-language.com/century/ and ask
for the jpg.  That returns the full page that includes the definition.

Recommendation:  For each term in the IOAO list, cite several
definitions and their sources.  To provide a broader range of
options, include the version from the Century Dictionary and
any others that may be available.

Then for each term, provide a comment area for members of IOAO or
Ontolog to state their suggestions, preferences, and revisions.
A few rounds of revisions, commentary, and voting should produce
some good definitions.

I'll volunteer to do the following:

   1. Produce a list of definitions that can be posted alongside the
      current crop that is now polluting the IOAO list.

   2. I'll start with a glossary developed in 1997 by the NCITS T2
      ontology working group:  http://www.jfsowa.com/ontology/gloss.htm
      That was a good group.  See http://www-ksl.stanford.edu/onto-std/

   3. And I'll also add any definitions from the _Century Dictionary_
      to that list.  Like the definition for 'ontology', many of them
      were written by Peirce.

   4. Then it would be useful if somebody would add a "blog" option so
      that members of Ontolog and IAOA could make suggestions about which
      definitions to extend/merge/revise/delete.


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